PEAX Equipment

Why in the hell…

Because we were in a hurry and got behind her. It’s a whole process that takes several minutes. You have to write the check, then they have to check your drivers license, then they run the check through the cash register, then they give you the check back, then you get a receipt. A debit card does the same thing in about 5 seconds.
Couple of other nuggets about this particular transaction. In the middle of writing her check, the lady sees someone that she knows in line at customer service across the store. She stops what she’s doing says to her husband, hey look, it’s Betty. They all have to wave and speak before proceeding.

To top it all off, I say out loud, hoping that they can hear me. “Who the hell pays with checks anymore?” And I get the stink eye from my wife for embarrassing her. I can’t win.
Couple of other nuggets about this particular transaction. In the middle of writing her check, the lady sees someone that she knows in line at customer service across the store. She stops what she’s doing says to her husband, hey look, it’s Betty. They all have to wave and speak before proceeding.

To top it all off, I say out loud, hoping that they can hear me. “Who the hell pays with checks anymore?” And I get the stink eye from my wife for embarrassing her. I can’t win.
For my birthday, my daughter gave me a gift card for a local store. The day I used it they only had one cashier working, so there was a good line of people behind me as I handed her the card. She took it and started pushing buttons on the cash register then exclaimed "Dammit I pressed the wrong button! She got on the intercom and spoke those dreaded words. "Manager override on register one please."

The audible groan from the line behind me was priceless.
Are we the same person?!
This is at the top of my list of shit that drives me insane and nobody else ever seems to mind.
I have a gas station that lets me insert my card and only asks if I want a receipt at the end. I make it a point to go there.

It used to be so much worse in ND on a -20 day when it’s a touchscreen and I just want some fuel but have to play 20 Conoco questions, but it’s too cold for the touchscreen to work for them to be answered and the frost bite is coming on strong.

They should add another grade of fuel called “regular unleaded, no questions” and price it five cents higher than regular 87 octane. You press it and it’s ready to dispense fuel

I would pay that every time.
By the skin of my teeth.

S.E......other than the drive I'm liking work in Ennis vicinity. Its calm down there.
Maybe you ought to move to Bozeman where the faster pace meets your needs.
Let me guess, you drive a Suburban with chrome rims?😁
Living in a small town is the reason for me being impatient. I never have to wait in line. When I go to Bozeman, I get road rage having to stop at all the red lights on Huffine. There isn’t a single red light in all of Madison County. And I only drive trucks.
It’s also pretty annoying how they have news feeds playing the whole time you pump gas. Can I just pump gas without listening to someone name Maria Menudo give me mental health tips?
No kidding. If I wanted Maria bovine intestine Mexican hangover weekend breakfast soup or whatever her last name is to give me advice, I’d watch her youtube
Now that I am retired, I am never in a hurry so watching people struggle in front of me in the checkout line is a form of free entertainment.
Make sure to drive in the left lane at half the speed limit at 7AM when others are trying to get to work. If you don’t do that, you’re not living up to your retiree obligations.
Because we were in a hurry and got behind her. It’s a whole process that takes several minutes. You have to write the check, then they have to check your drivers license, then they run the check through the cash register, then they give you the check back, then you get a receipt. A debit card does the same thing in about 5 seconds.
Big problems we have these days
Are we the same person?!
This is at the top of my list of shit that drives me insane and nobody else ever seems to mind.
I have a gas station that lets me insert my card and only asks if I want a receipt at the end. I make it a point to go there.

It used to be so much worse in ND on a -20 day when it’s a touchscreen and I just want some fuel but have to play 20 Conoco questions, but it’s too cold for the touchscreen to work for them to be answered and the frost bite is coming on strong.
Oh the humanity.

I remember the stressful days when you had to get gas before they closed at 1800 and didn’t open back up until the next morning.

Card? What’s a card.

Shit, apparently I am getting to be the old guy.😥
I’m retired now. Use credit card for everything I can. I have a Citi bank cash back card. 2% back on all purchases. I’d never use a debit card. At local small businesses I always pay cash. I know it costs them probably 4% or more if I use my credit card. I don’t know if it’s the same now but I had a business before I retired and fees were higher for me if I took a debit card. I didn’t take debit just ran it as credit. I hated paying credit card fees. Now I play the game and take the 2% back.
Because we were in a hurry and got behind her. It’s a whole process that takes several minutes. You have to write the check, then they have to check your drivers license, then they run the check through the cash register, then they give you the check back, then you get a receipt. A debit card does the same thing in about 5 seconds.
You're complaining because they wasted your time but you had time to come on here and bitch about it? First world problems. LOL

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