Why in the hell…

It seems to be an old woman thing. You would think they could at least fill out everything but the amount before she gets to the register, but that seems to be the proper time to dig around the purse to find the checkbook
There is a whole ritual that must be followed exactly. The cashier gives the total. Stand there and look bewildered for a bit then dig around in the purse for a couple of minutes to find the checkbook. Stare blankly into purse for a minute then start digging for a pen. Find a pen and start to write. shake pen a couple of times and start to write again. Tell the cashier that the pen doesn't work and put it back in the purse and dig for another pen. Pull out the same pen and start to write. Shake pen and try to write again. giggle and put the pen back in the purse and dig around for another pen. Start to write then stop and stare off into space for a bit then ask the cashier what the date is. Start to write again then stop and ask the cashier to repeat the date. Write the date and ask the cashier for the total. Turn and stare in disbelief at the cash register for a bit then ask for the total again. Ask the cashier if he/ she is sure. Finish writing the check and start slowly tearing it out of the book one perforation hole at a time, stopping halfway through to stretch out the finger cramps. Finally, stare at the check for a bit then hand it to the cashier. After the check clears, take the receipt and stare at it for a while, then copy the total down in the ledger and subtract it from the previous total. Recheck the math. Put the checkbook back in the purse and stare blankly at the pen for a minute like you don't know what it is, then smile and put it back in the purse. Wave the receipt at the cashier and say, "By by sweety."
There is a whole ritual that must be followed exactly. The cashier gives the total. Stand there and look bewildered for a bit then dig around in the purse for a couple of minutes to find the checkbook. Stare blankly into purse for a minute then start digging for a pen. Find a pen and start to write. shake pen a couple of times and start to write again. Tell the cashier that the pen doesn't work and put it back in the purse and dig for another pen. Pull out the same pen and start to write. Shake pen and try to write again. giggle and put the pen back in the purse and dig around for another pen. Start to write then stop and stare off into space for a bit then ask the cashier what the date is. Start to write again then stop and ask the cashier to repeat the date. Write the date and ask the cashier for the total. Turn and stare in disbelief at the cash register for a bit then ask for the total again. Ask the cashier if he/ she is sure. Finish writing the check and start slowly tearing it out of the book one perforation hole at a time, stopping halfway through to stretch out the finger cramps. Finally, stare at the check for a bit then hand it to the cashier. After the check clears, take the receipt and stare at it for a while, then copy the total down in the ledger and subtract it from the previous total. Recheck the math. Put the checkbook back in the purse and stare blankly at the pen for a minute like you don't know what it is, then smile and put it back in the purse. Wave the receipt at the cashier and say, "By by sweety."
You forgot the part where she sorts through a stack of coupons the size of a deck of playing cards.
Credit cards are evil.
It's a 1 to 4% discount on everything you buy.

Paychecks are direct deposited into checking. Credit account balance is auto-drafted from checking. Credit card rewards are auto-deposited into a brokerage account. Brokerage account accrues interest. Simple system, all automatic, pays me more than $1000/yr.

Let us also not forget using a 0% interest credit card for all the annual hunting applications. Doesn't cost a thing, pay no interest, make only minimum payments that are auto-drafted from checking. By the time unsuccessful applications are refunded, the non-refundable portions like licenses and app fees have already been paid. If by some miracle I draw a license, I pay off the remaining balance before 0% interest runs out. Allows me to apply for every species I want without needing to take $15k out of savings every year.
My water, sewer, and trash is managed by the city. They charge 3% to use your credit card or you can setup direct deposit from your bank account and they tack in a $1 “convenience fee.”

That’s big government right there.
What is my alternative? 0.63 stamp and whatever for an envelope? Or I could burn some gas and time to hand deliver?

Here is my dollar, thank you. :rolleyes:
Blatant hijack of the original content but I would like to introduce chapter two of “What the Hell?…

Sixty year old guy driving a $60,000 Audi in Big Sky steps out wearing a Dutton Ranch Yellowstone branded jacket that was probably mass produced in Bangladesh for ten dollars and sold to him for $200. WTH????
Anyone that doesn't use some kind of rewards credit card wherever and whenever possible is just throwing away money.
Unless there is a discount for not using one... I charge 4% on any card charge to cover the bank and point fees, those points still cost you, but few places give a discount for paying with check so then by all means use the card.
i hate having to pay at the pump or prepay inside. I understand why stores have to do it, unfortunately, but for honest people it sucks especially if we are going inside to buy some as well.

And don’t get me started on all the promps at a gas station. Prepay or pay inside, Zip code, PIN code, are you a member of our loyalty club, do you want to be a member of our loyalty club, why are you putting more gas in that POS than it’s worth, do you really have that extra stupid window sticker on your vehicle, do you want a car wash, which car wash do you want, which fuel grade do you want, did you enjoy shopping with us today?
spot on Gellar
Checkbooks are a liability in my mind. We had a checkbook stolen out of our rig in Missoula a few months back. Much more difficult to deal with than having a card stolen. It was stolen on a Friday, and the bank to which it was tied didn't open till Tuesday due to a holiday. No one to call. Online, we could put a stop on all checks after a specific check number, and we could do our best to identify which check number we were on, but we are sloppy, and may or may not right checks in order. The bastard who stole from us could've written a lot of checks by the time we figured it out. Had to file a police report and all that stuff. I feel like with an account number and a routing number a person might be able to do some damage online too, but that stuff floats over my head.

With a stolen debit card, it would've just been a call to the card company to shut her down. For us, there is definitely no reason to ever have our new checkbook leave the house.
Had a check book stolen on an office breakin.
The detective told me that put me in front of all fo you credit card people.
Passing checks is a felony
Hey! Stop changing the topic back the original topic. We’re on chapter two now. WTH?😄
I don’t understand the fascination with that show or why a grown man or woman would wear clothing with a brand from a fake TV show. But that stuff is everywhere.
I understand it from the tourists. This guy was driving a car with Montana plates.
I went to the courthouse to register a vehicle and one of the ladies working there had on a t shirt from the show.

I was in Murdochs the other day looking at the belt buckles from Montana Silversmiths. Sure enough, one with the Yellowstone brand.
I don’t understand the fascination with that show or why a grown man or woman would wear clothing with a brand from a fake TV show. But that stuff is everywhere.
Same reason people buy "merch" from their favorite influencers?