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Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

This guy is really insistent on someone he barely knows coming out into the woods with him. Like really insistent.

Something don't quite smell right.
That's why we always ask if serial killer before going on hunt with someone from this site.
Boys and Jane
Just over 12 hours since posting this thread. I've got more responses, good or bad, just responses, than all my threads, COMBINED.! And I've been singly answering every single one. So no @Nick87 you're not being punked or catfished.
Think if just 10% of you had responded to any other thread just to open a line of communication. Not to invite or anything. Just to be accepting and actually be interested in possibly getting to know someone that you migh actually enjoy chatting with and exchange stories, etc.

Be good humans and nice to each other. Don't just rip people off to shred with instant judgment. 🙏 it's not a good attribute. It's easy for some to just type crazy. Far and behind their screen. Maybe try to be different than what the teenagers and social media has become. I'm nobody yo try to teach anyone. God knows I could use some myself, and I'm sure I need to be better too. We all should. There shouldn't be this much hate at all, let alone for someone you don't even know. Peace.
I’ve only met 1 other hunttalker, that I know of and it was by complete chance. I was dropping my 4wheeler off at a river access to shuttle myself back to upriver to my truck after I canoed a stretch of river. I had my 4wheeler unloaded and a truck pulled in and we said our pleasantries as I kept working on strapping my canoe back down to head to the upstream access. The other guy and I were chatting as I was finishing up and he comes over and goes do you go on a website called hunttalk? Are you gellar? He was just hiking, So I invited to float the river with me. I made sure he stayed in front of the canoe so I could keep my eye on him just in case he was a serial killer, But he turned out to be a good dude, and we caught a lot of fish that day. Now we text back and forth sharing hunting and fishing information and see each other every couple months.

Here’s a picture of me from that day with a brown trout.
View attachment 328955
This would be the way.
Boys and Jane
Just over 12 hours since posting this thread. I've got more responses, good or bad, just responses, than all my threads, COMBINED.! And I've been singly answering every single one. So no @Nick87 you're not being punked or catfished.
Think if just 10% of you had responded to any other thread just to open a line of communication. Not to invite or anything. Just to be accepting and actually be interested in possibly getting to know someone that you migh actually enjoy chatting with and exchange stories, etc.

Be good humans and nice to each other. Don't just rip people off to shred with instant judgment. 🙏 it's not a good attribute. It's easy for some to just type crazy. Far and behind their screen. Maybe try to be different than what the teenagers and social media has become. I'm nobody yo try to teach anyone. God knows I could use some myself, and I'm sure I need to be better too. We all should. There shouldn't be this much hate at all, let alone for someone you don't even know. Peace.
How do you think I met the people I’m hunting with. Usually a thread like this. Get way off topic and then have something to build a friendship off of. The more you are around the more you will meet people and get to know others. At this point I think I’ve met 10-12 ht guys. Given a lot of help and aided some guys with waypoints and hunts. They are probably the ones I give the most shit to! Just look. Two of the guys I’m hunting with this year deleted their accounts because I hurt their feelings and they needed to take some time off and only lurk from afar.

To all you deleted and banned members, just know that I see you and know you can’t stay away!
Wow! Don't know where to begin...

First opportunity to meet with HT members was 2012 rehabbing from quadriplegia - atv neck break.
Very kind of them along with cards and items sent by others.
Meet up with one to this day from that setting.
2014 was the first year HT bear hunts. @Elkoholic screen printed hoodie sweatshirts that first year.
That went on for several years. Got to know a few as we'd bump into each other @ Region one and two FWP meetings. Met a few during travels to Helena. A couple stayed at our house while traveling through.
Go fishing with another on occasion.
There are some down right genuine people of past and present I've had the privilege of meeting.

While I have a middle finger a few online chest thumpers can twirl upon, the vast majority are fantastic people!

Meh, we each have our interests. We all make, take, and / or give HT what we want. To each his/her own.

I've been a member of this fine site for 12 years and have yet to meet anyone, but then I have no problem of going out and figuring things out on my own for new places to go. Granted I have been hunting and in the woods for over 5 decades.

If your handle is correct @Lov2hunt , just go get an otc Colorado tag or whatever and go hunt. Plenty of information out there whether on the web or books to learn stuff pertaining to hunting. Doesn't really matter how old you are as long as you can put one foot in front of the other and can plan out a few logistics.

I went back and read a lot of your previous posts and look to me that you copied and pasted the majority, even in this thread, like you don't even have the time and inclination to say something new.

BTW, no way in hell am I ever going to plan a hunt with someone that I have never met in person and hasn't proven themself to me. Just my thoughts.

Find someone in your area and have a beer with them, not going to do it over the internet.
it’s a joke. Like, ha ha very funny, a joke.
When I was working, anytime I had a free moment in the morning before heading out to the job site, I would sharpen my axe. One morning, one of the new summer temps asked, "why are you aways sharpening that axe?" I didn't look up and just kept on sharpening as I said," a good axe murderer always keeps his axe sharp." Then I looked up at him with my best version of an icy stare.

I don't think he ever figured out that it was a joke.

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