PEAX Equipment

Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

Strongly suggest joining a local conservation org of your choosing. I've made one or two friends on here and probably ticked off more than my fair share of others. But I've found far more like-minded people in the real world; and it is more satisfying to actually get involved and see results.
Thanks brother. I did actually. I mostly found 2 types. The newbies that didn't want to deal with non pro, and the old timers that don't hunt much or at all and have been coming for decades to the same spot. The few that I made exchanges all think I'm there to find their spots or use them like an outfitter. I don't blame them. They were probably taken advantage of that way and are now hesitant. In fact a couple of them did say just that.
That's why I have been trying here. A lot more people, and I'm not a 20 yo trying to hitch hike, no offense. I have all the means and the time to be just about anywhere if and when I find people that are like minded and sensible people here. But that hasn't happened, not for lack of try but foe lack of interest from others.
I've had more comments on this 12 hour post than all my other threads and posts, COMBINED. And of course, unlike your sensible comments, most all want to rip into me because I've expressed my experience. What does that tell you?
Tnx again
Not to throw that card. Well, actually to throw that card...

I believe someone used the term 'Tanny? That's a very un-Cis term right there. I'm offended and I don't even live in 'tana.
Of course I wear shirts that have "I da ho" written on the front.
...good, it's working. Summa Cum Laude BuzzH Cotillion University....
This is literally what you have to do to establish friendships…
I meant about your comment, not about establishing a friendship. Do you honestly think I'm just salivating here for someone to whistle and I jump over? No chief. Not only I like my life and don't want to end up with a shot in the back of my skull, I'm looking for decent sensible like minded people. So darn right I'd have to prove myself as much as the other people, especially in this day and age
I meant about your comment, not about establishing a friendship. Do you honestly think I'm just salivating here for someone to whistle and I jump over? No chief. Not only I like my life and don't want to end up with a shot in the back of my skull, I'm looking for decent sensible like minded people. So darn right I'd have to prove myself as much as the other people, especially in this day and age
You speak of sensibility, but you sound absolutely crazy in this thread. I can’t imagine why people were weary.
Strongly suggest joining a local conservation org of your choosing. I've made one or two friends on here and probably ticked off more than my fair share of others. But I've found far more like-minded people in the real world; and it is more satisfying to actually get involved and see results.
Mind you, this is so cal, not Big Sky or Bitterroot valley. The word firearm alone is enough to enact rage and dismay from most people. I am/was sports shooter, until some jerk messes up my eyesight in a surgery. I've had to literally bring out my rifle case at night and put it in my truck the night before so I don't scare people and don't have people running the other way and call 911. So like minded is hard to find. Nor cal is a bit better. Frankly in so cal there's not much to hunt. No water. You know what that does. I've camped as much a a week in NF around and see nothing but roaches and squirrels and lizards. That's why you get nonresidents up there and other places. That's why I'm trying hard to get to find people to communicate with here and then by other means to see if I can find like minded and sensible people. Instead you see what I get as the posts from others show here, yours excluding of course
You speak of sensibility, but you sound absolutely crazy in this thread. I can’t imagine why people were weary.
So you haven't seen any of my other threads but feel entitled to judge me based on this thread that I've only expressed my experience? Nice. Expected more from you based on your previous comments.
I have been a guide for 36 years, over 30 of those full time year round. I have hunted with hundreds of people and I can count on one hand those I would like to hunt with as a friend. Guiding is my job so hunting with people I not only don't like but think are complete ass's is fine. Now on my own time, it is a whole different story. No disrespect, but for me to ask for or offer to hunt with someone met online is a no go.
I have been a guide for 36 years, over 30 of those full time year round. I have hunted with hundreds of people and I can count on one hand those I would like to hunt with as a friend. Guiding is my job so hunting with people I not only don't like but think are complete ass's is fine. Now on my own time, it is a whole different story. No disrespect, but for me to ask for or offer to hunt with someone met online is a no go.
JP, I can't agree more. I don't expect, nor would I do that, without chewing the fat foe a while just to make sure I'm dealing with a decent like minded person. Not only I don't want to camp with someone to just be mad at each other for that time or having my way or highway attitude coming at me, but I also don't want to end up with a psycho and a 30-06 in the back of my skull. All I've wanted to do was just to see if I can find a few good men. That's all.
Where you are and what you do gives you that ability. Where I am and mindset of most people here who are anti gun anti hunt.and the only thing they know about meat is the package in the grocery store is a whole different world that doesn't give someone like me to easily find people like myself. Like it or not internet is a great tool to reach people you don't have a chance to meet locally. If you're here then there's/are reasons, that you know. Right? That's all I've tried to do here. Yet all I've gotten as you see in this thread is posturing and attacking, not one of whom ever bothered to respond to any of my posts and threads. It's really a sad case of today's humanity. I've had more posts on this thread than all my other posts and threads, COMBINED. Take care
I have been a guide for 36 years, over 30 of those full time year round. I have hunted with hundreds of people and I can count on one hand those I would like to hunt with as a friend. Guiding is my job so hunting with people I not only don't like but think are complete ass's is fine. Now on my own time, it is a whole different story. No disrespect, but for me to ask for or offer to hunt with someone met online is a no go.

A good number of years ago, I was offered a job for guiding bird hunters. I had several good dogs and horses. I could have offered horseback bird hunts. That is in somewhat rare supply.

I gave it some thought and my decision not to is summed up well by you. All of it was too important to me to take on guests who were either jerks or incompetent.
I reached out to Onpoint in a PM once, since we live in the same proximity.
Hey Man, let's hunt birds sometime.
Hey told me absolutely not, he then explained he was mostly grumpy and unsociable and preferred to hunt alone.🤣
Fair enough.
And that was that.
I reached out to Onpoint in a PM once, since we live in the same proximity.
Hey Man, let's hunt birds sometime.
Hey told me absolutely not, he then explained he was mostly grumpy and unsociable and preferred to hunt alone.🤣
Fair enough.
And that was that.
I can relate. Not sure why I am reading this thread though. mtmuley
A good number of years ago, I was offered a job for guiding bird hunters. I had several good dogs and horses. I could have offered horseback bird hunts. That is in somewhat rare supply.

I gave it some thought and my decision not to is summed up well by you. All of it was too important to me to take on guests who were either jerks or incompetent.
With your level of experience, just about most people come short. Jerks are one thing, but you're not born with competent in things. It takes practice and practice. I'm sure your first day wasn't that rosy. Probably there were others that gave you pointers that along with your will you became who you are today. Your first day of working in an outfitter must have been working under much more experienced guides than yourself. We all have to go through that. So just maybe cut some slacks for those who try, as long as they're not jerks. I remember my first year or 2 and I'm sure you remember yours.