GOHUNT - Filter and find hunts like never before

Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience like to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here for about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort.
On top of that you're being a judgemental and a racist. It doesn't have to be about color or race or sex, or religion. it's about stereotyping and demonizing a group. Unlike you I'm not considering everyone here. What a buffoon.
Man I'm shocked you haven't had more luck making friends you seem like such a barrel of laughs.
Interesting. I’ve had a different experience and have met a few folks on here. Haven’t hunted with anyone yet but have met up for beers/dinner.
Sure I’ve butted heads with a couple guys over the years but didn’t get to wound up about it.
Meeting up with someone you’ve never met, halfway across the country, when you may only have a week or two vacation time is a tall order. If you’ve never shared camp with a PIA then this may not make sense.
Although I haven't actually met up with any of the folks from here, there are a few that I could see myself hitting the hills with at some point.
The point of that post you would understand if on here long enough. A person or 2 want to scam people with lots of points to get taken to a great spot with the person in the know but has zero points to contribute to the party app. By the way I put it out there that if not mass murderer I was available and looking for a hunting partner the week of memorial day to drive out and bear hunt western WY. How come you didn't respond to my offer? I might need to change my requirements for a hunting partner though.
1. I didn't see your thread.
2. That's how a lot of people look at it, that others are there to scam points. I get it, as there are a lot of people like that. But to stereotype everyone into one category is just dumb. It's like calling someone redneck. I've met the most nice and caring ones, and some not so nice. Or someone here called me a Californian (and I'm not even from CA, not that there's anything wrong with it). Putting everyone in the same category is the problem. Instead of knowing and valuing each person for whom they are you look at anyone approaching as a scammer without even conversing.
It's so funny and not funny that I've had soon many posts on this thread when I call out the issue but nit about any of the messages thst I've sent to so many people. What does that tell you? If I had half the attention I'm getting in this thread I'd be elated.
You want to show you're not that kind of a person and want to get to know me to see if we're a good team, prove me wrong and send a private message. If not then don't ask why I didn't reply to a message I didn't see. The proof is in the bear sausage. 🐻
I can fully understand why anyone who already has some experience is not inclined to take an offer from a person they do not know as a hunting partner.

When I was younger, most of my big game hunting was done solo. There is not a chance in hell that I'd want a stranger as a hunting partner. I can't think of a single thing other than packing meat that would be helpful. Actually there is great satisfaction in getting an animal out.

Now that I'm an old man, I've elk hunted with my much younger brother. He is nearly 19 years my junior. He has extended my elk hunting career.

Numerous times I've enjoyed meeting other groups of hunters, many of them non resident hunters. There was a group of guys from Wisconsin a few years ago camped next to us. They were a good group of guys. They had arranged to rent some horses to use while hunting. It was quickly evident that they did not know what they were doing regarding horses. I helped them adjust bridles, stirrups, cinches, how much hay to feed and so on. They ended up using them for one afternoon ride.

I've also packed elk off the mountain for guys with my horses. I've also turned down requests of packing out elk, if I thought it was too much of a risk to my horses.

Assuming that people should welcome a stranger to be a camp/ hunting partner is an unreasonable ask. Asking a hunter camped near you if they would like to share a drink, now that is a reasonable ask.
Interesting. I’ve had a different experience and have met a few folks on here. Haven’t hunted with anyone yet but have met up for beers/dinner.
Sure I’ve butted heads with a couple guys over the years but didn’t get to wound up about it.
Meeting up with someone you’ve never met, halfway across the country, when you may only have a week or two vacation time is a tall order. If you’ve never shared camp with a PIA then this may not make sense.
PIA? Privacy impact assessment, or private internet access? What does it mean? I'm kidding. Glad to say I'm not one, judging from those with whom I've camped.
Except with one administrator that went off on me just because he felt entitled to, I haven't head butted with anyone. Just the feeling thst if I approach someone the first thought is that I'm there to take advantage of their favorite spot. God forbid I say I'm not proficient, or like some jerk said here that get my 12 point Elk to earn the right to be here, that sets off the immediate defensive posture. Even as I opened this thread yesterday most comments are intended to be posturing and defensive, if not downright being a JA. Frankly I appreciate your common sense and even keel tone.
All I've tried to do here for 2 years is to build some friendship and comradarie.
Tnx for your input
This guy is really insistent on someone he barely knows coming out into the woods with him. Like really insistent.

Something don't quite smell right.
If there's nobody around you and you're smelling something bad then it's from yourself
Typical Californians: please provide me something (that i feel i am entitled to) without me earning it.

Glad we got a few good(non-typical) Californians on this site, Welcome to hunt talk
Typical judgemental pull the trigger then ask questions later OF that just likes to point fingers. You don't even know me and you feel "entitled " to judge others. Typical cynic with nothing else to do than bark bs
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Typical judgemental pull the trigger then ask questions later OF that just likes to point fingers. You don't even know me and you feel "entitled " to judge others. Typical synic with nothing else to do than bark bs

Easy there tiger, you're judging the whole forum based on a dozen interactions asking strangers to go on hunts with them. If you approached those Hunt Talkers the same way you're approaching this thread, I 100% get why they wouldn't want to go on a hunt with you. I wouldn't even hunt with myself most days, let alone the person you're portraying online.

Crack a beer or chocolate milk open, enjoy the forum or leave...
Typical judgemental pull the trigger then ask questions later OF that just likes to point fingers. You don't even know me and you feel "entitled " to judge others. Typical synic with nothing else to do than bark bs

But seriously it's pounce season & fireside is usually full of Montanan's fighting each other.
@Lov2hunt, I think your taking offence where none was intended. People rarely open up to a complete stranger, in real life or on the internet. You got to take the time to get to know people and them to know you. You have a total of 60 posts in six years. that's an average of 10 posts a year and many of them are on this thread. Nobody here knows you and you're now bitchin' about nobody calling you friend.

I can fully understand why anyone who already has some experience is not inclined to take an offer from a person they do not know as a hunting partner.

When I was younger, most of my big game hunting was done solo. There is not a chance in hell that I'd want a stranger as a hunting partner. I can't think of a single thing other than packing meat that would be helpful. Actually there is great satisfaction in getting an animal out.

Now that I'm an old man, I've elk hunted with my much younger brother. He is nearly 19 years my junior. He has extended my elk hunting career.

Numerous times I've enjoyed meeting other groups of hunters, many of them non resident hunters. There was a group of guys from Wisconsin a few years ago camped next to us. They were a good group of guys. They had arranged to rent some horses to use while hunting. It was quickly evident that they did not know what they were doing regarding horses. I helped them adjust bridles, stirrups, cinches, how much hay to feed and so on. They ended up using them for one afternoon ride.

I've also packed elk off the mountain for guys with my horses. I've also turned down requests of packing out elk, if I thought it was too much of a risk to my horses.

Assuming that people should welcome a stranger to be a camp/ hunting partner is an unreasonable ask. Asking a hunter camped near you if they would like to share a drink, now that is a reasonable ask.
Tnx for the advice.
I never assumed or expected to be just told, yes why not, come on over. Heck I wouldn't do that. I like to remain living if I can help it. I'd expect anyone to want to get to know someone else well before sharing a coffee let alone to camp with. All I've tried to do was just that. The issue is that most all think someone is there to take advantage, before even giving a slightest chance. I don't expect to share info, though it's a nice conversation to exchange stories. I don't expect someone to give me their favorite spots. And yes, I've even offered to do what you said, to just be there to enjoy someone else's hunt while supporting and yes even helping with dressing and packing and hauling. And I'm 56 YO. So thst effort is a lot for someone who's not a youngster and tons of energy.

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