Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

No offense meant whatsoever, but you and I hunt and for that matter are on Hunttalk for completely different reasons. None of them are right and wrong as long as we are respectful and polite. Just food for thought.
I think, maybe we'll before my time, and I'm 56, that hunters welcomes others by their fire, so to say. Unfortunately, those days are well behind us. Those that have experience, or a spot they like keep a distance from those who want to just be friendly while not taking advantage. While I'm not generalizing, that's been my personal experience. From the somewhat experienced, all the way to the moderators and well known people here, every single one of a couple of dozens in different states I communicated with got defensive or unfriendly at the concept of even getting together. I've gone as far as not planning to hunt but to just be there like a friend and help out with someone else's hunt. Every single person thought I'm trying to find their favorite spot, or hunt without going through an outfitter (even though I mentioned I wasn't coming to hunt), without an exception, not one person was genuine to be inviting, or just friendly!
Where has the world come to? Why the negative thoughts about a person you don't even know? What happened to the actual meaning of the title of this thread, to be "a place fir friends"? What a sad world this has become.
If you're one of the old timers or moderators here, those who are supposed to be an example of goodness and friendliness foe all others here, all you're doing by taking such actions is showing this is not the place to fund a friends a hunting buddy, that there is no place here for a friend.

Go ahead moderators and admin like big fin and others, shout, demonish, deny, be defensive. Shut down my account for all I care if you want to hide the facts. You know this is the truth.
First off. Nobody owes you anything. Some of us prefer to hunt alone. That is not demonizing you, so much as you seem to want to demonize us. I've been here for 7 years now and there are only a handful of members I am ready to invite to camp.

That should not be confused with you walking into my camp at the trailhead. I would offer you a beer and a camp chair. Don't confuse inviting yourself into someone's clique with hospitality.

As I write this, you have a whopping total of 49 posts. You are still in the onboarding phase equivalent to a white van with a free candy sign on the side. Either stick it out until the members get a sense of what you are, or leave. That's on you. You need to show you can give as well as take.

When I onboarded, I had some dustups with the longtime members. They are now some of my best online friends. Some even IRL friends now. A little rough and tumble is part of the process, for better or for worse.

oh - Welcome to Hunttalk.
There are some great people here. I've been on the receiving end of help and generosity from many people and there are a couple threads where that is obvious. Make more posts. Join more discussions. Put up your pictures. Don't be afraid to join in. Rome wasn't built in a day.

This^^^ I’m an east coast outsider (yes, I know that TN has no coast, but you catch my drift). I joined a few years back to learn, and this is what I did:
-I accepted that I was new, so I introduced myself and I listened A LOT at first… I also shared what I had learned along the way, especially when it came to species and regions that I knew
-Next, I asked some general questions to learn about the species(s) that I was wanting to learn more about
-Based upon the above, I then did some of my own research, but shared it in a general fashion so as not to give away too much free info to the people who only want to do google fu searches based upon regions/units/areas and crash the party and strip the resource
-AFTER all of this, I THEN asked for help for people who were willing to share via IM or phone… the response was far greater than I expected, and very helpful.

Once people got to know that I wasn’t a fly-by-night gold digger, and that I was here for a while and willing to do a little bit of my own work, and to also reciprocate with my area/experience, then they offered more help than I ever imagined. I don’t claim to be one of the “in crowd” here, and I still read far more than I post, but I also try to be humble and bring something to the table.

Oh yeah, and if someone isn’t a little skeptical of someone whom they just met on the internet, then maybe they have something to hide as well…

I am hunting with four different people this year I met because of the forum. But like anything we all only have so much free time and I’m not going to spend a week in the woods with someone I don’t know. That’s me time. I need to develop the relationship first.

The first time you met your wife/gf/significant other did you ask her if she would make babies with you?
Well, I'm sure you're not that cute :)
I didn't expect to do as you said. In fact in every case I asked to meet. Just like you, I don't want to jump in and risk going with someone I don't know.
I'm glad you had a good experience here.
This^^^ I’m an east coast outsider (yes, I know that TN has no coast, but you catch my drift). I joined a few years back to learn, and this is what I did:
-I accepted that I was new, so I introduced myself and I listened A LOT at first… I also shared what I had learned along the way, especially when it came to species and regions that I knew
-Next, I asked some general questions to learn about the species(s) that I was wanting to learn more about
-Based upon the above, I then did some of my own research, but shared it in a general fashion so as not to give away too much free info to the people who only want to do google fu searches based upon regions/units/areas and crash the party and strip the resource
-AFTER all of this, I THEN asked for help for people who were willing to share via IM or phone… the response was far greater than I expected, and very helpful.

Once people got to know that I wasn’t a fly-by-night gold digger, and that I was here for a while and willing to do a little bit of my own work, and to also reciprocate with my area/experience, then they offered more help than I ever imagined. I don’t claim to be one of the “in crowd” here, and I still read far more than I post, but I also try to be humble and bring something to the table.

Oh yeah, and if someone isn’t a little skeptical of someone whom they just met on the internet, then maybe they have something to hide as well…
Yup, did that and then some. Gold digger comment was funny. I'm not a spring rooster or a cub trying to snatch someone's space. I've offered to talk and chat because I don't want to just getup and go with someone I don't know or don't at have similar mindset.

See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience like you to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here foe about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort.
With any forum, you just don't waltz in to the inner circle. Hunttalk provides talk, doesn't mean everyone is buddy, buddy.
See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here foe about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort. I didn't just waltz in buddy
No offense meant whatsoever, but you and I hunt and for that matter are on Hunttalk for completely different reasons. None of them are right and wrong as long as we are respectful and polite. Just food for thought.
Absolutely agree. I don't think I've written anything offensive. Just my experience here. Good luck
People are well what I'm trying to avoid when I'm hunting, sorry nothing against someone trying to make a buddy. It's just not why I joined here. I joined to stay up to date with issues. If I so happen to make a buddy along the way cool. If not, meh. I'm not much a people person anyways. I like hunting alone. With my kids or wife etc but really beyond that it becomes a hindering experience imo wondering if the other person is comfortable etc... then on top of that besides family time, I don't have much time for anyone else anyway.
First off. Nobody owes you anything. Some of us prefer to hunt alone. That is not demonizing you, so much as you seem to want to demonize us. I've been here for 7 years now and there are only a handful of members I am ready to invite to camp.

That should not be confused with you walking into my camp at the trailhead. I would offer you a beer and a camp chair. Don't confuse inviting yourself into someone's clique with hospitality.

As I write this, you have a whopping total of 49 posts. You are still in the onboarding phase equivalent to a white van with a free candy sign on the side. Either stick it out until the members get a sense of what you are, or leave. That's on you. You need to show you can give as well as take.

When I onboarded, I had some dustups with the longtime members. They are now some of my best online friends. Some even IRL friends now. A little rough and tumble is part of the process, for better or for worse.

oh - Welcome to Hunttalk.
Well, I see you've chosen to speak in behalf of everyone here.
Neither of us "owes" anything to each other. Yet if you go to a car club or a gun show or a boat convention, you're there with people of similar taste.
49 posts don't count the private messages and phone conversations, unless you've access to all of that, which if so wouldn't be nice. I've tried to pay my dues and even just go along to help and not hunt, after speaking a few times to make sure I'm not dealing with a serial killer type. The responses were mostly that I want to hunt instead of going to outfitter!! I didn't even want to hunt and was offering them to help.
Like some posts on this thread there's a lot of cynicism. That's kind of the point I'm making.
See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here for about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort.
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Typical Californians: please provide me something (that i feel i am entitled to) without me earning it.

Glad we got a few good(non-typical) Californians on this site, Welcome to hunt talk
See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience like to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here for about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort.
On top of that you're being a judgemental and a racist. It doesn't have to be about color or race or sex, or religion. it's about stereotyping and demonizing a group. Unlike you I'm not considering everyone here. What a buffoon.
See all these replies I'm getting? It ranges from self experience to getting defensive and telling me to f off? Not one person even says, let's show this guy he's just been having a bad experience here and start a convo. I've tried here foe about 2 years on and off. So it's not that I didn't put the time and effort. I didn't just waltz in buddy
Just sayin.
I've been contributing for 15 years here.
Made some great friends as a result, but also didn't connect with as many.
Didn't get all butt hurt snively about it.
Don't be mad Bro, it's the internet.
Come back with 12 Wyoming elk points with a willingness to share and you'll have an abundance of friends.
Shouldn't have to prove myself to anyone to find a friend. And I'm not a trophy hunter as you might be. Again, points to the cynicism here. Instead of being the opposite of what I've experienced here for 2 years, you continue the same negative attitude. You just proved my point
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Shouldn't have to prove myself to anyone to find a friend. And I'm not a trophy hunter as you might be. Again, points to the synicism here. Instead of being the opposite of what I've experienced here for 2 years, you continue the same negative attitude. You just proved my point
The point of that post you would understand if on here long enough. A person or 2 want to scam people with lots of points to get taken to a great spot with the person in the know but has zero points to contribute to the party app. By the way I put it out there that if not mass murderer I was available and looking for a hunting partner the week of memorial day to drive out and bear hunt western WY. How come you didn't respond to my offer? I might need to change my requirements for a hunting partner though.
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