Caribou Gear Tarp

Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

I reached out to Onpoint in a PM once, since we live in the same proximity.
Hey Man, let's hunt birds sometime.
Hey told me absolutely not, he then explained he was mostly grumpy and unsociable and preferred to hunt alone.🤣
Fair enough.
And that was that.
Absolutely. But is everyone like that? If so that'd be a really sad day for humanity. That said, there are more people in this country that feel alone than most other places, and that's not my saying.
No I’m f’ing crazy! I’m swing around in the wind 80’ up in a tree with a chainsaw 6” from major arteries. And I can take anything you can throw at me but words are just that, words. I’ll rip on myself before anyone else has a chance and then come back around and make you want a safe space from the harassment. I also could care less what other people say or do on the internet.


Damn, I think I have a man crush now.
I keep offering to show people around the game lands where I hunt but nobody is interested in the does and spikes that I kill :(
Boys and Jane
Just over 12 hours since posting this thread. I've got more responses, good or bad, just responses, than all my threads, COMBINED.! And I've been singly answering every single one. So no @Nick87 you're not being punked or catfished.
Think if just 10% of you had responded to any other thread just to open a line of communication. Not to invite or anything. Just to be accepting and actually be interested in possibly getting to know someone that you migh actually enjoy chatting with and exchange stories, etc.

Be good humans and nice to each other. Don't just rip people off to shred with instant judgment. 🙏 it's not a good attribute. It's easy for some to just type crazy. Far and behind their screen. Maybe try to be different than what the teenagers and social media has become. I'm nobody yo try to teach anyone. God knows I could use some myself, and I'm sure I need to be better too. We all should. There shouldn't be this much hate at all, let alone for someone you don't even know. Peace.
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I keep offering to show people around the game lands where I hunt but nobody is interested in the does and spikes that I kill :(
Man, why do you have to be clear cross country? I go out of my way not to take trophies so they stay in the gene pool. But some only go for that.
Boys and Jane
Just over 12 hours since posting this thread. I've got more responses, good or bad, just responses, than all my threads, COMBINED.! And I've been singly answering every single one. So no @Nick87 you're not being punked or catfished.
Think if just 10% of you had responded to any other thread just to open a line of communication. Not to invite or anything. Just to be accepting and actually be interested in possibly getting to know someone that you migh actually enjoy chatting with and exchange stories, etc.

Be good humans and nice to each other. Don't just rip people off to shred with instant judgment. 🙏 it's not a good attribute. It's easy for some to just type crazy. Far and behind their screen. Maybe try to be different than what the teenagers and social media has become. I'm nobody yo try to teach anyone. God knows I could use some myself, and I'm sure I need to be better too. We all should. There shouldn't be this much hate at all, let alone for someone you don't even know. Peace.
Let me see if I have this straight. You joined in 2018 and it took you 4 years to post your first time. Then until yesterday you hadn't posted anything since April of 2023. When you say ALL my threads, do you mean the TWO threads total you have started? Both of which are bitching about people being mean.

Sorry you haven't had a good experience, but maybe you haven't really given it a good effort.
I’ve only met 1 other hunttalker, that I know of and it was by complete chance. I was dropping my 4wheeler off at a river access to shuttle myself back to upriver to my truck after I canoed a stretch of river. I had my 4wheeler unloaded and a truck pulled in and we said our pleasantries as I kept working on strapping my canoe back down to head to the upstream access. The other guy and I were chatting as I was finishing up and he comes over and goes do you go on a website called hunttalk? Are you gellar? He was just hiking, So I invited to float the river with me. I made sure he stayed in front of the canoe so I could keep my eye on him just in case he was a serial killer, But he turned out to be a good dude, and we caught a lot of fish that day. Now we text back and forth sharing hunting and fishing information and see each other every couple months.

Here’s a picture of me from that day with a brown trout.
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Hey, I’ve been on this site for 3 years and only met the very first HuntTalker besides BigFin a couple weeks ago! I’ve tried like hell to meet people and get out in the woods to hike around! Ive seen the attitudes you’ve described but ive also had a few that say we may be able to link up, and they probably knew from the get-go that would likely never happen. But that meant something too, that someone made you feel significant enough that it was a MAYBE. And before you know it, I had folks that genuinely wanted to meet up! It’s literally to the point now where I have to balance who I’m gonna meet up with this time because I’ve had so many offers! I have a pretty big archery elk hunt planned with a HuntTalker this September, I’m hoping to get back together with another HuntTalker many more times in many more spots. Another out in Livingston that I can’t wait to get out and hike around with. I got bear spray and a gun I seriously doubt any of them are serial killers and I cannot believe that’s a worry amongst men here.

Please, if you decide to stay, post more threads and put an add up looking for huntin/fishing partners and make it well thought out! It could take a year but you’ll get some hits!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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