Whatever happened to ACTUALLY the meaning of this title???

Anyone that has hunted elk much and is successful will strongly disagree.

I am fairly convinced that your chances of taking an elk go down with every additional hunter in a group. Certainly it helps when you are quartering and packing are appreciated, but not not totally necessary.

The longer this thread goes, the less charitable I'm feeling towards the OP. No one needs a lecture from a stranger on how to help others. A couple of years ago, I helped a young disabled vet learn the ropes with horses. I gave him access to horses and riding lessons for three months or so. I think he had a foundation to build on after that.

I am sure that most of us have mentored many people throughout our lives.
I keep thinking about the term "like minded". I wouldn't want to hang out with anyone that thinks like I do.
Lol this is funny but seperately - but I appreciate the friends i have that are different than me in terms of experience, approach, and plans in their lives.

Not much to be learned from someone you are "like" in most ways.
If your approach and attitude when trying to connect with hunters you do not know to make friends and join their hunts uninvited is anything like the way you write nonsensical thread titles and spew forth complaints about normal average folks acting exactly as normal average folks act when approached by a stranger trying HARD to force a new friendship, I CAN SEE WHY YOU ARE NOT HAVING MUCH SUCCESS.

Just your tone here makes me leery of what your demeanor would be like in my hunting camp.

Best of luck but maybe back it up a notch, expect to get to know folks before they welcome you into there coveted time in the woods to hunt.
Alright I’ve read enough of this thread.

@Lov2hunt i have a unique opportunity for you. I often struggle with finding another hunting partner but never enough to make a silly post about it. Time to put rubber to pavement.

I drew a third season colorado deer tag in a northern unit that has OTC elk tags. I’m inviting you to tag along. I’m scouting this unit tomorrow. In collateral, you and I must also go on a backpack fishing trip in Wyoming on an extended weekend. All you need to do is buy the plane tickets and bring your clothes. I’ll handle the rods and the weapons. Leave the tofu and yoga mats at home.

Time to put up.
Alright I’ve read enough of this thread.

@Lov2hunt i have a unique opportunity for you. I often struggle with finding another hunting partner but never enough to make a silly post about it. Time to put rubber to pavement.

I drew a third season colorado deer tag in a northern unit that has OTC elk tags. I’m inviting you to tag along. I’m scouting this unit tomorrow. In collateral, you and I must also go on a backpack fishing trip in Wyoming on an extended weekend. All you need to do is buy the plane tickets and bring your clothes. I’ll handle the rods and the weapons. Leave the tofu and yoga mats at home.

Time to put up.

This offer extend to anyone? lol
@Dubz337 *cough *cough. Still waiting for the details.
Point of this thread is what I've asked, place for a friend. Check back all 8 pages of this thread and see how many want to bring the noose just because...
Check/join local rod & gun clubs. Join national organizations w/ chapters in your area. Point being build yourself into their setting.

Coming on to a website such as this requires a fk off attitude, water off a ducks back, and laced with thick skin. You kinda have to put in your time for people to get a feel for who you are before people might be interested letting people join in country learned over the years. Least in my experience.
We're full of personalities. Mocking, twirling on middle fingers, is the

If you choose not to live in a major hunt oriented area you work with what you have. So if Los Angeles is your area, I'd suggest your local organizations where people can get to know you.
9 pages and @JohnCushman hasn't joined in?
We need to chum the water a bit...

I've kind of come to cherish hunting alone. I know I don't push myself as hard, dont take the risks, won't take that road that looks a little too shitty but that I could most likely still make it down. But its still pretty much the the only time I get to spend with myself, doing something I love.

I think it's important to be OK with spending time alone.

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