Kenetrek Boots

What is the 1 rifle you regretted buying or wished you never had bought?

Remington 710 in 30-06. Bought it while I was in college, not knowing much better and not having enough money to do anything different. It shot okay and I killed several deer and two elk with it. But the bolt would sometimes pull all the way out when cycling and it had its other faults. Replaced with a stainless Tikka in 300wm and have been happy ever since.
Lol, I still have one . Only shot less than a box. Sighted it in, shots an ok group. I bought it to bring as a back up gun to camp in case I ever needed it if I dropped mine on scope or something. It was and is cheap. Only paid $225. Keep thining I will put a better scope on it and throw it in my truck to have it there. But lets give Remington credit, it started the cheap gun thing. Now everyone does it way better.
I bought an AR-15 upper from a buddy and built a heavy-barrel target rifle out of it, it was fun to put it all together but I sold it after it sat unfired in my safe for almost 2 years. The Elite bow I bought with the money from selling the rifle is a far more interesting piece of equipment....
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Marlin 336 Guide gun in .450 Marlin. Always fascinated by the big bores and being able to make bowling pins tumble end over end, but this thing would not eject and was very painful to shoot because of the small lever coming back into my fingers with the recoil. Learned to shoot it with my hand wrapped around the outside of the lever. Somebody else's problem now though...
BK-92 Knight muzzleloader. I tried everything and anything to get it to shoot consistently. Really soured me on the whole muzzleloader thing.
Like I stated earlier, I never regret. I bought these 3 for $90. They went through a fire. Gave the Ithaca to my son and he’s almost got it shooting. I’ve started on the 700 and put it back for a winter project. It’s cleaning up pretty good so far.


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x10 on 7400...
going to bump this thread up now that i can join the 7400 club 30-06; given to me for my 18th birthday, shot a few whitetails with it, but also missed a few too; would not group worth a dam. Looking like i should pull the firing pin and store it on the mantel for decoration
I missed this the first go-round. I've only purchased three guns, so far I'm 2 for 3. The one miss was I wanted a cheap .22 revolver for plinking. I went with truly the cheapest one I could find used at a local pawnshop, I think I paid $60 for it. No idea even the brand. But it has nonadjustable sights and hits 2.5 feet low and right at 10 yards. I would have preferred to buy a tank of gas.
Bought my son a Rossi trifecta 22/20ga/243 for his first real gun. The 20 and 243 are just brutal to shoot due to weight. I could barely stand it. At the very beginning of my hunting/shooting and I didn't know better. It won't go for sentimental reasons but probably only 22 will get shot again.
I am thinking of a 6.5 but I know I will regret it. My hair isn't long enough for a man bun, and changing gender isn't an option so I may not be able to get one.
You can buy clip on man bun’s. That’s probably what I’ll do when I get a 6.5.
Not exactly a rifle, but a 12 gauge S&W model 3000 shotgun. Bought it in 1986 w/money I made bailing hay and detassling corn. Full choke w/super long barrel. It kills turkeys like a beast and also shoots buckshot wonderfully, but I was too young and dumb to understand it cannot shoot deer slugs worth a chit, and it's too tight a pattern to hunt ducks and geese with. Son of a gun kicks like a mule pissed off at the world too.
I wish I hadn’t gotten a 270WSM. I don’t have any complaints about the rifle, I just don’t care for the caliber. It can’t do anything that my 30-06 can’t do, it’s expensive to shoot, it packs a punch, and is really good at destroying meat. I wish I had a 7mm-08 or 6.5 Creedmoor instead. Maybe I just haven’t found the right load.
and is really good at destroying meat.
That seems more like a bullet selection problem than 270wsm problem. You should give Barnes VOR-TX 140 Grain a try - I have found TSX and TTSX very effective with minimal meat damage. Or if you hand load you can make a 130gn TTSX on the slower side to reduce recoil.
That seems more like a bullet selection problem than 270wsm problem. You should give Barnes VOR-TX 140 Grain a try - I have found TSX and TTSX very effective with minimal meat damage. Or if you hand load you can make a 130gn TTSX on the slower side to reduce recoil.
Thanks, I’ll give those bullets a try.
Mine was the mossberg 835. Thing never fit right and killed at both ends.

Other one was a limited run marlin 1894 in 41 mag. It was a fun rifle but was to afraid to use it as it was a collectors item and I didnt like it just sitting in the safe either. Did make a good profit so it ended well.
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