Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

trick my rifle...

These responses have been interesting. I would've guess way more people would have been singing the praises of suppressors. I know that would be closer to the 2k upgrade with threading+atf+suppressor. The reason I am probably surprised by this is my own bias of clicking on a suppressor thread instead of maybe a stock thread or something... But there are lot's of thing's I hadn't thought of on here. I appreciate all the responses.
Forget about the Gunwerks and shooting from a ridge half a mile away and that .30-06 Tikka will be hard to beat for an all around elk rifle. I also love the 3-9 VX2 as a hunting scope, but I realize I’m old fashioned.

I bought this rifle as an all purpose big game rifle years ago, and it has been hard to beat and came in under 1k... It's absolutely the combo I would suggest for someone with similar needs. I haven't had a single complaint or desire (besides the hard kick which that limbsaver helped with), and that I only really noticed at the range anyways. But it's done the trick from antelope to elk without an issue.
Here's a question for you gun nerds. I have a Tikka T3x stainless 30-06 with a VX2 3x9 Leupold on it. Besides a sling and a $40 limbsaver recoil pad, it's as it came. It has worked just fine for every rifle hunt I've been on which includes an annual deer stand sit and a western hunt every 2 or 3 years. But I was looking at the gunwerks thread by @noharleyyet and I think it highlighted how much customization some of you are doing. So for the gun nerds out there... here's the question: If you wanted to upgrade a gun like my Tikka to your liking, how would you allocate funds under different budgets?

What would you do with $100 budget? $500 Budget? $1000? $2000? And why?

FWIW, I'm probably not going to do anything. But I was just thinking what upgrades have been game changers for you and why. And, @BrentD, if I had $2000 for rifle upgrades I would probably buy a cool lever gun and leave my Tikka as is. But that's not the question!
I have a Paul Jager 30-06 he built in 1945. Never cared for the 30-06 much but this Paul Jager is a totally different dog! If I had what you have I'd have it barreled to a 6.5x06 with either a Shilen of Lilja barrel. Mine I did with a Shilen barrel maybe 15 years ago and have never regrated it. Cost me $800 and worth every penny of it. Wouldn't think of selling it.
I’m a big fan of the old VX-2s

Nothing wrong with the cartridge or SS T3x

Limbsaver recoil pad- - check

Maybe the vertical grip and/or a cheeky riser if you’re so inclined. Otherwise I’d say that you are GTG
For small investments - why fix whats not broken. Stocks aren't great, but they work. Limbsaver/Backfire pad fixed alot of what annoyed me with the Tikkas. Trigger can be tweaked, but otherwise, they are a nice rifle.

Scope depends on the usage - VX2 3-9 is fine for deer stand usage, might notice the odd limitation but most shots aren't long even if low light. If I was going to sink $500 into the rifle and was going out west, I'd go up to a VX3 CDS in the 4.5-14x40. For a grand? I'd probably look at a stock change on top of the scope, though mine shoot very well to the point where I wouldn't want to set them up in a new stock for fear of something going wrong (my Hunter 6.5x55SE shoots crazily well). AG Composites makes some nice stocks for Tikkas as well as others have mentioned. Particularly relevant if you were looking at bipod options, or wanted to change your weight etc.

Would I worry about a suppressor? Its an option, depends again how you'd like to use your rifle, and how it shoots (cutting that barrel may affect that) - I'd contemplate it at the 2k spend point, but arent going to have alot of change left over if you have it cut, threaded and buy (and wait for) a suppressor.

Or - buy another Tikka when they bring out the threaded barrel lite. For 2k, you can own two other Tikkas and customize them a little.