What is the 1 rifle you regretted buying or wished you never had bought?

I purchased a cheap hunting rifle for my first rifle ( Remington 770). It was a .270 win and it shot straight but good luck feeding shells. Only good thing I got from it was my first deer and a respect for a .270 win. I still own the rifle because I can' t bring myself to selling that hunk of metal to anyone and feel good about it. My question is this, I don't care what the reason was but what is the one rifle you wish you never would have purchased and why?

A Winchester (lever action) Model 255 22 Magnum Rimfire. A pretty little rifle, terrible trigger pull, acceptable accuracy.....I couldn’t justify the expense or need of 22 magnum ammo. I was loading cast Bullets in my handguns and my .308 Win. cheaper than I could buy 22 mag. ammo! I fairly quickly traded it for a 20 gauge double barrel shotgun.. The shotgun has seen a little use....very little! memtb
I had an AR in 6.8 SPC that I wish I wouldn't have bought. My intent was to use it as a limited range deer rifle, but I just never got comfortable with it. It was accurate but ammo was expensive and I never got around to getting dies for it. It ended up just being a waste of time, especially as the specialty AR market trended toward 6.5 grendel instead. Thankfully I was able to get out of it for enough to pick up my Savage 111 in 30-06 which has been a great rifle that I never intend to part with. Should I decide to go back toward wanting a short range rifle, I think I'll just pick up a 30-30 or a .35 remington.
First one that comes to mind was a Ruger American Ranch Compact in .300 Blackout. Most "subsonics" still went supersonic out of the 16" barrel so it didn't work well suppressed, they came out with an improved version that took AR magazines after I bought the one with the rotary magazine, I hated the "sticky" recoil pad on that thing, and even the hottest supersonic ammo performed very underwhelmingly so it wasn't a good hunting rifle candidate. It was a total waste and I took a beating reselling it.

Another was a Marlin 336Y - I loved the size and feel, but it was junk. Trigger was awful, action was awful, hardware used was awful, screws snapped at the threads the first time I disassembled it to replace the ejector, which also snapped. Poor fit and finish. Front sight holes were drilled and tapped at an off-angle. Overall, it was hot garbage, Marlin's customer service was garbage.

I built a couple ARs with cheap parts over the years when I was still learning about them; I essentially trashed 80% of the parts after a while and bought or built good ones.
Kimber Mnt Accent in 7mm-08. Cannot for the life of me get this rifle to shoot with any level of consistency. Perhaps its just me but i have never had any of these issues with another rifle of mine and this Kimber is by far the most expensive and the most disappointing rifle I own.
Earlier model CVA wolf. They’ve since improved on the design of the level that breaks the barrel open. This particular model no matter how I tried to hold my hand different around the pistol grip always seemed to recoil into my middle finger behind the trigger guard and 3 shots would leave a knot for a week on my middle finger on the trigger hand. They’ve since moved the release in front of the trigger guard instead of behind. 👍

Watch the first 2 and a half minutes. Great solution to the sticky bolt. Had the same deal with my 770. You’ll probably keep it and use it more after a little work.
Thanks for that, I have since this post, I let my nephew have that rifle. He has been trying to get it figured out. I will let you know if that did the trick. Thanks!
Thanks for that, I have since this post, I let my nephew have that rifle. He has been trying to get it figured out. I will let you know if that did the trick. Thanks!
Awesome! hope he gets some good use out of that gun!
Wish I never bought my sako finnlight in 7mm rm. The gun shot great but the ejection issues I had with it and money/time I put into fixing it were not worth the head ache.
I was ecstatic to sell it and just cover the cost of my x bolt hells canyon in 7mm-08 which I have been incredibly happy with.
My dad got me a left handed 1100 for my 14th birthday. The gun never did cycle right. He even sent it back to Remington but it wasn’t dependable.
The first one. A sporterized m93 in 7x57 that would just barely shoot minute of barn. A new barrel later and the addiction started. It's been a struggle with dependency ever since.
My only regret is one time I bought an H&R single shot in .22-250. I wanted something cheap to mess around with on groundhogs. Never could get the gun to shoot with anything close to varmint rifle accuracy. It was a cheap gun though so I wasn't too upset or surprised.

I have some that I regret selling and some that I regret not buying
Same here. mine was chambered in .223
My first bolt rifle. Savage Model 12 LRP in 6.5 CM. At the time I wasn’t into hunting yet, mostly just target shooting. And for that it was a great rifle. But try carrying that pig around the woods, and regret sets in. It was about 11 or 12 lbs without scope/rings/sling/bipod/ammo. Sold it and bought a Win M70 EWSS, which I love and isn’t too heavy. Like I said, great rifle, but my needs evolved.
The only one I can really gripe about was a Marlin xt22. The front sight post was attached with a single screw and the hole was drilled at an angle so it was impossible to shoot with irons. I ended up breaking even selling it to someone with plans to scope it.
Winchester Model 70 chambered in 7mm Remington Magnum, just something about that rifle that we just never got along. I was damn glad to see it go.
A Pedersoli SXS 12 ga. muzzleloader shotgun. Actually nothing wrong with the gun, I just never used it like I told myself I would when I made the impulse buy. Carried it in the field a few times, never shot anything with it. Sold it for almost what I paid for it.
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