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What is the 1 rifle you regretted buying or wished you never had bought?

I am thinking of a 6.5 but I know I will regret it. My hair isn't long enough for a man bun, and changing gender isn't an option so I may not be able to get one.
The only one I regretted is a Ruger 77/22hornet. I tried everything to get it to group but nothing better than 1.75inches at 100yards. And only reason I regretted it was I traded a Browning BPS for it that was my first shotgun and saved months for when I was 12.
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x4!!!! I haven't thought about that worthless gun in years.
Worst thing is we're getting close to drawing for my granddad's gun who passed a few years back, and he has one as well. Murphey's law: I'll end up drawing that one. Not his M1911 Colt 45, not his Belgian Browning, not his old 6.5 Carcano, or his 357 Ruger Blackhawk. It'll be his damn 7400 30-06. :giggle:
Worst thing is we're getting close to drawing for my granddad's gun who passed a few years back, and he has one as well. Murphey's law: I'll end up drawing that one. Not his M1911 Colt 45, not his Belgian Browning, not his old 6.5 Carcano, or his 357 Ruger Blackhawk. It'll be his damn 7400 30-06. :giggle:
I ended up with my grandfather's rifle which was made in the 50s or early 60s and that thing is everything I wanted my 7400 to be. He normally only fired the gun about 4 times a year, the first 3 was at the range with the 3 rounds touching on paper and the 4th was always on a buck. He is still alive he gave me that rifle a Remington 58 and a Remington 1100.
I would love either of those, too. Both nice guns.

When I was 13 my granddad let my cousin and I draw for two shotguns for Christmas. My cousin got the Rem 1100 12g. I got a Westernfield (Montgomery Ward) pump 20g. You see my luck.
Mossberg 835 tac turkey gun. Kicked so hard i would think about letting a good tom walk just so i did not have to pull that trigger. It belongs to somebody else now. Made it one season took a 100$ loss just to see it go
Remington 700 in 7 mag. Made the poor decision of not shooting it for several months after purchasing it, and by the time I did I had already upgraded the stock to an hs precision, converted it to a bdl, and dropped a timney trigger into it only to find out the chamber had a burr in it and needed to be recut. Now after 3 or 4 trips to the gunsmith I've spent more on trying to fix it then I paid for it new and still have a paperweight that wont extract shells. Plan is to rebarrel it now but honestly I'd rather sell it off as is and purchase another Tikka.
Rifle: Savage hog hunter in .308
Had same model in .223 and that thing shot every thing well. It truly was impressive. The .308 on the other hand was terrible. Probably spent a year trying different scopes, rings, ammunition, even replaced the stock and it just never shot well. Savage was little to no help which kind of burned me with savage arms.

Handgun: Ruger LC9 I bought one the first year they came out. I like the general idea of it but the thing was an abomination of everything a handgun supposed to be. The trigger was long, heavy, and gritty. Had that stupid loaded chamber indicator on top the gun as well as the magazine disconnect. Just horrible ideas.
Browning A Bolt Stainless. The only rifle I've ever owned that I could not find a load to shoot under 1/2 MOA.
Winchester XPR in 6.5 CM. I put a Boyd's Pro Varmint stock on it. It shoots really good, but i don't have a need for it. I have a trusty Tikka in .270 that will do about the same thing. I cant find anyone to buy the XPR. I guess you live and you learn. Its hard to sell cheap guns in my opinion.
What I've learned from this thread is that every manufacturer has duds.

Everybody strokes on Tikka, but I've personally owned Tikkas that wouldn't shoot, and so have other people on this thread. I had a 6.5 that wouldn't shoot better than 1 1/2... sent that one up the road and bought another that shoots bugholes. I do regret selling my .260 tikka, it would shoot one hole groups as well. Recently bought a '06 that had serious headspace issues. I had already had it threaded so I just took the loss on it and sold it with a hefty warning tat it would just be a donor action.

Weatherby is another regret. I bought a few Vanguards two or so years ago, and those things wouldn't shoot. Maybe it was the fact they were a new model, but they shot like hot garbage. Sent them up the road.
I found a really good deal on a Tikka T3 lite one time that I couldn’t pass up. Oh yeah, it was chambered in 338WM... ouch!

Actually wasn’t as bad on the recoil as I had surmised, but still not fun. Barrel break in was an absolute booger, and then I realized that I didn’t really NEED a 338WM.

I sold it and found a screaming deal on a 30-06... Tikka T3 lite.

I’m very happy now
Model 770 in 300 wm., did not feed and poor groups. Also model 70 win featherweight in 30-06, it kicked so hard I could miss the wall of the barn when I was inside.
I bought a S&W AR. Thought I had to have a black gun just... well... because. Shot it a few times and once the novelty wore off I lost interest quickly and it never came out out again. Sold it for a decent loss and put the money toward other gear. I haven't missed it.
Ruger #3 in .45-70. "Sporterized" Enfield SMLE. An old Boito 12 gauge SxS that kicked like a feral mule.

The list of guns I wish I had never sold is much longer and more distinguished, although the Ruger #3 makes that one too.
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