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Venting - encounter with a butthead

@Gellar sorry they ruined your night, you did better than I would've. Which super club was it? I don't think I could stray from jones'.
It was in Decorah. Twin springs Supper Club. I had never heard of it but my wife saw an ad for it and we went. We will go back, after we save some money! 😂
As a teacher I commend you. You were professional, and you followed procedures. What would you teach the kid if you bent the rules? You’d reinforce the behavior. You taught the kid natural consequences. The missed hunt was his parents fault.

As an Anaconda, Montana boy I’d have asked him to meet me in the parking lot to discuss the matter further. If you’re from the area you know the reputation. It’s what happens when you grow up in a depressed mining town. If you’re going to talk, you better get ready to walk.
Understand completely-spent 10 years teaching in High School and saw that and worse.

Eventually I got to where I just felt sorry for the kid. Initially you are thinking “this kid is a real piece of ?:!;” and then the parent comes in and you realize this kid is subjected to the insane parent on a daily basis and is being warped.
Understand completely-spent 10 years teaching in High School and saw that and worse.

Eventually I got to where I just felt sorry for the kid. Initially you are thinking “this kid is a real piece of ?:!;” and then the parent comes in and you realize this kid is subjected to the insane parent on a daily basis and is being warped.
Yeah, but be careful. Sometimes the apple really does fall far from the tree. One of my classmates in HS came from a family of abusive drunken bums ... both sides as far back as anyone could count. Larry's brothers and sisters were garbage too. He was bullied badly on account of abject poverty (terrible haircuts, dirty clothes that smelled, etc.) but he somehow excelled in high school. Then worked his way through university until he landed scholarships. Larry became a nationally recognized physicist. As far as I know he never returned home (if it could be called that) after leaving high school.

And of course we've all seen many cases of kids from the best families who go in the crapper big time. Not terribly unusual.
Yeah, but be careful. Sometimes the apple really does fall far from the tree. One of my classmates in HS came from a family of abusive drunken bums ... both sides as far back as anyone could count. Larry's brothers and sisters were garbage too. He was bullied badly on account of abject poverty (terrible haircuts, dirty clothes that smelled, etc.) but he somehow excelled in high school. Then worked his way through university until he landed scholarships. Larry became a nationally recognized physicist. As far as I know he never returned home (if it could be called that) after leaving high school.

And of course we've all seen many cases of kids from the best families who go in the crapper big time. Not terribly unusual.
As a teacher I’ve seen both sides. People are complex creatures. I have a buddy that retired from petroleum engineering in his early 30’s, then became a pastor while starting an investment firm. This came after being raised in a meth infested house… Many of us also know of second generation trust fund bums that had amazing parents. What about big families? I taught a family where one kid ended up in the clink and another in med school. The devil is often in the details of an infinitely complex system.
Gellar...I'm betting you aren't the only A-Hole that guy ran into.


I've encountered the same thing measuring for P&Y. Only once though .. Most everyone is very grateful and accomodating...
Gellar...I'm betting you aren't the only A-Hole that guy ran into.


I've encountered the same thing measuring for P&Y. Only once though .. Most everyone is very grateful and accomodating...
That is the first time I've ever had anyone complain and definitely the first time someone has said anything in public. Curious to know why was the person an ASS. His animal didn't measure as much as he thought?
That is the first time I've ever had anyone complain and definitely the first time someone has said anything in public. Curious to know why was the person an ASS. His animal didn't measure as much as he thought?
Pretty much. We were panel measuring for the State and we had a math error we caught. I had a couple of new measurers and he was pacing around looking over our shoulders. I should have told him to leave and come back in a couple hours. It gets worse....One of the measurers has a bow shop we were at and several of the customers were around and they stepped up when he started in on us. Poor bugger didn't know how close he came to getting beat down in the parking lot by 800# of pissed off bowhunters.

The guy in question was overheard bad mouthing the shop at the archery club in the neighboring county. He is now blacklisted at that shop and the local archery club the bowshop owner is an officer in.
Pretty much. We were panel measuring for the State and we had a math error we caught. I had a couple of new measurers and he was pacing around looking over our shoulders. I should have told him to leave and come back in a couple hours. It gets worse....One of the measurers has a bow shop we were at and several of the customers were around and they stepped up when he started in on us. Poor bugger didn't know how close he came to getting beat down in the parking lot by 800# of pissed off bowhunters.

The guy in question was overheard bad mouthing the shop at the archery club in the neighboring county. He is now blacklisted at that shop and the local archery club the bowshop owner is an officer in.
People are amazing critters!
Good thing you teach Hunter education and are not in Law Enforcement, they have to deal with that kinda crap Everywhere they eat.
Sorry, I’m going to vent about something that happened to my wife and I last night while we were out to eat at a very nice supper club. It’s long and I don’t have any pictures to include.

In March I was the lead instructor at 2 hunters safety field days. For the field days the majority of the class is held online at the students pace. When the students finish with the online portion they can sign up for a field day to complete their certification. At the field day things are taught like shooting positions, safe zones of fire, carrying position, etc.
The first field day was in the morning and all went well. All 30 kids passed the final exam with flying colors. The second class was to begin at 1 pm. All the kids were arriving and getting checked in. Both of the classes were preregistration only through the Iowa dnr website and were filled within a day or 2 of being posted to the website. Another instructor was checking students in and getting their materials while I was working on something else. The instructor comes over to me and says this kid does not have a voucher for the online portion. At every step of the registration it says the student must show proof of completion of the online portion before taking the field day and they need to print and bring with them a voucher stating such. So I start talking to the kids dad and the kid is next to him. At first I figure that they just hadn’t printed the voucher off, no big deal. But I find out he has not taken the online portion. Not even started it. The dad claims it did not say anywhere on the registration page he had to complete and bring the voucher. He’s getting mad! But finally they leave and we complete the field day. We get everything packed up and I left. 2 of my instructors are still at the facility talking and this guy comes flying back in and starts screaming at them that they had a hunt planned in a couple weeks and the kid needed hunters safety and is pissed. The instructors deescalate the situation again and the guy leaves. On Monday while I’m doing my paperwork I call the safety officer for the DNR and tell him what happens. He says we handled it correctly and reiterated that it is very clear the kids need to complete the online portion. I helped with 3 of these field days last year for about 90 students. He was the only one that had this problem.

Now, fast forward to last night. Our kids were staying at grandmas and we had dinner reservations at a nice supper club. We were seated and had a drink and appetizers, followed by our meal. I had a 12 oz prime rib, my wife had a 8 oz filet and we split steamed asparagus and garlic crusted Mac and cheese. It was all very good. The whole time the table next to us had a couple our age, an older couple and a kid probably 12 or 13. The guy about my age looks familiar, but I can’t place him. After we payed our bill we were finishing our drinks and start talking to the table next to us. By this time we are the only tables left on our area. It’s the usual, from the area? Where do you work? Etc etc. as soon as I say where I work the younger guy screams that is where I know you. You are the one that wouldn’t let my kid take hunters education. At this point the kid is off the outside deck texting or playing a game on his phone. The guy and his wife are screaming at us and he calls the kid back over. He says to the kid, while pointing at me, “remember him? He’s the one that ruined our hunt and we had such a terrible day.” The guy’s wife is literally climbing over the table vigorously pointing her finger at me, yelling while the older couple is just looking at them like what the hell? I put my drink down and look at my wife saying we gotta go, have a good night while they continued to scream as my wife and I walked away.

unfortunately it was a bitter ending to a very nice meal and night. It took me a while to calm down. I’m trying to explain to my wife that I don’t make enough money to deal with shit like that while I’m not working. I thought about the whole situation on the way home and after I got home until I fell asleep. This morning I wake up over it and my wife is like that guy was such an ass and I’m right back pissed off again! 😂
I just can’t seem to understand why some people are such asses and feel they are entitled to benefits others are not. I feel really bad for the kid because his mom and dad are obviously not from the best stock.
I went through the Hunters Safety course at 11yrs and 7 months, in Az. you had to be 12yrs old back then.AZGF wouldn't certify me...
I had to take the whole course over at 12 yrs.
Back then there were no online courses so sitting in a classroom night after night was a grind. 💥
I went through the Hunters Safety course at 11yrs and 7 months, in Az. you had to be 12yrs old back then.AZGF wouldn't certify me...
I had to take the whole course over at 12 yrs.
Back then there were no online courses so sitting in a classroom night after night was a grind. 💥
In Iowa kids can take the course at 11 but they can’t buy a license until they are 12. I took hunters safety twice too! I turned 12 in August before 6th grade so I took hunters safety to be able to deer hunt without an adult that fall. We also took hunters safety as part of our pe curriculum in 7th grade.

I am hosting two classes this fall. One is a traditional classroom course that is an evening and all day on the following Saturday. The kids shoot trap and 22s at the end on Saturday. The students do not have to have anything completed before online. This class is open to anyone 11 or older and we will have about 1/3 of the students who are 11 or 12 about 1/3 will be kids who are turning 16 and have to take hunters Ed to get a license instead of participating in the youth seasons and about 1/3 will be females in their 20s or older either taking the class because their boyfriend wants them to hunt or they are taking the course with one of their kids.

The second class is an online field day. Only kids 11-15 can participate in it and they have to have a significant portion of work done before arriving at the field day. The field day consists of situations they will encounter while hunting like safe zones of fire, fence crossing, etc. the field day is part of a youth pheasant hunt sponsored by pheasants forever, the local gun club, and my office. The kids will shoot trap and get a chance to pheasant hunt on a game farm behind some good dogs.

Our group of instructors feels the skills taught in the classroom course are invaluable and even though it’s a grind for the students and the instructors we still choose to offer that type of class.
One of the biggest problems we have with kids in the full class and the field day is reading comprehension. For example, If an instructor asks them to demonstrate the prone shooting position they have no problem doing it. If the student reads the question “which position is the prone shooting position?” And is given four pictures with different shooting positions they won’t be able to tell you what is prone.
In Iowa kids can take the course at 11 but they can’t buy a license until they are 12. I took hunters safety twice too! I turned 12 in August before 6th grade so I took hunters safety to be able to deer hunt without an adult that fall. We also took hunters safety as part of our pe curriculum in 7th grade.

I am hosting two classes this fall. One is a traditional classroom course that is an evening and all day on the following Saturday. The kids shoot trap and 22s at the end on Saturday. The students do not have to have anything completed before online. This class is open to anyone 11 or older and we will have about 1/3 of the students who are 11 or 12 about 1/3 will be kids who are turning 16 and have to take hunters Ed to get a license instead of participating in the youth seasons and about 1/3 will be females in their 20s or older either taking the class because their boyfriend wants them to hunt or they are taking the course with one of their kids.

The second class is an online field day. Only kids 11-15 can participate in it and they have to have a significant portion of work done before arriving at the field day. The field day consists of situations they will encounter while hunting like safe zones of fire, fence crossing, etc. the field day is part of a youth pheasant hunt sponsored by pheasants forever, the local gun club, and my office. The kids will shoot trap and get a chance to pheasant hunt on a game farm behind some good dogs.

Our group of instructors feels the skills taught in the classroom course are invaluable and even though it’s a grind for the students and the instructors we still choose to offer that type of class.
One of the biggest problems we have with kids in the full class and the field day is reading comprehension. For example, If an instructor asks them to demonstrate the prone shooting position they have no problem doing it. If the student reads the question “which position is the prone shooting position?” And is given four pictures with different shooting positions they won’t be able to tell you what is prone.
One of the grinds was my Dad sat next to me and my Uncle was the instructor! I have been through 4 hunter safety courses, 2 classroom,
1 online( just to check it out) and one in California.
The Cal. course was focused on conservation which I enjoyed more. 💥

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