Venting - encounter with a butthead

When I was lead instructor for the Hunter Ed program here in the county, I had a similar situation. I taught the safe gun handling portion of the course and one evening a kid in the class told me I didn’t need to be an asshole for correcting another kid about the slides we were watching as part of the training.

I told the outspoken kid that he had no reason to be out of order and that passing the written test was not the only criteria for completing the course successfully. He made another comment and I told him to leave. He resisted and I made him leave and told him he wasn’t going to pass the course.

Parents were in attendance and remarked about how vocal that kid was. I continued the course until it was completed for the evening. While putting all the video equipment away and getting the school room put back in order for classes the following day, a man showed up and asked who was in charge. I told him that I was.

He then told me of how his kid had been treated poorly and sent home. I told him it was me that sent him home and why. He then got quite belligerent and started telling me how I needed to teach the course. I then told him that all of our instructors are volunteers and don’t need to be mistreated by their students.

Soon, I could tell why the kid was the way he was, as his dad was the same. I then told the guy that I understood why his son acted the way he did and told him to leave.

Two days later, I got a call from the Warden Captain at FWP, asking me what happened. I told him and he said he agreed the kid was out of line, but that the department would still pass him before they would suffer a lawsuit.

How America has become so tolerant of people such

When I was lead instructor for the Hunter Ed program here in the county, I had a similar situation. I taught the safe gun handling portion of the course and one evening a kid in the class told me I didn’t need to be an asshole for correcting another kid about the slides we were watching as part of the training.

I told the outspoken kid that he had no reason to be out of order and that passing the written test was not the only criteria for completing the course successfully. He made another comment and I told him to leave. He resisted and I made him leave and told him he wasn’t going to pass the course.

Parents were in attendance and remarked about how vocal that kid was. I continued the course until it was completed for the evening. While putting all the video equipment away and getting the school room put back in order for classes the following day, a man showed up and asked who was in charge. I told him that I was.

He then told me of how his kid had been treated poorly and sent home. I told him it was me that sent him home and why. He then got quite belligerent and started telling me how I needed to teach the course. I then told him that all of our instructors are volunteers and don’t need to be mistreated by their students.

Soon, I could tell why the kid was the way he was, as his dad was the same. I then told the guy that I understood why his son acted the way he did and told him to leave.

Two days later, I got a call from the Warden Captain at FWP, asking me what happened. I told him and he said he agreed the kid was out of line, but that the department would still pass him before they would suffer a lawsuit.

How America has become so tolerant of people such as this, leaves me breathless. I left the program after 25 years of volunteering and didn’t enjoy the program or how we have become so insensitive to people that are so out of control. I certainly don’t understand why anyone would want to be in a teaching capacity in this era of discontent and total lack of civility.
the kids always stress about the test and want to know how many they can miss. The first time someone asks me about the test I tell them it is 50 questions of essay and they need to have at least 3 complete sentences for each answer. After a few minutes of the kids grumbling and all of the instructors laughing I tell them that the only way they can fail the class is to show disregard during the gunhandling exercises. We've been told as instructors to pass the kids if at all possible, there are definitely things I don't agree with the way it is handled.
The cult of victimhood is strong. Nowadays, people refuse to take any personal responsibility and immediately look for "who's fault is it?". Kids have been taught that they are unique, special, and great at whatever they do. Parents teach them they're so special they can do no wrong and the world will fall before them. Thus, any failure must be someone elses responsibility. No standards or expectations have been placed on these kids. They have an "out" by pointing fingers and crying. It's tragic for people to walk through life accepting no personal responsibility as you search for who caused you to make bad decisions. I would imagine the person you dealt with would never say they were wrong, regardless of how glaring their own failure. Sad for the kid learning the cult of victimhood.
I have failed a few kids that were just not ready. The parents knew it. They didnt give me any trouble whatsoever, but I was always worried going in to the conversation. Thanks for being an instructor, it is more work than one would think. I cannot imagine that poor kids home life.
I just can’t seem to understand why some people are such asses and feel they are entitled to benefits others are not. I feel really bad for the kid because his mom and dad are obviously not from the best stock.

I also feel really bad for the child.

You and your wife will move on and continue to help others

The childs parents seem to already be a lost cause

But the child may also turn out to be angry and entitled, because of how he is being raised. Plus, thanks to his parents, he does not get to go this summer.

Hopefully the child will encounter enough good people, like yourself, and realize good things happen to people who work hard, follow the rules and treat others with kindness and respect.

After my encounter with the feminist last week, my granddaughter sent me a link and told me click on it ( Karen's on utube ) Holy Cow ! o_O

Thank you for helping the children, and the hunting industry ---and--for having the strength to ignore those who verbally attacked you and your wife.

Nothing is more fulfilling than teaching children. Enjoy your summer and thank you
There is just no excusing some folks.

"That's all I've got to say about that!" - Forrest Gump

Yeppers, I feel bad for the kids.

Sometimes makes me wonder why we don't just allow "survival of the fittest" to rule! 😖
When I was lead instructor for the Hunter Ed program here in the county, I had a similar situation. I taught the safe gun handling portion of the course and one evening a kid in the class told me I didn’t need to be an asshole for correcting another kid about the slides we were watching as part of the training.

I told the outspoken kid that he had no reason to be out of order and that passing the written test was not the only criteria for completing the course successfully. He made another comment and I told him to leave. He resisted and I made him leave and told him he wasn’t going to pass the course.

Parents were in attendance and remarked about how vocal that kid was. I continued the course until it was completed for the evening. While putting all the video equipment away and getting the school room put back in order for classes the following day, a man showed up and asked who was in charge. I told him that I was.

He then told me of how his kid had been treated poorly and sent home. I told him it was me that sent him home and why. He then got quite belligerent and started telling me how I needed to teach the course. I then told him that all of our instructors are volunteers and don’t need to be mistreated by their students.

Soon, I could tell why the kid was the way he was, as his dad was the same. I then told the guy that I understood why his son acted the way he did and told him to leave.

Two days later, I got a call from the Warden Captain at FWP, asking me what happened. I told him and he said he agreed the kid was out of line, but that the department would still pass him before they would suffer a lawsuit.

How America has become so tolerant of people such as this, leaves me breathless. I left the program after 25 years of volunteering and didn’t enjoy the program or how we have become so insensitive to people that are so out of control. I certainly don’t understand why anyone would want to be in a teaching capacity in this era of discontent and total lack of civility.
We live in a a world where reality and repercussions don't exist. You can switch boy to girl instantly, choose your bathroom, blame any failure on systemic racism. Reality is meaningless and you can make your own standards. If you disagree, then you are horrible for hurting peoples feelings. This is not a good time to be a teacher, police officer, or any other position where you try and hold people to standards. Somehow, hurt feelings have become a huge focus for society. We don't want anybody to feel bad and so we cater to them. Throw a fit, cry and scream, say "you hate me", and we give you what you want. We've swung from one problem to another at the extremes. You can no longer punch someone in the face for calling you a bad name, but weasely kids with poor morals can recklessly taunt, talk BS, and agitate with no fear of repercussions.
I also feel really bad for the child.

You and your wife will move on and continue to help others

The childs parents seem to already be a lost cause

But the child may also turn out to be angry and entitled, because of how he is being raised. Plus, thanks to his parents, he does not get to go this summer.

Hopefully the child will encounter enough good people, like yourself, and realize good things happen to people who work hard, follow the rules and treat others with kindness and respect.

After my encounter with the feminist last week, my granddaughter sent me a link and told me click on it ( Karen's on utube ) Holy Cow ! o_O

Thank you for helping the children, and the hunting industry ---and--for having the strength to ignore those who verbally attacked you and your wife.

Nothing is more fulfilling than teaching children. Enjoy your summer and thank you
Funny thing is, when the lady was crawling over her husband vigorously pointing her finger at me I remember thinking how she looked just like "Karen" in all of those memes!
I also feel really bad for the child.

You and your wife will move on and continue to help others

The childs parents seem to already be a lost cause

But the child may also turn out to be angry and entitled, because of how he is being raised. Plus, thanks to his parents, he does not get to go this summer.

Hopefully the child will encounter enough good people, like yourself, and realize good things happen to people who work hard, follow the rules and treat others with kindness and respect.

After my encounter with the feminist last week, my granddaughter sent me a link and told me click on it ( Karen's on utube ) Holy Cow ! o_O

Thank you for helping the children, and the hunting industry ---and--for having the strength to ignore those who verbally attacked you and your wife.

Nothing is more fulfilling than teaching children. Enjoy your summer and thank you
Yes the sad part is the child probably gets yelled at just like Gellar did.
D-bags, they are everywhere. It becomes harder and harder for me to take the high road and walk away, good on you for doing the same.
Let's hope the apple falls a long ways away from those two. Try umpiring little league baseball. Man, there's where the world's worst parenting skills float to the top fast!

Too bad you don't have the guy's name. The DNR needs to send an official letter of reprimand. Contact them anyway. Asshole may have left some breadcrumbs that will identify him. Sounds like the kind of "sportsman" they need to keep an eye on.
Just to play devils advocate cause why not? I have a child with Autism that could easily be perceived as destructive or rude, in reality new things are really exciting to him and he has a hard time conveying his excitement in what most would call appropriate. When some entertain the perceived negative behavior he thinks he is having a positive interaction and will escalate. I desperately want him to take hunters safety, play sports, and be able to ride his bike without having to hover over him, BUT I cant. Often times parents who have children who have a disability like that are still learning and are very fierce about defending their child. Not gonna lie if I had someone bullying my child I would have a hard time not screaming THIS IS SPARTA! and kick them thru a wall.
You did the right thing. Be proud of yourself for how you handled the situation both times and let it go. Don’t let him ruin your day, then he wins. Eventually his mouth will catch up with him. I’ve always liked this Evander Holyfield commercial.
They had paid their bill as well and were just talking. They split their bill between the couples and I did hear the guy comment about a $10 difference in their bill.
How perfectly typical. If you can't afford to go out to eat, stay home.
You did well controlling yourself. I would almost certainly have escalated it- probably would have got my phone out and announced to my wife (loud enough for them to hear, of course) how “we gotta put this on YouTube…”.

Either they stop acting like dopes or you capture gold for us all to enjoy, it’s really a win-win in my teenage brain, but a mature adult would probably not agree!
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