Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Venting - encounter with a butthead

Just to play devils advocate cause why not? I have a child with Autism that could easily be perceived as destructive or rude, in reality new things are really exciting to him and he has a hard time conveying his excitement in what most would call appropriate. When some entertain the perceived negative behavior he thinks he is having a positive interaction and will escalate. I desperately want him to take hunters safety, play sports, and be able to ride his bike without having to hover over him, BUT I cant. Often times parents who have children who have a disability like that are still learning and are very fierce about defending their child. Not gonna lie if I had someone bullying my child I would have a hard time not screaming THIS IS SPARTA! and kick them thru a wall.
That brought back memories of my late son Wesley at soccer. He was also autistic. He didn't get it: going the wrong way with the ball, knocking kids over, etc. Most of the kids "got it" about Wes but parents could be arseholes. I strongly recommend you consider bowling for your son. It was a godsend for Wesley! He lived for his league nights. He didn't get great scores but that didn't matter to him. The social interaction was most important which is quite unusual for autistics. Make it a family thing and see how it goes from there.
That brought back memories of my late son Wesley at soccer. He was also autistic. He didn't get it: going the wrong way with the ball, knocking kids over, etc. Most of the kids "got it" about Wes but parents could be arseholes. I strongly recommend you consider bowling for your son. It was a godsend for Wesley! He lived for his league nights. He didn't get great scores but that didn't matter to him. The social interaction was most important which is quite unusual for autistics. Make it a family thing and see how it goes from there.
Yes we have done bowling, great idea there. It has been awhile since we have gone bowling too.
Can't prevent assholes. Can only control our reactions. I would have been tempted to say to his kid, "Your dad being too stupid to follow instructions is why you weren't allowed to take the class!" I would never actually say that to the kid. I might, however, say it to the dad on my way out the door. You showed wise restraint.
Let's hope the apple falls a long ways away from those two. Try umpiring little league baseball. Man, there's where the world's worst parenting skills float to the top fast!

Too bad you don't have the guy's name. The DNR needs to send an official letter of reprimand. Contact them anyway. Asshole may have left some breadcrumbs that will identify him. Sounds like the kind of "sportsman" they need to keep an eye on.
I have the kid's name, the Dad's name and phone number, email address, house address, the kids social security number; I have everything! I could make it hell for him if I wanted. After we left the restaurant and got in the car I told my wife I was going to make it so the kid could not take hunters safety anymore, but the kid did not get to pick his parents so that's not the right thing to do.
What's a "supper club"?
They are famous in Wisconsin. A town in Wisconsin is considered a town if their is a bar, A supper club, and a church, no need for any form of municipal government or residents (other than the regulars at the bar, supper club, and church whom are probably the same people) they are usually dimly lit, smell of cigar smoke even though smoking hasnt been "allowed" inside in years. They have a nightly special something like Wednesday broasted chicken, Thursday BBQ ribs, Friday night fish fry, Saturday prime rib. If you are at a legitimate supper club they have ties to the Chicago mafia and the Al Capone gang would visit occasionally, the best ones still keep their liquour in a hidden vault as if it was still prohibition. When you order anything other than a beer or a Brandy old fashioned the bartender doesn't know how to make it!
I also feel really bad for the child.

You and your wife will move on and continue to help others

The childs parents seem to already be a lost cause

But the child may also turn out to be angry and entitled, because of how he is being raised. Plus, thanks to his parents, he does not get to go this summer.

Hopefully the child will encounter enough good people, like yourself, and realize good things happen to people who work hard, follow the rules and treat others with kindness and respect.

After my encounter with the feminist last week, my granddaughter sent me a link and told me click on it ( Karen's on utube ) Holy Cow ! o_O

Thank you for helping the children, and the hunting industry ---and--for having the strength to ignore those who verbally attacked you and your wife.

Nothing is more fulfilling than teaching children. Enjoy your summer and thank you

This is way to rational, kind and forgiving. I dont think you understand what we are dealing with

wait, just saw your second post, never mind :)

Gellar: good job on both counts staying calm and helping train our children. I wonder if there is a way to help and teach that child by having one of his/her peers ( not an adult ) explain it to him and maybe even find a way to help him get into an alternate program.

People like April and my grandfather ( older generation) are always telling me not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Child should not have to pay for his parents stupidity and maybe it will even help him not be like them ??

Anyway, that meme has to be the number one meme on the forum, I have seen it several times.

If the shoe fits ;)
They are famous in Wisconsin. A town in Wisconsin is considered a town if their is a bar, A supper club, and a church, no need for any form of municipal government or residents (other than the regulars at the bar, supper club, and church whom are probably the same people) they are usually dimly lit, smell of cigar smoke even though smoking hasnt been "allowed" inside in years. They have a nightly special something like Wednesday broasted chicken, Thursday BBQ ribs, Friday night fish fry, Saturday prime rib. If you are at a legitimate supper club they have ties to the Chicago mafia and the Al Capone gang would visit occasionally, the best ones still keep their liquour in a hidden vault as if it was still prohibition. When you order anything other than a beer or a Brandy old fashioned the bartender doesn't know how to make it!

I like the black Angus in prairie.
Just to play devils advocate cause why not? I have a child with Autism that could easily be perceived as destructive or rude, in reality new things are really exciting to him and he has a hard time conveying his excitement in what most would call appropriate. When some entertain the perceived negative behavior he thinks he is having a positive interaction and will escalate. I desperately want him to take hunters safety, play sports, and be able to ride his bike without having to hover over him, BUT I cant. Often times parents who have children who have a disability like that are still learning and are very fierce about defending their child. Not gonna lie if I had someone bullying my child I would have a hard time not screaming THIS IS SPARTA! and kick them thru a wall.
The kid did nothing wrong in either interaction.
When I was lead instructor for the Hunter Ed program here in the county, I had a similar situation. I taught the safe gun handling portion of the course and one evening a kid in the class told me I didn’t need to be an asshole for correcting another kid about the slides we were watching as part of the training.

I told the outspoken kid that he had no reason to be out of order and that passing the written test was not the only criteria for completing the course successfully. He made another comment and I told him to leave. He resisted and I made him leave and told him he wasn’t going to pass the course.

Parents were in attendance and remarked about how vocal that kid was. I continued the course until it was completed for the evening. While putting all the video equipment away and getting the school room put back in order for classes the following day, a man showed up and asked who was in charge. I told him that I was.

He then told me of how his kid had been treated poorly and sent home. I told him it was me that sent him home and why. He then got quite belligerent and started telling me how I needed to teach the course. I then told him that all of our instructors are volunteers and don’t need to be mistreated by their students.

Soon, I could tell why the kid was the way he was, as his dad was the same. I then told the guy that I understood why his son acted the way he did and told him to leave.

Two days later, I got a call from the Warden Captain at FWP, asking me what happened. I told him and he said he agreed the kid was out of line, but that the department would still pass him before they would suffer a lawsuit.

How America has become so tolerant of people such as this, leaves me breathless. I left the program after 25 years of volunteering and didn’t enjoy the program or how we have become so insensitive to people that are so out of control. I certainly don’t understand why anyone would want to be in a teaching capacity in this era of discontent and total lack of civility.

The problem with society is that everyone gets a trophy, juice box and a twinkie.
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