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Venting - encounter with a butthead

You should have sat there, silently, and let the guy and his wife roll on and on.
When it appeared they were finally done you should paused a few seconds and then looked at the kid and said, "so . . . you got that online portion done yet?"
Then got up and left.

Sometimes the only language a troll understands is troll.
Thanks for teaching kids.
Hopefully they show up to a future field day with their online portion complete and you can tell them to get bent and to find another instructor.
When I was lead instructor for the Hunter Ed program here in the county, I had a similar situation. I taught the safe gun handling portion of the course and one evening a kid in the class told me I didn’t need to be an asshole for correcting another kid about the slides we were watching as part of the training.

I told the outspoken kid that he had no reason to be out of order and that passing the written test was not the only criteria for completing the course successfully. He made another comment and I told him to leave. He resisted and I made him leave and told him he wasn’t going to pass the course.

Parents were in attendance and remarked about how vocal that kid was. I continued the course until it was completed for the evening. While putting all the video equipment away and getting the school room put back in order for classes the following day, a man showed up and asked who was in charge. I told him that I was.

He then told me of how his kid had been treated poorly and sent home. I told him it was me that sent him home and why. He then got quite belligerent and started telling me how I needed to teach the course. I then told him that all of our instructors are volunteers and don’t need to be mistreated by their students.

Soon, I could tell why the kid was the way he was, as his dad was the same. I then told the guy that I understood why his son acted the way he did and told him to leave.

Two days later, I got a call from the Warden Captain at FWP, asking me what happened. I told him and he said he agreed the kid was out of line, but that the department would still pass him before they would suffer a lawsuit.

How America has become so tolerant of people such as this, leaves me breathless. I left the program after 25 years of volunteering and didn’t enjoy the program or how we have become so insensitive to people that are so out of control. I certainly don’t understand why anyone would want to be in a teaching capacity in this era of discontent and total lack of civility.
Thanks Gellar for being a Hunter Ed Instructor. Having been in Law Enforcement in a rural area for many decades, I have experienced many variations of the scenario you experienced. Never a pleasant situation especially when you have your wife or someone with you. You handled it well. Unfortunately, when dealing with the public, you are going to eventually encounter someone like that guy. Keep up the good work !!
You are a better man than me for walking away. I would have invited him out to the parking lot for a more thorough discussion.
Thanks for being a HE instructor and teaching kids about safety.
Thank you sir for taking the time to educate our youth. The future of hunting and conservation depends on folks like you!

As far as the confrontation, asshats will be asshats. Don't let the few interrupt all the happy/good moments that life has to offer.

Keep up the good work sir!
I put my drink down and look at my wife saying we gotta go, have a good night while they continued to scream as my wife and I walked away.
You have a cool head, man! Props! I can take belligerence any day when I’m being paid to do it, but on my own personal time I have much lower tolerance and have to bite my tongue till it bleeds...I have too many good things going in my life to lose my cool and mess it all up, but in the moment I’m not thinking about that...I’m playing a film roll in my mind about transforming into The Hulk.
Having been in public service for 20 years, I can relate. Unfortunately, there are a disproportionate amount of people that act just like this anymore. Ain't nobody happy....
You have a cool head, man! Props! I can take belligerence any day when I’m being paid to do it, but on my own personal time I have much lower tolerance and have to bite my tongue till it bleeds...I have too many good things going in my life to lose my cool and mess it all up, but in the moment I’m not thinking about that...I’m playing a film roll in my mind about transforming into The Hulk.
It was a good beer from Toppling Goliath too. I'm glad we were done eating because it would have been harder to walk away from that meal.
Thanks Gellar for being a Hunter Ed Instructor. Having been in Law Enforcement in a rural area for many decades, I have experienced many variations of the scenario you experienced. Never a pleasant situation especially when you have your wife or someone with you. You handled it well. Unfortunately, when dealing with the public, you are going to eventually encounter someone like that guy. Keep up the good work !!
My job is in conservation. I deal with people everyday that think we need to do something different. This is the first time in 10 years that I've had someone call me out at a restaurant on a Saturday night.
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