Utah, it's time to oust Mr. Anti-Public lands Mike Lee

I'm not picking sides here. I like to do my own research. I've written Senator Lee and Senator Romney multiple times about public lands in Utah without a very good response from either. I might be one of the few people who will admit to voting for McMullin in 2016 for president. I read the paragraph on his website about protecting our air and water he is saying the right things. So we'll see what happens. I'm always up for new blood in the Senate; most Senators stay too long. Just hope whomever is there doesn't get dragged into the politics as usual in D.C and lose their souls.
I'm not picking sides here. I like to do my own research. I've written Senator Lee and Senator Romney multiple times about public lands in Utah without a very good response from either. I might be one of the few people who will admit to voting for McMullin in 2016 for president. I read the paragraph on his website about protecting our air and water he is saying the right things. So we'll see what happens. I'm always up for new blood in the Senate; most Senators stay too long. Just hope whomever is there doesn't get dragged into the politics as usual in D.C and lose their souls.
I think it would do the country good to try more candidates who won’t be caucusing with either major party. I know what Lee is, and he’s very much a top 5 legislator in Washington that is totally antagonistic to public lands. Romney votes what I would consider the wrong way on a lot of public land bills as well, although he has introduced fire funding fixes and a few things that would benefit public land management.

McMullin being elected would be a statement you don’t have to be tied to a parties hip to be elected. Politics in general is very clearly broken and the poles of the two major parties just continue to lean into the worst parts of themselves. We all say we hate career politicians, we want change, we don’t like what the two major parties always give us, and then too often vote to entrench all those things every election cycle. I voted for McMullin in 2016, I’ll vote for him in November. If he’s elected he has 6 years to show me, and he certainly cannot be worse than the quite possibly the worst Senator in DC in regards to public lands.
Another example of Mike Lee being anti-public land. If he didn’t have a history of this and I felt like his hand wasn’t in the financial pot somehow I would see it as a legitimate effort to address the housing crisis. As it stands, I don’t trust him. Interesting that Romney and Barrasso (Wyo.) are co-sponsors. I hope McMullin wins.

Another example of Mike Lee being anti-public land. If he didn’t have a history of this and I felt like his hand wasn’t in the financial pot somehow I would see it as a legitimate effort to address the housing crisis. As it stands, I don’t trust him. Interesting that Romney and Barrasso (Wyo.) are co-sponsors. I hope McMullin wins.

Good legislation.
The bill requires that at least 85% of the acquired land be used for residential housing and related community needs at a density not less than one home per quarter-acre. Community needs would include schools, churches, grocery stores, hospitals and health clinics. Also, no more than 15% of property could be used for commercial purposes.
Good legislation.
First off it's terrible legislation.
Second, the community doesn't need anymore churches.
Third, commercial absolutely includes hospitals, grocery stores, and churches.
Last, schools already collect taxes, if they can't be fiscally conservative with their revenue to effectively plan for future growth and the necessary land acquisitions then they damn sure don't deserve more subsidies.
First off it's terrible legislation.
Second, the community doesn't need anymore churches.
Third, commercial absolutely includes hospitals, grocery stores, and churches.
Last, schools already collect taxes, if they can't be fiscally conservative with their revenue to effectively plan for future growth and the necessary land acquisitions then they damn sure don't deserve more subsidies.
The Wasatch front has some of the worst air quality in the world during the winter at times, Utah is fast running out of water, but hey @OriginalOscar says it’s good legislation that we find whatever open public space we have to sell and build more shit. Maybe, just maybe OO Utah should worry a little less about development, and a little more about finding a way to maintain quality air and enough water. But you and your hood old buddy Mike worry about horrible legislation to promote growth growth growth. Can you now show me one piece of legislation on clean water or air that Mike has voted in favor of @OriginalOscar ?
The Wasatch front has some of the worst air quality in the world during the winter at times, Utah is fast running out of water, but hey @OriginalOscar says it’s good legislation that we find whatever open public space we have to sell and build more shit. Maybe, just maybe OO Utah should worry a little less about development, and a little more about finding a way to maintain quality air and enough water. But you and your hood old buddy Mike worry about horrible legislation to promote growth growth growth. Can you now show me one piece of legislation on clean water or air that Mike has voted in favor of @OriginalOscar ?
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Yes you very much are. Show me that one piece of legislation Lee has ever voted in favor of that was good for clean air, water,public lands or wildlife. Name one. Truth is, you can’t, but you’re so engrained into a one side political extreme you can’t see the forest for the trees. You’ve got blinders on OO. Only naive one here, is you.
Politics in general is very clearly broken and the poles of the two major parties just continue to lean into the worst parts of themselves. We all say we hate career politicians, we want change, we don’t like what the two major parties always give us, and then too often vote to entrench all those things every election cycle
Preaching to the choir. Hallelujah! I've been spitting this out over and over. Glad to see others sense the same.
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I want to put the strong preface on this, that this is an internal poll. Mike Lees internal poll showed him up 16 about a month ago, this internal shows McMullen up 1. A polling company did move this race from “strong Republican” to “likely Republican” in the past few weeks as well. But judging by some of the people saying to vote for Lee in the state of late (such as the Governor here who has stayed pretty silent on the issue) I’d say it’s a lot closer than Lee would like it to be. Take it for what it’s worth:

Internal polls on this race have been all over the map. From McMullin up 1, to Lee up 11. Regardless, Republican dark money groups have dropped $3 million in ads for this race, telling you, it’s a lot closer than they’d like it to be.

The latest independent poll, shows McMullin within TWO points. If you live in Utah, VOTE! And bring a friend to vote. Independent polls have been consistent in saying this race is close. If there’s a chance to get one of the most anti-public land Senators in the nation out of the Senate, let’s do this and get an independent voice in the Senate for Utah, instead of an entirely partisan one.

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Internal polls on this race have been all over the map. From McMullin up 1, to Lee up 11. Regardless, Republican dark money groups have dropped $3 million in ads for this race, telling you, it’s a lot closer than they’d like it to be.

The latest independent poll, shows McMullin within TWO points. If you live in Utah, VOTE! And bring a friend to vote. Independent polls have been consistent in saying this race is close. If there’s a chance to get one of the most anti-public land Senators in the nation out of the Senate, let’s do this and get an independent voice in the Senate for Utah, instead of an entirely partisan one.

McMullin is running a terrible campaign. I've requested a yard sign from his website twice and donated to his campaign and still can't get any response. His on-the-ground team is not up to snuff and he can't afford any weaknesses if he's going to win this race.
McMullin is running a terrible campaign. I've requested a yard sign from his website twice and donated to his campaign and still can't get any response. His on-the-ground team is not up to snuff and he can't afford any weaknesses if he's going to win this race.
I agree with you. I have also requested a yard sign and not got one. The sad part is he has an actual shot, but I agree his campaigns efforts on the ground leave a lot to be desired.
I agree with you. I have also requested a yard sign and not got one. The sad part is he has an actual shot, but I agree his campaigns efforts on the ground leave a lot to be desired.
It's frustrating to hear this. I have been talking to people and making them think. I was just talking with a guy the other day who was wearing a Lee shirt. I knew he was a hunter and approached the idea of public lands with him. It definitely made him think about his stance. McMullin has as real of a shot to get Lee out as anyone ever has. And not just get him out, but to potentially bring a little sanity into a polarized senate. If McMullin's team is this out of touch with the 'troops on the ground' for him, it doesn't bode well for November.
It's frustrating to hear this. I have been talking to people and making them think. I was just talking with a guy the other day who was wearing a Lee shirt. I knew he was a hunter and approached the idea of public lands with him. It definitely made him think about his stance. McMullin has as real of a shot to get Lee out as anyone ever has. And not just get him out, but to potentially bring a little sanity into a polarized senate. If McMullin's team is this out of touch with the 'troops on the ground' for him, it doesn't bode well for November.
I do wonder if McMullin/his team is focusing there on the ground efforts more along the Wasatch front/northern Utah. I’ve seen him in places like Tooele, and I believe even price. He’s been to St George, Moab and a couple places. A yard sign isn’t a make or break thing, but if I’m willing to support you and put your name on my yard, it’s worth it to get people signs. There’s a lot of polls, but the amount of money dark Republican groups are spending on ads in UTAH, when there are lots of close races across the country this midterm, tells me this is within striking distance for McMullin and it’d be nice if he turned up the heat, especially on the ground.
I do wonder if McMullin/his team is focusing there on the ground efforts more along the Wasatch front/northern Utah. I’ve seen him in places like Tooele, and I believe even price. He’s been to St George, Moab and a couple places. A yard sign isn’t a make or break thing, but if I’m willing to support you and put your name on my yard, it’s worth it to get people signs. There’s a lot of polls, but the amount of money dark Republican groups are spending on ads in UTAH, when there are lots of close races across the country this midterm, tells me this is within striking distance for McMullin and it’d be nice if he turned up the heat, especially on the ground.
That makes sense and I know that his donor pool and money behind him is dwarfed by what Lee has access to, so it may play into his ability to respond to everyone. It's just frustrating to hear because there are many of us who support him. And don't just support him because we hate Lee. Support him because he has the gall to do things differently and not be beholden to an 'R' or 'D' after his name.

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