Utah, it's time to oust Mr. Anti-Public lands Mike Lee

Orange man was fired...he's history.

Why dwell on it?
I don't. Your party is the one dwelling on it. It impossible to tune into any of your parties new sites without hearing stories about orange man and jan 6 hour after hour.

The posters in this thread bring him up constistently in this and other threads. I did not bring him up except in response to previous posts in this thread. In fact, if you take the time to read the post i responded to, the poster cited 2 examples of politicians as shining examples of intellectual integrity specifically bc they testified or voted against trump in the impeachment proceedings.

I could make a lengthy post about why I think the critique that these politicians are just good hearted people that are just standing on principle and independent thinkers bc they vote in line with whatever said posters political views happen to be is as naive as it is incorrect. But, we all know that would be a complete waste of time and forum space.

Tdlr, I didn't bring up orange man, ya boi did. I responded. Tds real.
In fact, if you take the time to read the post i responded to, the poster cited 2 examples of politicians as shining examples of intellectual integrity specifically bc they testified or voted against trump in the impeachment proceedings.
For the record, I never mentioned the Orange Man once. Also, my respect isn’t because of their voting stance. It’s because they knew they’d take a beating from their party (which they did). Party line votes don’t typically entail conscience and introspection.

Do I need to list more examples of people I respect for their willingness to stand up, despite risk to themselves and their career? Cheney and Romney were two recent examples another poster cited. Sorry to trigger you.

Here are some more for your edification:

Senator Simpson, for putting Snake River Dam removal on the table

Senators Simpson and Tester for their legislation to delist wolves.

Representative Clyburn for calling the defund the police movement ridiculous

Jim Posewitz for battling tooth and nail to stop a dam on the Yellowstone

Ed Bangs for remaining apolitical through the wolf reintroduction

Joe Manchin for standing his ground on gun control

All of the Republicans who supported the effort to make the LWCF permanent

My friend Hem who called me out on not recognizing the potential downside to a proposed WMA on the south side of the Big Snowies

Need me to go on? There are plenty of examples include involving politicians and examples involving Joe Blow America.

Now, what point were you trying to make with your picture?
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Which testimony provided by Cheney that would anger MAGA suppotters were you talking about then if not trump impeachment?
Which testimony provided by Cheney that would anger MAGA suppotters were you talking about then if not trump impeachment?
Go find someone else to argue with. I am perfectly willing to entertain an open and honest discussion, this has devolved into picking shit with the chickens.
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You're not being honest. It's typical behavior for the preferred posters on this site. You guys go around being assholes to everyone then get passed off when someone argues with you. Then cry to your pal randy that they need to be banned.
Nobody needs to cry to me. I just got done with three days on the road, when I drop in and see this kind of shit and a few others, it doesn't do much to improve my demeanor.

You do nothing but chime in on the political threads and bitch and moan that anyone has a different world view than you. If you hate it here so much, not sure why you are registered.

See you later. Take your crap to Facebook.

To other folks on the forum/thread, if you see some short-term members getting toasted, it's likely because they have been banned previously and show up under new aliases. Given how many of them repeat their previously banned behaviors, I almost don't need the software to tell me who they are and what their prior aliases were.
Latest polling is showing McMullin within striking distance in Utah. Lee 41%, McMullin 37% with 19% undecided. It’s do-able. Vote. Him. Out. Utah.

Latest polling is showing McMullin within striking distance in Utah. Lee 41%, McMullin 37% with 19% undecided. It’s do-able. Vote. Him. Out. Utah.

If this can happen, and it can if Utahns wake up and actually go vote, it would be awesome. He's got my vote.
Another new poll showing McMullin is within range here.

This one showing Lee at 41%, McMullin at 35%, 20% undecided.
An update on this race. Last night was Utah's primary elections. Mike Lee obviously won his nomination as the Republican candidate. He had 2 opponents in the race. Lee ended up with 62% of the vote, as an incumbent, in the Republican primary. Both other candidates ran as much more moderate Republican candidates. They got 30% and 8%. For perspective in 2016 Lee won the general election with 68% of the vote. 62% in a Republican primary is not great for a very well known incumbent who won't be running against a Democrat in November. It was always pretty clear Lee was going to sail through the primary, but now he moves on to face Independent Evan McMullin, who in the last couple polls have shown this will be the biggest fight for his seat Lee has ever had, and projected to be the most expensive political campaign in the states history. McMullin is going to have to run a strong, targeted, and good campaign now that the primary is over, but he certainly has a lane here in cobbling together Democrats, disillusioned Republicans, and Independents. I would encourage anyone here in Utah to vote for McMullin, and have a friend vote for him in November. This is as vulnerable as this Mr. Anti-public land is ever going to be.
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An update on this race. Last night was Utah's primary elections. Mike Lee obviously won his nomination as the Republican candidate. He had 2 opponents in the race. Lee ended up with 62% of the vote, as an incumbent, in the Republican primary. Both other candidates ran as much more moderate Republican candidates. They got 30% and 8%. For perspective in 2016 Lee won the general election with 68% of the vote. 62% in a Republican primary is not great for a very well known incumbent who won't be running against a Democrat in November. It was always pretty clear Lee was going to sail through the primary, but now he moves on to face Independent Evan McMullin, who in the last couple polls have shown this will be the biggest fight for his seat Lee has ever had, and projected to be the most expensive political campaign in the states history. McMullin is going to have to run a strong, targeted, and good campaign now that the primary is over, but he certainly has a lane here in cobbling together Democrats, disillusioned Republicans, and Independents. I would encourage anyone here in Utah to vote for McMullin, and have a friend vote for him in November. This is as vulnerable as this Mr. Anti-public land is ever going to be.
Thanks for the update. I completely agree with you. This feels like a big opportunity if we can make it happen.
An update on this race. Last night was Utah's primary elections. Mike Lee obviously won his nomination as the Republican candidate. He had 2 opponents in the race. Lee ended up with 62% of the vote, as an incumbent, in the Republican primary. Both other candidates ran as much more moderate Republican candidates. They got 30% and 8%. For perspective in 2016 Lee won the general election with 68% of the vote. 62% in a Republican primary is not great for a very well known incumbent who won't be running against a Democrat in November. It was always pretty clear Lee was going to sail through the primary, but now he moves on to face Independent Evan McMullin, who in the last couple polls have shown this will be the biggest fight for his seat Lee has ever had, and projected to be the most expensive political campaign in the states history. McMullin is going to have to run a strong, targeted, and good campaign now that the primary is over, but he certainly has a lane here in cobbling together Democrats, disillusioned Republicans, and Independents. I would encourage anyone here in Utah to vote for McMullin, and have a friend vote for him in November. This is as vulnerable as this Mr. Anti-public land is ever going to be.
Oneye aka M. Romney just jealous Utah loves Senator Lee and not his Carpetbagging A#$.
Oneye aka M. Romney just jealous Utah loves Senator Lee and not his Carpetbagging A#$.
Not really. The dude is never over a 50% approval rating in the state. Mitt has been in the last 6 months. Lee is popular among the extremist base of his party but not the general population. 61% in a primary means 39% of your own party doesn’t like you.
$29 Trillion debt and you're celebrating new toilets.
Yes. I am. I frequent these areas constantly, so yes I will celebrate legitimate and needed improvements on public lands. Most of these were 30-40 year old, non serviceable restrooms. Bringing up the debt is such a stupid argument here. Guess what? I’d rather we spend money the places it went in this great outdoors act than most places we spend it. But sure, you go right ahead defending more indefensible garbage Mike Lee votes for public lands. Go ahead. Here’s a news flash for your OO. The government is NEVER going to stop spending money. Cry over the amount recklessly spent on defense before you blame the debt on new toilets. Guess who never gets asked what they think on legislation in congress? Mike Lee. Because no one cares what he thinks because everyone knows he’s a partisan hack who will only vote a very narrow way. The dude accomplishes literally nothing, and votes against everything sportsman and public land related. He’s done a great job curtailing that debt though hasn’t he OO? Voting against new toilets and all. Mike Lee is a worthless party shill, who accomplishes nothing.

PS. These are jobs in our communities. These weren’t free. That money went straight in to local peoples pockets in rural Utah.
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