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Utah, it's time to oust Mr. Anti-Public lands Mike Lee

Because none of the points supporting Senator Lee are important to you? What qualifications, accomplishments, and positions does McMullin bring which you support?
McMullin is on record supporting all the things you listed lol. But you just wanna make a career politician(something people complain about but continue convincing themselves in supporting) out of Mike Lee. Vote for someone twice you like, then get rid of them in politics. McMullin will make a fine Senator for a term or two. Lee has had his time, and done plenty of bad as well. It’s time for someone else to be voted in. McMullin has never been a Senator. Lee’s had his two terms. Time for change.
So you can't state anything in support of McMullin.
Research him. Judging by your post on what Lee believes, McMullin is very much the same. McMullin was a Republican House policy director….like legitimately, people like you who act like McMullin isn’t another Republican, he just doesn’t like Trumpism is weird. The dude has been nothing but conservative by all proofs his entire life. The main difference in this election isn’t policy. The main difference is two Republicans . One of which—McMullin—believes when you lose an election you gracefully and peacefully transition your political power. The other—Mike Lee—believes in fighting tooth and nail to find any loophole to make a wanna-be dictator an actual dictator because he’s on his political side. When it really boils down to it, that’s the difference here. One Republican has advocated for accepting election results, the other has tried to find any possible way around them so the guy he wants to win, wins. We have become a sad country when the former isn’t the obvious choice.
Limited role government, Constitutional protections and rights, Pro-life, Development of natural resources, Pro-family, Immigration.

Senator Lee's role on several Committee's; Judiciary, Energy & Natural Resources, and Commerce-Science-Transportation provide thoughtful forwarding thinking leadership. After November 2022 mid-terms when R's win majority in Senate he will have leadership role on these and likely other committees.

Senator Lee is clear, consistent, committed voice for Utah and citizens of United States.

Public lands are important; but not the most important or only issue voters should consider when they vote.
Mike Lee….voted for Evan McMullin for President of the United States in 2016, is what I think you meant to say. Because guess what OO? He did.
Yup. McMullin equals Mike Lee only better for public lands and hunters. Mike Lee played his anti public land anti diy anti hunter cards already. Too late to take them back. Drop the zero and get with the hero. There is literally nothing to lose by flushing that turd. Send the message you support public lands and public land hunting
Limited role government, Constitutional protections and rights, Pro-life, Development of natural resources, Pro-family, Immigration.

Senator Lee's role on several Committee's; Judiciary, Energy & Natural Resources, and Commerce-Science-Transportation provide thoughtful forwarding thinking leadership. After November 2022 mid-terms when R's win majority in Senate he will have leadership role on these and likely other committees.

Senator Lee is clear, consistent, committed voice for Utah and citizens of United States.

Public lands are important; but not the most important or only issue voters should consider when they vote.
No one ever said that public lands were the most important issue. But they are an issue that should be important to all of us. And why can a candidate not do all of the things you have listed AND support public lands??? I do appreciate some of the things Lee has been strong on, but I believe that there is a candidate at this point who will be strong on those issues AND be supportive of keeping public lands away from a greedy state trust that sells off thousands of acres every year. And who also is not beholden to a political party that is one half responsible for driving our nation into extreme divisiveness.
I really feel like public lands might be the most important issue. I'm sure I'll catch a ton of flack from the "government never gives rights back" crowd, but most of the extreme policies both sides would like to enact could be undone when the pendulum sways back the other way (ie 1994 assault weapon ban). But once public lands are sold off, they're gone. For good.
It’s going to be interesting over the next couple decades to watch urban democrats and probably some republicans jump on board “land back”.
No one ever said that public lands were the most important issue. But they are an issue that should be important to all of us. And why can a candidate not do all of the things you have listed AND support public lands??? I do appreciate some of the things Lee has been strong on, but I believe that there is a candidate at this point who will be strong on those issues AND be supportive of keeping public lands away from a greedy state trust that sells off thousands of acres every year. And who also is not beholden to a political party that is one half responsible for driving our nation into extreme divisiveness.
Constitution foundation for our amazing country and the rights and opportunities afforded all Americans. Senator Lee clear on this foundation and vision for America. We lose that foundation, we lose our country.

Green Decoys troll the Public Land scare narrative to further progressive agenda which does not support hunting/fishing and multiple use of our public lands. They blindly support opposition candidates like McMullin who is PsychOps CIA Officer trained in deception and dissension.

Senator Lee will win in November. Senate and hopefully House will flip to R and we'll have a balance for the destructive path of Progressive Socialism we are on.

Troy Rushton - Riverton UT
Constitution foundation for our amazing country and the rights and opportunities afforded all Americans. Senator Lee clear on this foundation and vision for America. We lose that foundation, we lose our country.

Green Decoys troll the Public Land scare narrative to further progressive agenda which does not support hunting/fishing and multiple use of our public lands. They blindly support opposition candidates like McMullin who is PsychOps CIA Officer trained in deception and dissension.

Senator Lee will win in November. Senate and hopefully House will flip to R and we'll have a balance for the destructive path of Progressive Socialism we are on.

Troy Rushton - Riverton UT
"Green decoys" keep using that bullshit term and think anyone here is every going to take you seriously. Read a book some time, maybe learn something. You're totally ridiculous and to be clear every bit as bad for the country as any leftist when you're saying this nonsense.
I'm surprised neither of the major posters have changed the other's minds yet. ;)

I too, though, am a bit suspicious of alphabet agency types after the shenanigans of the last few years. Who really knows what they're up to? NSA/CIA/FBI etc. have certainly lost some glitter.

That includes Mike Pompeo, whom I want to like because of his West Point ties.
Club for Growth just UPPED their spending in Utah on negative campaign ads @OriginalOscar If Lee has such a wonderful reputation to run on, why are Republicans needing to spend $8 million over 2 months to save him, and needing to blatantly lie and edit and splice on their smear ads? As races across the country tighten, they’re having to spend more in Utah…saying…this race is tight. Lee was also on a conservative talk show yesterday begging for money and admitting this race is tight. Sportsmen from Utah. Lee will never be more vulnerable, McMullin is a reasonable, and essentially moderate Republican. Go to the polls, or fill out your mail in ballot. Let’s oust the most anti-public lands Senator in congress.
I'm surprised neither of the major posters have changed the other's minds yet. ;)

I too, though, am a bit suspicious of alphabet agency types after the shenanigans of the last few years. Who really knows what they're up to? NSA/CIA/FBI etc. have certainly lost some glitter.

That includes Mike Pompeo, whom I want to like because of his West Point ties.
Sure, but good people exist who work for those agencies. And I wouldn’t trust a politician any more. We have Lee’s record and there’s not much substance over two terms that I can look at and say, wow, he’s really been a good Senator. He just hasn’t.
This isn’t so much an official race update, but an informed race update by someone who covers elections in Utah pretty heavily told me. He said a poll was done last week(that wasn’t done by McMullins team) that had McMullin leading in their poll. He also said that the most recent Deseret News poll showing Lee up 2, was extended when they were conducting it because originally they found McMullin leading, but they didn’t believes it so they expanded the poll and sample size. He said McConnell really wanted Romney to endorse Lee because he did not want to have to spend money on this race. Now…they’re having to spend A LOT. I would guess Lee is up, but only slightly, and he is legitimately sweating this election. Turnout is going to matter. So Utah hunters, anglers, and outdoorsmen…..get out, and vote for you public lands like you have the chance to get rid of the guy who most wants to sell them in the Senate…because you do have that chance.
Him begging for Mitt’s endorsement and money while Fox News puts up a headline slandering him is quite the contrast. They’re trying to bully a guy they’ve abused for years to now be there in line to endorse them. Plenty of Utah Romney Republicans out there along the Wasatch Front, and Lee knows that. Lee DID NOT endorse Romney in 2018, and now expects his endorsement and is even begging for it. Here’s the thing about Romney, he does make up his own mind even if his party doesn’t like it. And it’s made up, you’re not getting his endorsement Mike.

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