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Utah, it's time to oust Mr. Anti-Public lands Mike Lee


Active member
May 26, 2015
Before Mike Lee first became our Senator, I remember him stating to many people asking as he ran, that he would only do 2 terms, and call it quits. Aside from the fact he lied about that, spends most his time concerned about things that aren't a benefit to Utah, and changing in a major way to cater to the extremists in his party, he has been one of the most anti-public land representatives in the entire nation. Trying to steal our American public lands, and make them vulnerable to sale. The man is as anti-conservation, and anti-public lands as it gets, and now, in 2022, it's time to get rid of him.

Now, admittedly Lee's 2 Republican primary challengers and I don't agree on some things, but we do agree Utah can do and be better than Mike Lee. The two main challengers are Becky Edwards and Ally Isom. Both reasonable, and more moderate voices for the state. I know not all decisions in life are based off public lands so here's the two primary challengers so those who want can't overview their campaigns. I have emailed both of them to get a more firm grasp on where they stand in regards to the transfer or sale of public lands in the state, I will post it here once I get a response.

The bottom line, is this is a real chance to get one of the most anti-conservation/anti-public land legislators in the country out of the United States Senate.

If you are not a registered Republican, register as a Republican by March 2022 to vote in the Republican Primary. You can always switch back after if you are unaffiliated, independent etc.
I'm no fan of Mike Lee, but having two challengers is doing him a favor.

The anti Lee vote will be split. More than a few people in the west truly believe that public land should be given over to their state. No not a majority, but a substantial percentage.
How much difference do you think there will be with another Republican?
They are the ONLY ones pushing the public land transfer agenda. :(
There are plenty of Republicans out there that are against PLT (Martin Heinrich - NM, Mike Crapo - ID, Cory Gardner - CO, Martha McSally-AZ (former), James Risch-ID just to name a few). It is true that most land grab bills come from those on the right, but to make a blanket statement as you did about all republicans shows a lack of research and willingness to look more deeply at candidates and their track records due to a letter beside their name. I know that is what the vast majority of America does nowadays, but I think we can be better than that. I made the decision about 10 years ago to stop playing the Republican/Democrat game. I'm not saying that everyone should do the same thing, but at least be willing to look at each candidate and judge them on the merits of their work and track record, rather than the letter next to their name. I will be voting against Mike Lee and his work to dismantle our public lands and access as a voting Utahn. I want to believe that there are reasonable people in this country that can look at issues and candidates without the lens of political parties and make decisions based on what is best for our country.
Heinrich is a D and Cory Gardner is DOA.
You are correct. I completely misremembered. Totally shows how little I pay attention to the letters. Thanks for correcting. I will check myself better in the future.
There are plenty of Republicans out there that are against PLT (Martin Heinrich - NM, Mike Crapo - ID, Cory Gardner - CO, Martha McSally-AZ (former), James Risch-ID just to name a few). It is true that most land grab bills come from those on the right, but to make a blanket statement as you did about all republicans shows a lack of research and willingness to look more deeply at candidates and their track records due to a letter beside their name. I know that is what the vast majority of America does nowadays, but I think we can be better than that. I made the decision about 10 years ago to stop playing the Republican/Democrat game. I'm not saying that everyone should do the same thing, but at least be willing to look at each candidate and judge them on the merits of their work and track record, rather than the letter next to their name. I will be voting against Mike Lee and his work to dismantle our public lands and access as a voting Utahn. I want to believe that there are reasonable people in this country that can look at issues and candidates without the lens of political parties and make decisions based on what is best for our country.
I don't see where he made a blanket statement about all Republicans. Saying it's only coming from Republicans isn't the same as saying it's all Republicans. And I think he made a fair point about the party as a whole needing to shift on public lands. I gotta think Lee not getting reelected in Utah would send a message to the party though.
I don't see where he made a blanket statement about all Republicans. Saying it's only coming from Republicans isn't the same as saying it's all Republicans. And I think he made a fair point about the party as a whole needing to shift on public lands. I gotta think Lee not getting reelected in Utah would send a message to the party though.
Saying it wouldn't do any good to elect another republican because they are the ones pushing the agenda is a blanket statement. It's stating that electing any republican, regardless of their track record or stances would continue to push the agenda which is not necessarily true.

I COMPLETELY agree that pushing Lee out would be a giant message, and one that needs to be made, regardless of whether it's in the primary as another republican or a in the general election as a democrat.
Saying it wouldn't do any good to elect another republican because they are the ones pushing the agenda is a blanket statement. It's stating that electing any republican, regardless of their track record or stances would continue to push the agenda which is not necessarily true.

I COMPLETELY agree that pushing Lee out would be a giant message, and one that needs to be made, regardless of whether it's in the primary as another republican or a in the general election as a democrat.
The Republican Party is pushing public land transfer. 100% accurate.

"Federal ownership or management of land also places an economic burden on counties and local communities... Congress shall immediately pass universal legislation providing for a timely and orderly mechanism requiring the federal government to convey certain federally controlled public lands to states." (pg. 21)

Primarying Republicans like Mike Lee is extremely important if we want to change the trajectory of the GOP.

-I'm an unaffiliated voter, when legally allowed I participate in the primary where I feel my vote will do the most good, as much as a single vote can.
There are plenty of Republicans out there that are against PLT (Martin Heinrich - NM, Mike Crapo - ID, Cory Gardner - CO, Martha McSally-AZ (former), James Risch-ID just to name a few). It is true that most land grab bills come from those on the right, but to make a blanket statement as you did about all republicans shows a lack of research and willingness to look more deeply at candidates and their track records due to a letter beside their name. I know that is what the vast majority of America does nowadays, but I think we can be better than that. I made the decision about 10 years ago to stop playing the Republican/Democrat game. I'm not saying that everyone should do the same thing, but at least be willing to look at each candidate and judge them on the merits of their work and track record, rather than the letter next to their name. I will be voting against Mike Lee and his work to dismantle our public lands and access as a voting Utahn. I want to believe that there are reasonable people in this country that can look at issues and candidates without the lens of political parties and make decisions based on what is best for our country.
Unfortunately, it seems the most likely thing primary opponents will be arguing is who's performed the most comprehensive rectal exam of our esteemed former president. And since 45 didn't put much emphasis for or against public lands, it might not come up.
To me it’s less about the stance than it is about priority. PLT is Mike Lee’s #1 issue, and he bullies others to the point they just give up and do what he wants. Getting him out of office would go a long ways towards shifting PLT to the back burner. That being said, I wouldn’t bet any of my money on him losing a primary. There’s plenty enough of MAGA types in UT and he’s been catering to them for quite some time. In true MAGA fashion, he’ll win “in a landslide”.
I’m obviously very opposed to the PLT crowd, but that is the least of my concerns my right now. The dems own the house, senate, and presidency. There is very little chance of any PLT talk going anywhere for at least a few more years.
On this forum the PLT talk is similar to the gun control talk on MM and Rok. I think it’s a small group of people making a bunch of noise. On Hunttalk we act like gun control is all BS because of the 2A, but with each weekend in Chicago we get a little closer to having actual gun restrictions. There will be more BS bills come forward in UT, WY, and other western states this year for PLT but they won’t gain any traction. I’m far more worried that we won’t have anything left to hunt in MT by the time our governor is out of office.
Mike Lee knows he’s not going to get public land transferred…he’s pandering to the uneducated side of his voters.
There are plenty of Republicans out there that are against PLT (Martin Heinrich - NM, Mike Crapo - ID, Cory Gardner - CO, Martha McSally-AZ (former), James Risch-ID just to name a few). It is true that most land grab bills come from those on the right, but to make a blanket statement as you did about all republicans shows a lack of research and willingness to look more deeply at candidates and their track records due to a letter beside their name. I know that is what the vast majority of America does nowadays, but I think we can be better than that. I made the decision about 10 years ago to stop playing the Republican/Democrat game. I'm not saying that everyone should do the same thing, but at least be willing to look at each candidate and judge them on the merits of their work and track record, rather than the letter next to their name. I will be voting against Mike Lee and his work to dismantle our public lands and access as a voting Utahn. I want to believe that there are reasonable people in this country that can look at issues and candidates without the lens of political parties and make decisions based on what is best for our country.
Nowhere did I say ALL republicans are for the PLT agenda. I did say the only politicians pushing it are republican. ;)
Nowhere did I say ALL republicans are for the PLT agenda. I did say the only politicians pushing it are republican. ;)
This is as true of a statement as there is. I’m betting that there are many on both sides of the aisle that have no use for public land but they probably will stick with their party on the vote. I mean what are the odds AOC has any idea what value public lands have? Same can be said for Mitch McConnell….I’d guess he has no idea either.