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Mike Lee introduces legislation to sale and develop public lands

Being this is a Utah thing, I am surprised SWF has not lobbied to get a few thousand acres of federal land to auction off at a banquet.
SFW paraded Romney around the state to their banquets as a "friend to hunters".

Check that other co sponsoršŸ˜‰
There is a lot of entrenched, Utah power and money, that DOES NOT like Lee.

McMullin was financed by them for Pres, and I'm sure for Senate.

Problem is, neither of Lee primary challengers will seperate themselves from him on land policy. I've gotten multi paragraph word salad replies from both.

So, the real choice is "lesser" evil.

We replaced Rob Bishop with a guy, who isn't the opposite of Bishop, but for now, someone who didn't share his passion for selling off land.

We need to do the same thing with Lee. Replace him with someone for which this isn't his passion.

It's a hard push. The "Utah Values" ads are starting. Abortion(Lee has never run an anti abortion bill), guns, libs, parents rights.
Funny for a guy that grew up as neighbor to Harry Reid, in DC. to campaign on values, he wasn't raised in.

Unfortunately, Lee primary challengers are weak, and fairly unknown, so, 6more years of grandstanding are ahead.
What makes everyone think McMullin is the answer to this issue? Housing costs are a huge problem in Utah right now and if McMullin has any chance of unseating Lee then he better have some solutions for what is going on right now with real estate. I donā€™t know this, but I could see McMullin jumping onboard the ā€œsell public landsā€ train as quick as Lee in order to have a platform that resonates with the people.

In the end, itā€™s a waste of a conversation because McMullin doesnā€™t stand a chance against Lee. I applaud him for his effort but it wonā€™t win him a senate seat.
No nominee for the Dems, instead backing McMullin. Seems to me this was a necessary but not sufficient step for Lee's defeat.
Itā€™s the best chance available. McMullin has to thread a needle, but Dems doing this was the best decision if the goal is to defeat Mike Lee. McMullin obviously aligns policy wise much more with Republicans, but is a better alternative to Lee at this point, I hope McMullin kicks his campaign into gear and runs as strong of one as he can. Itā€™s an uphill battle, but not totally impossible.
McMullin doesnā€™t stand a chance. The best thing to do would be make your voice heard to Leeā€™s office because heā€™s getting another term. I understand the frustration with Lee and public lands, but I still want someone to show me some sort of proof that McMullin will be different. Right now, I can find nothing.
McMullin doesnā€™t stand a chance. The best thing to do would be make your voice heard to Leeā€™s office because heā€™s getting another term. I understand the frustration with Lee and public lands, but I still want someone to show me some sort of proof that McMullin will be different. Right now, I can find nothing.
Iā€™ll show you proof that Mike Lee isnā€™t changing his mind and 2 terms as Senator is long enough and itā€™s beyond time to try something different. Iā€™ll vote for McMullin.
Iā€™m not disagreeing with you about Lee and fully support your right to vote for McMullin. Iā€™m just stating that I donā€™t think McMullin stands a snow balls chance in hell of beating Lee so you better be ready for that reality and have other plans of dissuading the sale of public lands by our elected officials.

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