Yeti GOBOX Collection

Utah, it's time to oust Mr. Anti-Public lands Mike Lee

So just looked at his website, and this stuff wasn’t on there before. Yard signs are available, I’ll have to get one:

Thanks Joshua Drew. McMole likely had to find sign supplier who doesn't know he left massive unpaid debt to people from his vanity POTUS campaign. Please post your address so I can come steal your sign.

Troy Rushton - Riverton UT
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Thanks Joshua Drew. McMole likely had to find sign supplier who doesn't know he left massive unpaid debt to people from his vanity POTUS campaign. Please post your address so I can come steal your sign.

Troy Rushton - Riverton UT
Weird Troy, I saw the same ads ran against Burgess Owens, and all his unpaid debts. What do you think of him? You voted for McAdams right? Do you think those ads are affective by dark money Republican groups desperate to maintain Lee’s seat? The Republican dark money groups are livid they are having to spend millions on Lee’s race in Utah, with so many close races across the country.

Again I’ll ask you….considering Burgess Owens had all that unpaid debt, you voted for McAdams right?
Thanks Joshua Drew. McMole likely had to find sign supplier who doesn't know he left massive unpaid debt to people from his vanity POTUS campaign. Please post your address so I can come steal your sign.

Troy Rushton - Riverton UT
:ROFLMAO: What a mature response full of incredibly deep and well-thought through facts that bring such a thought provoking dialogue to the conversation. This is exactly the type of thing you would expect from someone who only wants to believe the narrative coming out of entrenched parties who are scared to lose their power. I may not like everything McMullin wants, but I know that I want it a whole lot more than the status quo with Dems and Reps driving this nation into a polarized state that just results in non-stop fighting. To think that if I have the choice between someone who owes some money (BTW - I'm assuming you have absolutely no debt, right? No mortgage, car loan, etc. that you owe to a bank???) or someone who wants to remove millions of acres from public access and who is entrenched in the sewage of Washington - I'm pretty sure I know which way I'm going to vote.
:ROFLMAO: What a mature response full of incredibly deep and well-thought through facts that bring such a thought provoking dialogue to the conversation. This is exactly the type of thing you would expect from someone who only wants to believe the narrative coming out of entrenched parties who are scared to lose their power. I may not like everything McMullin wants, but I know that I want it a whole lot more than the status quo with Dems and Reps driving this nation into a polarized state that just results in non-stop fighting. To think that if I have the choice between someone who owes some money (BTW - I'm assuming you have absolutely no debt, right? No mortgage, car loan, etc. that you owe to a bank???) or someone who wants to remove millions of acres from public access and who is entrenched in the sewage of Washington - I'm pretty sure I know which way I'm going to vote.
(Someone like McMullin winning would scare the Republican Party—especially the extremist portions of it—in the state, and that’s exactly what the two major parties need. A reality check, and something to shake them back into reason) Electing McMullin would be a good slap in the face to extremism in the state and country, which unfortunately is growing into a majority when you combine the extremes of both parties. What we need…is reason.

PS I’ll ask one more time@OriginalOscar considering all that unpaid debt of Burgess Owens, McAdams got your vote right? (We all know you voted for Owens and are a partisan hack with no actual consistent standards with how you vote, you’ve made that obvious).
Weird Troy, I saw the same ads ran against Burgess Owens, and all his unpaid debts. What do you think of him? You voted for McAdams right? Do you think those ads are affective by dark money Republican groups desperate to maintain Lee’s seat? The Republican dark money groups are livid they are having to spend millions on Lee’s race in Utah, with so many close races across the country.

Again I’ll ask you….considering Burgess Owens had all that unpaid debt, you voted for McAdams right?
I voted for the Conservative Black Mormon who has life experiences and beliefs which appreciates and upholds American ideals over the Liberal White Mormon
Weird Troy, I saw the same ads ran against Burgess Owens, and all his unpaid debts. What do you think of him? You voted for McAdams right? Do you think those ads are affective by dark money Republican groups desperate to maintain Lee’s seat? The Republican dark money groups are livid they are having to spend millions on Lee’s race in Utah, with so many close races across the country.

Again I’ll ask you….considering Burgess Owens had all that unpaid debt, you voted for McAdams right?
Joshua, I voted for the Black Conservative who's life experiences demonstrate the opportunity America provides.

McMullin born in Provo; as were you! Did you grow up together or go to BYU together? Trying to figure out your fixation with him; it's zealot level.
I voted for the Conservative Black Mormon who has life experiences and beliefs which appreciates and upholds American ideals over the Liberal White Mormon

Joshua, I voted for the Black Conservative who's life experiences demonstrate the opportunity America provides.

McMullin born in Provo; as were you! Did you grow up together or go to BYU together? Trying to figure out your fixation with him; it's zealot level.
Oh I see, so you voted for the guy who filed for bankruptcy 6 times, and didn’t pay his bills. I see your standard only conveniently applies. That’s what I figured. As I said, partisan hack.

You literally voted for Owens. A celebrity, who stiffed people throughout his life, had nothing to do with Utah prior to running, and ran an opportunistic campaign pandering to people like you and had the right letter next to his name. Don’t pretend you have standards in voting. You don’t. You vote for a letter and nothing more and you make that more and more obvious with every post you make.
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We are a little over a month away from midterm elections. So I think it is worthwhile to go over Mike Lee’s tenure in congress on conservation and public land issues. Mike Lee is up for re-election, and is running against Independent Evan McMullin who is essentially also conservative, but is not as tied into the Republican Party platform as Mike Lee is, and does not have the track record of being so antagonistic to conservation. I’ll say up front yes, I’m voting for McMullin. I’ve watched Mike Lee attack public lands too much, and McMullin is very much a 2nd amendment advocate, along with close on other issues with me. But without diving too deep into the weeds, in reference to this upcoming election lets look at Mike Lee’s record on public lands and conservation during his time in congress.

Let’s start with his long term pledge to attack public lands:

Next let’s look at the Great American Outdoors Act which was signed into law in 2020 by President Trump. There are several examples of improvements being made even in my backyard, including roads being fixed, new restrooms being put in, culverts being put in, etc. on public lands in my and your back yards by that bill. Supporting our local public lands, and local businesses completing the work. Mike Lee voted AGAINST that bill. Here are just a few of the conservation organizations, many are likely members of who were integral in getting that bill passed with greatly has and will benefit our public lands, local economies in rural areas, and improve experiences in our own backyards. The list includes NWTF, Pheasants Forever, Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Wild Sheep Foundation, and many more. You know, all the pillars of conservation/hunting groups out there. Here’s a few of their press releases when the act passed:

Here’s Senator Lee comparing America’s public lands to playgrounds for the elite:

Here’s his most recent attack introduced to sell public lands for housing development:

Here’s the BLM not agreeing with his proposed bill above:

Mike Lee sinks large public lands package:

OnXMaps Article referencing Lee’s transfer bill in 2017:

Anyone who would like to is welcome to share other embarrassing moments on the issue of conservation and public lands from Lee in this thread. My very simple point here is, there isn’t a pillar of the outdoor hunting community that would endorse Mike Lee’s actions during his time in congress towards public lands, hunting, fishing, and conservation. In fact they continually fight for and applaud the bills he always votes against. We don’t need to get too far out into the weeds, this is here to reference the antagonistic, partisan, and attacking nature of Lee towards conservation and public lands while he has been a Senator.
Joshua Drew, Can we talk about Dungeons and Dragons next? You've crushed the Progressive Politics points.
I'm assuming you are trying to compare his post to something that is fantasy? What world do you live in? This is real stuff that Lee has done, supported, opposed, etc. that directly affects those of us who love the outdoors and want to see it preserved. Acting as though this is some made up fantasy world really shows how out of touch and blinded by the political agendas of deep rooted parties you are. It doesn't mean that you can't have an opinion that is different. If you believe something different, that is totally fine - I support that. I believe in a world where we can have a difference of opinion and discuss it. But, to demean someone and say that the points they make are just fantasy is completely out of touch and doesn't bring anything to the conversation. Be better. If you support Lee, bring facts, opinions, and actual discussion points so that we can have a real discussion about things that we all care about.
When are you going to talk about the fact Mike Lee is anti-hunting, anti-public lands, and anti-conservation throughout his time in congress?
Nothing worse than people that support parties and not policy. Unfortunately your type is the most common type of voter. What policies does Mike Lee support that you support? That would be a starting point for a conversation.

Edit: this was meant to reply to @OriginalOscar
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Nothing worse than people that support parties and not policy. Unfortunately your type is the most common type of voter. What policies does Mike Lee support that you support? That would be a starting point for a conversation.

Edit: this was meant to reply to @OriginalOscar
Limited role government, Constitutional protections and rights, Pro-life, Development of natural resources, Pro-family, Immigration.

Senator Lee's role on several Committee's; Judiciary, Energy & Natural Resources, and Commerce-Science-Transportation provide thoughtful forwarding thinking leadership. After November 2022 mid-terms when R's win majority in Senate he will have leadership role on these and likely other committees.

Senator Lee is clear, consistent, committed voice for Utah and citizens of United States.

Public lands are important; but not the most important or only issue voters should consider when they vote.
Limited role government, Constitutional protections and rights, Pro-life, Development of natural resources, Pro-family, Immigration.

Senator Lee's role on several Committee's; Judiciary, Energy & Natural Resources, and Commerce-Science-Transportation provide thoughtful forwarding thinking leadership. After November 2022 mid-terms when R's win majority in Senate he will have leadership role on these and likely other committees.

Senator Lee is clear, consistent, committed voice for Utah and citizens of United States.

Public lands are important; but not the most important or only issue voters should consider when they vote.
Mike Lee is a turd...time to flush him.
Because none of the points supporting Senator Lee are important to you? What qualifications, accomplishments, and positions does McMullin bring which you support?
Because he represents his interests over the interests of his constituents and the American public. That makes him a turd...and you aren't going to convince me otherwise so save your breath.
Because he represents his interests over the interests of his constituents and the American public. That makes him a turd...and you aren't going to convince me otherwise so save your breath.
So you can't state anything in support of McMullin.

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