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Ukraine / Russia

Some of you clearly just can't handle not being upset with someone or something.

Just so you guys are aware how you're coming off. It appears that anything the left approves of, you need to find ways to not approve of it. You're so against the idea that anything anyone from the left side of political spectrum supports could be anything but purest of evils that you've lost all touch with the reality that we all have far more in common than not.

Freedoms are always curtailed during war, even this school skipping, history-is-for-people-who can't-do-math, peace loving dove knows that!
It is because politics are no longer reasonable discussions between people with different views, where folks are fairly consistent in their thoughts over time. Politics are now a team sport blood war where the only thing that matters is scoring points while society burns, promoted by modern-day Don Kings and Vincent McMahons (in the form of cable news pundits and internet influencers) for their own profit.

For those who are always looking for the "big answer" - our ongoing problem is the media (mainstream and alt, the big publisher and the lone YouTuber) that are constantly spinning to earn $$$ rather than furthering rational journalism - the problem is not the Committee of 300, Jewish Nazis, Hunter Biden or elite pedophile rings. Stop taking their bait.

I am more interested in the fate of Billy Beer than I am with the Hunter non-sense. And the pee-ing on the bed non-sense too. I am nothing if not an even-handed hater of non-sense.
our ongoing problem is the media
I would argue We are our biggest problem. American citizens molded the media to be what it is today. We continue to support it because it provides us with exactly we we seek, faux conflict stimuli in which all of our perceived problems are someone else's fault.
I would argue We are our biggest problem. American citizens molded the media to be what it is today. We continue to support it because it provides us with exactly we we seek, faux conflict stimuli in which all of our perceived problems are someone else's fault.
For once, this is not a right vs left issue. It seems there are folks on both sides eager to rush into yet another war. And I know, we're not saying boots on the ground, and we were only going to advise the South Vietnamese.

But to pretend that those who are suspicious of incursions on freedom, whether here or abroad, are ignorant of the history of suspension of same during wartime is just, again, disingenuous.

While I am well aware of all the things we have done in wartime, that doesn't make them right. Still sickens me we interned the Japanese (and I realize there were Japanese here who were spies).

Have we learned nothing?

I'm more than a little surprised that a country which was stripped of many of its freedoms for 2 years (perhaps necessarily for a few months, then obviously not) have so many folks from both the right and the left saying, well, it's OK to ban your opposing political parties and censor the media (well, not that, the left has been trying that for 5 years).

So choosing between dictators, I choose Z over P, but to pretend these acts are presidential is disingenuous.

We obviously do have a crisis at our southern border; cartels in control, human and drug trafficking with subsequent increases in drug deaths.

So,Trump is reelected, declares an emergency, states the Democrat party is against a secure border (mostly true), bans it, and shuts down news networks which disagree. Is that "presidential"?

We should learn from our mistakes, and should be ever more vigilant against giving up our freedom for the next "emergency".

That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)

On to more fun things like new revolvers.
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For once, this is not a right vs left issue. It seems there are folks on both sides eager to rush into yet another war. And I know, we're not saying boots on the ground, and we were only going to advise the South Vietnamese.

But to pretend that those who are suspicious of incursions on freedom, whether here or abroad, are ignorant of the history of suspension of same during wartime is just disingenuous.
I too am hesitant to commit boots on the ground, and have limited interest in continually being the policeman of the world, but those aren't the arguments I see getting push back on this thread.

It is more the "Ukraine doesn't count", "US elites caused this", "Biden caused this", "Ukraine is corrupt", "Trump caused this", "it's all about Hunter Biden", "Ukraine's leader is a bad guy too", "Ukraine has Biolabs", "Nazi jews are running Ukraine", "insert random one world order conspiracy", etc that are being mocked. These are very different arguments than, "even though Ukraine is a free state and its people are unjustly suffering I am not yet willing to send my son to die for this fight".

Too often, rather than arguing what we should or should not do about the reality of the moment, we try to undercut the premise there is even a reality or a moment that is worthy of consideration. Sadly, not much different than climate change, continued difficulties of poor minority populations, the deficit, the ramifications of the de-industrialization of middle America, etc.

3-way panel discussion between "experts" in Kyiv, Berlin, and Moscow. Seems like several feel like the negotiations are moot, and that we will see fighting at least until the fall.
Proof that VG is part of the reptilian elites!😉
Wow, that explains a lot, and are most attorneys reptilians? And most politicians?🤣🤣🤣🤣
I too am hesitant to commit boots on the ground, and have limited interest in continually being the policeman of the world, but those aren't the arguments I see getting push back on this thread.

It is more the "Ukraine doesn't count", "US elites caused this", "Biden caused this", "Ukraine is corrupt", "Trump caused this", "it's all about Hunter Biden", "Ukraine's leader is a bad guy too", "Ukraine has Biolabs", "Nazi jews are running Ukraine", "insert random one world order conspiracy", etc that are being mocked. These are very different arguments than, "even though Ukraine is a free state and its people are unjustly suffering I am not yet willing to send my son to die for this fight".

Too often, rather than arguing what we should or should not do about the reality of the moment, we try to undercut the premise there is even a reality or a moment that is worthy of consideration. Sadly, not much different than climate change, continued difficulties of poor minority populations, the deficit, the ramifications of the de-industrialization of middle America, etc.
I largely agree with what you saying here, many times arguments are not based on a rational point but rather on whataboutism.
However, the faith of many has been undercut by a sense that the reality was either created by the powers that be and/or not fully vetted/questioned by journalists etc. If you question the official narrative you are either labeled a bot or censored. Prior to the Iraq invasion members of the political left expressed doubts about the operation. They were accused of being puppets for Saddam, we are seeing this again expressing doubt about the Ukraine or what level of support to render opens one up to either crackpot conspirator or Putin supporter.
I largely agree with what you saying here, many times arguments are not based on a rational point but rather on whataboutism.
However, the faith of many has been undercut by a sense that the reality was either created by the powers that be and/or not fully vetted/questioned by journalists etc. If you question the official narrative you are either labeled a bot or censored. Prior to the Iraq invasion members of the political left expressed doubts about the operation. They were accused of being puppets for Saddam, we are seeing this again expressing doubt about the Ukraine or what level of support to render opens one up to either crackpot conspirator or Putin supporter.
I think the main difference here is that Saddam wasn't actively waging a misinformation war against the West.

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