Ukraine / Russia

My concern is that Putin and his generals in their isolated world is thinking that Biden would hesitate to push the button or that Biden is not in charge and in the time it took the people running the US to come to an agreement it would be too late.

I don’t think Xi Xinping would be too keen on Putin pulling the trigger…
"I think what you're going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do."

This still considered a, "minor incursion" by our administration or is this the Ole, draw a line in the sand...

Some point you knock the bully otherwise it emboldens further bully mentality.

N. Korea attacks South Korea? U.S. going to sit back and watch for fear China will respond thus possible WWIII?
LOL, I know. We just met. I'm NOT a big proponent of putting sarcasm in purple. The BEST sarcasm will always leave at least half of those who read it wondering..."Did he really mean EXACTLY that?" May be the joke about the French weapons for sale, only dropped once, is not as common as I thought.
Yeah, we've all heard it. Your sarcasm missed its mark though... like by a couple centuries.
Regarding Biden and nuclear war:

Nuclear fallout from the barrage of M.A.D. would leave the world in a radiation nightmare. At that point the world, as we know it, would transform into... human extinction or close to. Would likely trigger other nuclear conflicts, including China. The world would change...

"Guarding the Guardians: Civilian Control of Nuclear Weapons in the United States." - Peter Feaver.
A real insight into authority to launch a nuclear strike under various scenarios and his background shares a real eye opening understanding within this inner world.

Example, movies portray a strike as a required, "two man rule" for a President to order a launch. This does not exist. It's the President's decision alone that routes down through the chain of command where a two man rule exists to validate the order is authentic for those prepped to actually launch.
If it's an urgent response to an impending strike by another towards us, the President makes the order alone and it's concluded under 30 minutes, or so such a scenario is portrayed.
If it's an intended / planned strike, advisors would be involved in the decision however, even in that setting, the President alone makes the final decision.

Today, with hypersonic weapons and stealth nuclear-armed cruise missiles, U.S. NC3, imo, is a cold war past time. While Russia is presumed to have a, "Dead Man" process of computer automated nuclear strike release, U.S. is still dependent on the President to give the order. The limited response time makes us vulnerable and the design of, M.A.D. is jeopardized.

I've no clue how to keep a system check within ethical bounds though, Russia has a first strike ability that shifts the dynamics from cold war era detection time frame for response.

So when speaking of nuclear potential and considering modern capabilities, I'd be curious how well the M.A.D. process is mutually understood.

Our resident guru @MinnesotaHunter , might be able to shed a bit of perspective. Russia has placed their nuclear capabilities on high status at the beginning of this month, per APNews:

IMO, I believe Biden and advisors have already placed their action plan into play if Putin exceeded the James Clapper exaggerated Trump nuclear push button setting though regardless, Russia launches, even if U.S. doesn't respond quick enough, I believe a world power series of checker moves will provoke other less than stellar nuke countries to act.

If nuclear war took place, to use R.E.M.'s song, It's the end of the world as we know it, though im not inclined to say, I feel fine...
Regarding Biden and nuclear war:

Nuclear fallout from the barrage of M.A.D. would leave the world in a radiation nightmare. At that point the world, as we know it, would transform into... human extinction or close to. Would likely trigger other nuclear conflicts, including China. The world would change...

"Guarding the Guardians: Civilian Control of Nuclear Weapons in the United States." - Peter Feaver.
A real insight into authority to launch a nuclear strike under various scenarios and his background shares a real eye opening understanding within this inner world.

Example, movies portray a strike as a required, "two man rule" for a President to order a launch. This does not exist. It's the President's decision alone that routes down through the chain of command where a two man rule exists to validate the order is authentic for those prepped to actually launch.
If it's an urgent response to an impending strike by another towards us, the President makes the order alone and it's concluded under 30 minutes, or so such a scenario is portrayed.
If it's an intended / planned strike, advisors would be involved in the decision however, even in that setting, the President alone makes the final decision.

Today, with hypersonic weapons and stealth nuclear-armed cruise missiles, U.S. NC3, imo, is a cold war past time. While Russia is presumed to have a, "Dead Man" process of computer automated nuclear strike release, U.S. is still dependent on the President to give the order. The limited response time makes us vulnerable and the design of, M.A.D. is jeopardized.

I've no clue how to keep a system check within ethical bounds though, Russia has a first strike ability that shifts the dynamics from cold war era detection time frame for response.

So when speaking of nuclear potential and considering modern capabilities, I'd be curious how well the M.A.D. process is mutually understood.

Our resident guru @MinnesotaHunter , might be able to shed a bit of perspective. Russia has placed their nuclear capabilities on high status at the beginning of this month, per APNews:

IMO, I believe Biden and advisors have already placed their action plan into play if Putin exceeded the James Clapper exaggerated Trump nuclear push button setting though regardless, Russia launches, even if U.S. doesn't respond quick enough, I believe a world power series of checker moves will provoke other less than stellar nuke countries to act.

If nuclear war took place, to use R.E.M.'s song, It's the end of the world as we know it, though im not inclined to say, I feel fine...
Not sure of the details, but it is my understanding that our nuke subs have a protocol to retaliate if mainland authority is destroyed. If Rus/Chi can’t eliminate the subs there is no chance of “winning” a first strike - that’s why we have them.
Not sure of the details, but it is my understanding that our nuke subs have a protocol to retaliate if mainland authority is destroyed. If Rus/Chi can’t eliminate the subs there is no chance of “winning” a first strike - that’s why we have them.
And don't forget "Wing Attack, Plan R".
Yeah, I thought he was all about "freedom"? Not only did he ban all opposition parties, he also merged all media to give a "uniform message". No wonder politicians on both sides love him.
And Lincoln suspended habeas corpus - time to get your chisels and head to South Dakota.

(fixed autocorrect)
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Not sure of the details, but it is my understanding that our nuke subs have a protocol to retaliate if mainland authority is destroyed. If Rus/Chi can’t eliminate the subs there is no chance of “winning” a first strike - that’s why we have them.
I thought that was the case as well.

Third, U.S. nuclear forces operate under strict civilian
control. Only the President of the United States can order the
employment of U.S. nuclear weapons. And the President's ability
to exercise that authority and direction is ensured by people,
processes, and capabilities that comprise the nuclear command-
and-control system

apologies if the text layout is not to par. Copy/paste from transcript + Peter Feaver touched on this as well.

Maybe it's a top secret option though only movies show our top secret shindig Intel. 🤣
Caribou Gear

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