Trump is shot!

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This was attempt to kill former President Trump. Laying blame on anyone other than the idiot who pulled the trigger is bullshit.

In this country, we all lose when someone tries to assassinate a political leader, a former President, and the person who is likely the next President.

We are all worse off because of this. Every Republican, Democrat, and Independent should be pissed about this.

Take the partisan shit to Facebook. Looks like it's welcome over there.
Let's get this back on track before it's completely off the rails.
In America, i thought the dream was that daddy had the freedom where he could teach his son how to shoot a rifle. Clearly that is no longer the case. Less than 150 yards? Really? Guess we need more 1000 yard elk shots on YouTube to teach the kids
I think that most the states that had big problems were blue. Because of there laws and policy's based of who runs those states, that's a result of government. U are right most those people probably just trying to survive and have nothing. But why
Not even sure what this has to do with the thread topic (yes I know those aligned with one side don't care, everything is an excuse to trot out their prejudices and biases) but as a matter of fact, in multiple locations far right members of right/radical groups--nowhere near being locals--were found to be responsible. And many of the arrests showed the same thing--people from rural RED areas of the country and state were responsible for a lot of the problem.

It shouldn't be germane to this thread at all of course--I know there are people who live for these things to help them incite more violence, but assume this forum is not tolerant of that.
It sounds like the shooter /position was pointed out to Police / SS minutes before the asassination attempt.

Took me awhile to find this; how did secret service not see this or have it covered? Like that’s plain sight basically?

148yds - that’s not a far shot - and it sounded like multiple shots from a suppressed rifle. Assuming a firm rest on the roof. I would assume the shooter knew something about guns if that gun had a what sounded to be a surpressor? Maybe a a .223? All speculation based on the coverage from international outlets


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Right, inner city people that could care less about politics, probably don't vote, are in the lowest economic brackets and social status in society. Also disenfranchised, likely from broken homes, have very little hope of escaping their lot in life, many suffering from mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse, and have NOTHING left to lose.

Again, if you think its their political affiliation that was a factor in looting stores, you've divorced yourself from facts and reality.
Inner cities that have been controlled by democrats for decades: Portland - last Republican Mayor was in 1979; Chicago - last Republican Mayor was in 1937, Los Angeles - last Republican Mayor was in 2001. Real shining examples of how to improve the economic status of one's citizens. If they don't vote to replace the failed political leadership they have endured for decades, shame on them. If they do vote and continue to keep the failing Democratic party in power, then shame on them. Either way, they have gotten exactly what they have chosen. That, or the Democrat political machine has completely cowed them into submission much like other authoritarian socialist/communist strongholds.
There was an attempt on the life of former President Trump.

Trump is bloodied and alive. With the photo opportunity of a lifetime.

He does not bear any similarity to T. Roosevelt.

The shooter is dead.

An American is dead. Another is fighting for their life.

The roof was 130 yards away. Shooter chose an AR-style. Shooter did not make a good hit. Secret service did.

When the peaceful transition of power and political process is subverted through violence, we all lose. Period.

End of facts.
Begin conjecture.

This leads to the guess that the shooter was inexperienced- weapon choice is not optimal, and most shooters would consider that a chip shot. Question is why was the shooter not detected earlier by security (despite crowd members doing so), and why was the rooftop not secured. I’ve heard a lot of folks claiming “Reichstag Fire” repeat, because Trump is not impeded from running, and they live drawing those correlatives.

Trump beats Biden in this election. It was almost certain before, nearly guaranteed now. Democrats only hope is to replace Biden with someone who will carry the 45% of the country that is independent.

Thoughts for progress-

Reinstate 2/3 majority to pass federal legislation. This would hopefully reset the hyper polarized scenario its elimination created, by forcing politicians to become more bi partisan in order to accomplish anything.

Ban political parties. Hard to get a big formal conspiracy together if you disband the team and freeze their funding. Founding fathers didn’t want them for a reason.

Begin heavily fining politicians if they fail to pass a balanced budget. Debt interest payments are going to bankrupt this country if we don’t act soon.

Enforce anti-trust rules.

Overturn Citizens United.

Remove the primary process, first past the post, and instate ranked-choice voting. It’ll move towards candidates more of us can stomach, rather than the past…. Well, as long as I can remember.

End beer. I’m headed to bed.
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Very odd scenario but a sad day none the less. I’m curious to hear more details in the upcoming days.
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