Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Trash belongs in the garbage...s**t belongs in the toilet.

The problem with a backpack tax is that retailers like REI and others have been pushed to have a tax like Pittman Robertson but have fought against it. and if a backpack tax was to ever get put in place sticky finger politicians would probably find a way to use that money for some other thing and not the deferred maintenance on our public lands trails and infrastructure.
Everyone’s taking about high rises and housing developments, but I’m thinking about electric vans and parking lots.
What blows me away is the people who walk their dogs in the parks or green space areas and pick up the poop in those expensive little specialty poo bags sold at the pet stores ... then toss the bag full of shit alongside the trail. Jeezus! So now there's shit in the woods for years instead of a few weeks. And there's LOTS of people doing it too. How does anyone that stupid ever figure out how to tie his/her shoes? This thread is proof that if breathing required any amount of thought, the world would not be overpopulated today!