Kenetrek Boots

Trash belongs in the garbage...s**t belongs in the toilet.

Last year I was paddlboarding at Curt Gowdy. Some fine folks from Colorado were fishing just below the trail to hidden falls on the shore. Not 200 yards off the paved road. Kid tells mom "I need to shit". Instead of telling him to go to the bathroom one parking lot over he walks up the hill and pops a squat within 10 ft of the main trail. Then just walks back down and goes back to fishing.

Big problem down in Colorado due to the people being so unsanitary. Between the homeless pooping everywhere in town and the hippies/hispsters pooping everywhere else it's state for the poop lover.
Given the current housing crisis and van life fad if there was some type of backpacking tax that would be used to provide more portable toilets and trash collection services at trailheads and places like this would you guys support it?
Sorry if this is a dumb first grade question?
Would you like me to post some pictures of “disturbances” I have personally had the pleasure to clean up in our public parks?

I know this doesn’t apply to the ladies of hunttalk, but womens public restrooms are to worst.
Would you like me to post some pictures of “disturbances” I have personally had the pleasure to clean up in our public parks?

I know this doesn’t apply to the ladies of hunttalk, but womens public restrooms are to worst.
Oh God, yes!! In one of my past lives I was building maintenance for National Park Service. The worst of many facilities I had to look after was Glacier Park Headquarters Bldg. And there weren't any visitors using the women's can there. The supt's secretary was the WORST! I finally had enough and called her out on it one day in the lunch room ... in front of everyone. The worst part is she'd destroy the place after I'd just cleaned it and then go find my boss to make me clean it again. What an ANIMAL. But I bet she spent at LEAST forty minutes every morning putting on her face and fiddling with her hair before coming to work. I finished out the season but never went back to work at Glacier ... even though it was only twenty miles from home. Those "crown jewell" parks are a freaking nightmare.
You want to find out who nasty people are, ask who is a surface vs cat hole popper on social media.
So there is a place very close to my house that is highly recreated. It's a pretty cool place, but it was always trashed and a lot of drug use and drifters liked to hang there. 3 years ago they got some volunteers a couple that I actually know and now they are camp hosts at this particular area April thru October. Its a million times better than it used to be. Still the occasional problem but not trashed anymore. They have great stories. A quick one... Last year at about 11pm a couple guys knocked on their camper door head to toe in tactical gear. Come to find out they were bounty hunters looking for a guy. The guy was not there, but those bounty hunters have captured others there before.
Follow the Mariachi music...
Oh God, yes!! In one of my past lives I was building maintenance for National Park Service. The worst of many facilities I had to look after was Glacier Park Headquarters Bldg. And there weren't any visitors using the women's can there. The supt's secretary was the WORST! I finally had enough and called her out on it one day in the lunch room ... in front of everyone. The worst part is she'd destroy the place after I'd just cleaned it and then go find my boss to make me clean it again. What an ANIMAL. But I bet she spent at LEAST forty minutes every morning putting on her face and fiddling with her hair before coming to work. I finished out the season but never went back to work at Glacier ... even though it was only twenty miles from home. Those "crown jewell" parks are a freaking nightmare.
I help
manage 25 public parks, most have a pit toilet and are open year round. We have 3 facilities that have flush toilets. We have to close the flush toilets seasonally due to freezing temperatures. When we open the restrooms in the springtime I will clean up a pile of human poop from in front of the door because someone squatted against the door.
What is worse, seeing someone's poop on the ground or one of those stupid Mylar party balloons? I would have to go with the balloon, since it will still be there years later.
I help
manage 25 public parks, most have a pit toilet and are open year round. We have 3 facilities that have flush toilets. We have to close the flush toilets seasonally due to freezing temperatures. When we open the restrooms in the springtime I will clean up a pile of human poop from in front of the door because someone squatted against the door.

I've got some horror stories about trash and human waste from working in various parks departments over the years. One of my personal missions at one area was to catch people leaving a popular dispersed camping area and ditching their trash inside the pit toilet bathrooms on their way out. There was only one road in or out of this area and it went right through a Trailhead parking area with a single pit toilet. People would frequently open the door and put all of their trash from the entire weekend of camping inside the bathroom so they wouldn't have to drive back to Denver with it. It happened frequently enough that the forest service had to just lock the restroom. Then people just left their trash outside of the restroom door (and shat behind it) so the restroom was unlocked again. Viscious cycle...
I've got some horror stories about trash and human waste from working in various parks departments over the years. One of my personal missions at one area was to catch people leaving a popular dispersed camping area and ditching their trash inside the pit toilet bathrooms on their way out. There was only one road in or out of this area and it went right through a Trailhead parking area with a single pit toilet. People would frequently open the door and put all of their trash from the entire weekend of camping inside the bathroom so they wouldn't have to drive back to Denver with it. It happened frequently enough that the forest service had to just lock the restroom. Then people just left their trash outside of the restroom door (and shat behind it) so the restroom was unlocked again. Viscious cycle...
Glad to hear people in my area aren’t the only ones that do that.
I've got some horror stories about trash and human waste from working in various parks departments over the years. One of my personal missions at one area was to catch people leaving a popular dispersed camping area and ditching their trash inside the pit toilet bathrooms on their way out. There was only one road in or out of this area and it went right through a Trailhead parking area with a single pit toilet. People would frequently open the door and put all of their trash from the entire weekend of camping inside the bathroom so they wouldn't have to drive back to Denver with it. It happened frequently enough that the forest service had to just lock the restroom. Then people just left their trash outside of the restroom door (and shat behind it) so the restroom was unlocked again. Viscious cycle...
Public use areas near large metro centers are horribly abused. Animals abound. And it seems the younger generation is the worst. I do a lot of walking with my dogs here in town. It's easy to tell when I'm getting close to a high school. The trash on the road and sidewalks increases exponentially. Busy supermarket parking lots don't compare to the littering around those schools. Really sad. Generally speaking, there is so much litter here in town that I never carry a dog poop bag. A tossed coffee cup is always nearby. Just scoop it up with that and toss the works in nearest storm sewer. I see people walking their dogs with poop bag tied to the poor beast's collar and wonder why they don't get bit. Dogs are truly saints to put up with that!
We have had serious discussions at work if we are enabling the savages. I believe we are. People recreate in our public areas 7 days a week. Monday-Thursday is usually retired couples and families, they are typically respectable and clean up after themselves. Starting Thursday it seems the atmosphere changes and it’s more people with big fast boats and atvs bigger than a pickup truck. They drive where they want, park how they want, and get pissed if you ask them to do otherwise. After a weekend our staff spends the week repairing the damage from clogged toilets, poop smeared on walls, busted up docks at our boat landings, piles of garbage, and on and on. By Thursday when the party crowd returns we have everything repaired and back to decent again. Many of the weekenders believe they can run amuck doing as they please because there is very little law enforcement presence and everything they threw on the ground or tore up last weekend is fixed by the time they return.
What is worse, seeing someone's poop on the ground or one of those stupid Mylar party balloons? I would have to go with the balloon, since it will still be there years later.
I wish I had counted / taken photos of all of the balloons I saw elk hunting last year. It was bananas - at least 2-4x a day.

Reminded me of Corey's post from last year:
So there was a vendor at BHA Rendezvous selling outdoor poop kits. Great idea, but the $50 price point was too much for me.
Given the current housing crisis and van life fad if there was some type of backpacking tax that would be used to provide more portable toilets and trash collection services at trailheads and places like this would you guys support it?
Sorry if this is a dumb first grade question?
The problem with a backpack tax is that retailers like REI and others have been pushed to have a tax like Pittman Robertson but have fought against it. and if a backpack tax was to ever get put in place sticky finger politicians would probably find a way to use that money for some other thing and not the deferred maintenance on our public lands trails and infrastructure.
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