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UTah Gov Hebert Trying To Bullsh*t Utah Voters About Public Lands


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Utah Governor Hebert feeling the Heat form the Outdoor Rec show and Patgonia leaving town, and the Jason Chaffetz, the biggest coward in DC and SLC, attempt to sell My Public Lands and gut the Agencies ability to manage my lands via HR 622, now is trying to bullshit the Utah voters into complying with their agenda to destroy public lands in the West.

If you have followed the news and social media this week, you know the issue of public lands management has once again taken center stage in Utah.

Obviously there are differences of opinion on this matter. But let me be clear about where there is full agreement: Utahns love our exceptional public lands.

We love their grandeur and beauty. We love the opportunities they create for solitude and recreation. We agree that these lands must be protected.

Let there be no mistake. Our criticisms of federal land management and policies should not be interpreted as a critique of the need, value, or merit of public lands. In fact, just the opposite.

In recent days, Utah lawmakers have conveyed to the new administration in Washington our principled concerns about the negative impacts of the most recent use of the Antiquities Act for our state. Correspondingly, leaders in outdoor recreation, whose enterprises rely heavily on well managed and accessible public lands, have raised principled concerns about Utah's commitment to caring for them.

This spirited debate demonstrates both the important role public lands play in the lives of Utahns, and that there are still many unanswered questions about the best way to care for and manage our resources. And because these lands belong to the people, it is appropriate that these concerns ultimately play out through public policy processes established by the people.

Utah's elected officials value our outdoor recreation businesses. They are growing and thriving. They are a vital part of our economy, our identity, and our culture, and have contributed more than $12 billion in direct and indirect economic benefit to our state's economy. Their passionate commitment to preserving and protecting the most stunning landscapes in the world contribute to making Utah the best place to live, work and play.

But as governor, I cannot ignore the challenges Utah sometimes faces due to federal practices that too often ignore meaningful local input. Policies change from administration to administration, creating inconsistent federal lands management practices. There are instances where federal inattention to looters, invasive species and pests has harmed these precious lands.

Over the years, we as a state have done a good job of identifying the problems of federal land management. Perhaps what we have not done as well is to talk about the many positive aspects of public lands.

I will be the first to admit that we can and need to do a better job of letting people know how much Utah values its public lands heritage. We need to talk more about the efforts by state government to promote conservation, access and partnerships with all stakeholders. We need to reiterate clearly that Utah is and always will be a public lands state.

I encourage those who question whether Utah supports its public lands to look at the record.

Look at how the State of Utah and our conservation partners spend nearly $14 million every year protecting, enhancing, and promoting our public lands with the largest active watershed and wildlife habitat restoration program in the United States.

Look at our commitment to 43 state parks, many of which rival the splendor of our national parks.

Look at our creation of the first state office of outdoor recreation in the country, whose primary purpose is to create, preserve, and promote access to our public lands.

Look at our annual three million dollar promotion of Utah's National Parks.

Look at how we actively facilitated access to outdoor recreation opportunities on public land, even amidst a federal government shutdown.

Look at the tens of millions of dollars Utah and its partners spend to improve habitat, eliminate invasive species and improve the range for thriving herds of bighorn sheep, bison, deer, elk and pronghorn.

Look at our efforts to establish conservation easements on private land in sensitive areas under threat of development. The Wilcox Ranch near Nine Mile Canyon is a prime example of this.

Each of these investments has yielded an outdoor experience that is unparalleled in the continental United States, and each shows that we are absolutely committed to the preservation and enhancement of our public land heritage for all.

Yes, there are meaningful differences of opinion about best land management practices and uses. But I believe we can find the optimal balance.

When we face challenging and complex issues and emotions are high, I believe the best way to move forward is to take a deep breath — and in this case maybe two or three deep breaths — then sit down and engage in constructive dialogue.

This latest controversy about Utah's commitment to our public lands is one where rhetoric and posturing from both sides may have outpaced rational thought, productive discussion and civility. We cannot force simplistic solutions to these complex issues through ultimatums, boycotts and press releases.

Consequently, I have invited and will meet as soon as possible with leaders in the outdoor recreation community to listen to their concerns.

When I first became governor, I promised that Utah would discover unlimited opportunities through unprecedented partnerships. I look forward to partnering more closely with our outdoor recreation community in order to discover the best opportunities for the preservation and access to Utah's singular, and singularly important public lands.

Gary R. Herbert is the 17th governor of Utah.
He forgot a few:

Look at the delegation we send to DC; focusing heavily to do our best to steal public lands from unsuspecting Americans.

Look at our model of legislative incest that allows our home grown anti-public land organization to use its positions in the State Legislature to secure funding to carry out its anti-public land agenda.

Look at the new laws we passed changing our stream access law and keeping public anglers off their streams.

Look at the millions we've wasted trying to steal public lands from Americans, via state lawsuits.

Look at the support we've given those fringe operators who refuse to abide by rules the rest of public land users are held to.

Look at the millions ($$$) in state wildlife assets, in the form of tags, we've handed over to a couple well-connected groups posing as hunting/fishing organizations so they could go to other states and try impose the Utah Model of Wildlife Welfare on the citizens of other states.

Give me another five minutes of free time and I'm sure I could give the Governor a few more missing pieces.
Aren't you on the list? Oh,it's different list some of us might be on......got to do with planes or sumptin'
You mean guest list.

Well said BF.
Just saw a clip of the Daines protests...

any one getting a Soros check & free bus ride? You BF? Jose?
I have to admit I don't know much about Utah or their quality of hunting and fishing but I always wondered about their fishing for one specific reason. From the time I was a youngster in the late 50's and 60's our family always took our vacations and fished the Madison just below Quake, back in the day before catch and release, other fishermen and when big fish 3 to 6 and 7 lbs. were fairly common at least to good fishermen like my Dad. I remember distinctly Dad shaking his fist and yelling in disgust every time he saw a Utah plate, "Damn Utah Bastards" get the hell off this river! It was funny as hell to me but not to him. The Place to this day has lots of Utah fisherman so just wondering, have they so screwed up their own fishing to the point they all travel to the upper Madison to fish? Please don't acccuse me of being anti non resident cause I'm not although if they want to stay home and fish Utah I'm ok with that!