A counter to the Bundy sympathies

I think if they had arrested Bundy prior to the roundup a violent outcome was guaranteed.

You might be right, but at some point they are going to have to deal with him, or he is going to be a lightening rod for years to come adding fuel to the fire whenever he gets the chance.

Just to be the devil's advocate; do you think that if he and maybe his boys were all in custody while the cattle was seized; no one would have gotten tazed, no violent footage would be all over the internet, and most likely no militias would have been called. Based on what I have read, the militias started to show up after his kid was tazed on Wednesday. At this point the roundup had been taking place for several days.
do you think that if he and maybe his boys were all in custody while the cattle was seized; no one would have gotten tazed, no violent footage would be all over the internet, and most likely no militias would have been called.

No, I think the arrests would have prompted the same militia response after the remaining family began playing their "plight" to the media.

SWAT tactics may have gained initial control, but long term control and security would have been extremely difficult to maintain while removing the cows.
Agreed, I read the court order, and I am not questioning the actions of the USFS and BLM agents that went out to round up the cows. My question is why did the Federal government (DOI) not seek to recover the money owed and consider criminal prosecution of Cliven Bundy?

It looked like they were willing to risk a lot of human life to round up those cows, so if they were that serious why not pursue the issue fully?
I'm wondering if criminal prosecution is the next step. Criminal penalties are allowed for under the Prohibited Acts portion of the BLM grazing regulations.
A local sherrif claims he has inside info from BLM that they are planning a raid on Bundy's ranch and the homes of his kids so if true we will have something far worse that Ruby Ridge or Waco. Plenty of dead bodies to sort out and a nice Congressional investigation to find out who planned the raids and who released the dogs. Then we will all forget about the whole sack of crap. Harry Ried said yesterday that "this is not over". I doubt that it is.
Ringer, it is that type of hearsay unsubstantiated rumor and spin that incites irrational reaction and only serves to exacerbate the problem. It is irresponsible.

If you are going to throw such an inflammatory piece of information out there, at least have the sense to cite the source.
A local sherrif claims he has inside info from BLM that they are planning a raid on Bundy's ranch and the homes of his kids so if true we will have something far worse that Ruby Ridge or Waco. Plenty of dead bodies to sort out and a nice Congressional investigation to find out who planned the raids and who released the dogs. Then we will all forget about the whole sack of crap. Harry Ried said yesterday that "this is not over". I doubt that it is.

This sheriff is either:

1) An irresponsible jackass
2) An attention whore who is making stuff up
3) A dumbass who is willing to put lives at risk
4) All of the above.

Maybe he shoudl go watch Glee reruns.
A local sherrif claims he has inside info from BLM that they are planning a raid on Bundy's ranch and the homes of his kids so if true we will have something far worse that Ruby Ridge or Waco. Plenty of dead bodies to sort out and a nice Congressional investigation to find out who planned the raids and who released the dogs. Then we will all forget about the whole sack of crap. Harry Ried said yesterday that "this is not over". I doubt that it is.

As you digest information, do you ever ask yourself a few simple questions, you know, common sense ones, like: Why would they attack the homes of Bundy and his family? Has Bundy broke any federal laws as of yet? (Maybe after the attempted round up) Where was there any thought process before moving the rumor along?

If there was a raid planned, don't you think it would be turned over to the FBI?

All were asking for is some common sense.:confused:
I'm not sure why all of the back & forth on this subject ???

All I had to do was conduct a quick internet search to find the truths. I just grabbed the first video I found, watched it and the whole topic is clear now (without having to bother myself with fact checking) :) Since I found this on the internet, it MUST be true!

The one problem I see with that whole thing is the fact that the grazing allotment was cutback over 20 years ago. It had nothing to do with solar power back then. The removal was cattle, and the fact that the site is 20 miles away is another problem.

Well done piece though. It does show how slimy Harry Reid is.
May I get some clarification? So the Federal Government doesn't have to abide by the state law of "fencing out"? I would think that would only apply if the Federal Government has a "fence in" law, which maybe they do.

I am not saying Bundy is right, just am curious how that works.
May I get some clarification? So the Federal Government doesn't have to abide by the state law of "fencing out"? I would think that would only apply if the Federal Government has a "fence in" law, which maybe they do.

I am not saying Bundy is right, just am curious how that works.
Federal agencies are expempt from fence out laws as far as I know.
The Bundys are at fault and at any other time, they would have been dealt with like any other person violating the law. The thing that has blown this all out of proportion, is the way our government has started trampling on everybody's rights and trying to turn this country into a dictatorship. Had we been under normal circumstances, it would never have gotten out of control.

People are on edge due to the direction this country is taking.
Oh yeah, his rights have been trampled for the last 20 years while he illegally grazed his cows...and the 80 years prior to that where he paid about the same price to feed his cows, as a 12 year old spends feeding a hampster.

Poor Bundy...he's had his "rights" trampled...spare me the B.S.
Pointer, did you and Jose go to the same Law school?
Ha! You think I'm smart enough to go to law school? Thanks for the compliment, but I am not smart enough for law school. Which by default makes me not smart enough to go to the law school that Jose may or may not have attended. Therefore, I guess it's now apparent that I am not as smart as Jose.

Wow, talk about highs and lows...
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You guys can google it for yourself. I am really upset about spreading a rumor that will cause Buzz and Randy to pack up their AR-15s and head for Bunkerville.
You guys can google it for yourself. I am really upset about spreading a rumor that will cause Buzz and Randy to pack up their AR-15s and head for Bunkerville.

I don't have an AR, could I borrow one of yours, and say 1,000 rounds or so. I assume you've got more than that.
In case any of you are wondering, I apparently make a pretty damned fine sandwich in my office for lunch everyday. I cut those dang tomatoes while sitting at my desk. Life is good...

Wait, what are we talking about here? I apologize for any part I had in dragging this conversation out farther than it deserved. For my pennance I offer up a picture of the sandwich I ate for lunch while reading this thread.

In case any of you are wondering, I apparently make a pretty damned fine sandwich in my office for lunch everyday. I cut those dang tomatoes while sitting at my desk. Life is good...

Wait, what are we talking about here? I apologize for any part I had in dragging this conversation out farther than it deserved. For my pennance I offer up a picture of the sandwich I ate for lunch while reading this thread.

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