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The war in Iraq.

Funny, but I see and hear enough blame to go around. I'm not seeing "don't blame Dubya" I'm seeing quit making it his, and only his, decision.

Someone please tell us what the vote was in congress to support the war? My recollection was it was nearly unanimous.

Anyone else hear Sen. Clinton's soundbite regarding her vote to support the war? She said her vote was based on her "independent" investigation, not Dubya's.

Now, suddenly with a small majority the dems have a "mandate" to get out of Iraq. And the whole thing was bush's fault, with no culpability on the dems that also supported it? Thats the joke.

Its not going perfect, and I don't have a great solution. But pulling out and leaving a huge power vacumn certainly won't help.

And Harry Nancy Reid-Pelousi doesn't speak for America.
It was only after finding the extent of the lies from Dubya did the support begin to wane.

Can you name one lie? I don't know of any he told.

That is the lack of support I'm talking about. Calling the president a liar and calling for pullout of the war before the Iraqi people are ready to support themselves. I'm not talking about the first 3 years. That is undermining the effort over there.

Would more happy crap pieces of news stories make you feel better?

Yes. I don't see many reports about the good that is being done over there. The media would rather report on bad news because for some reason bad news gets better ratings.

Do you really think allowing an Occupying force to kill more "innocent" people will facilitate the indigent people to support the Occupiers?

All I'm saying is there are going to be some people that end up getting killed that may be innocent; and if a soldier makes a mistake, he shouldn't be sent to prison for an honest mistake.

That is pretty funny how you credit the minority party that was out of office/power in all 3 branches of our goverment with that much influence..... Yeppers, don't blame Dubya and his hacks/handlers who were in charge....

You missed my point. I wasn't giving credit to any party. When I said "liberals" I wasn't referring to the Democrat party......I meant liberals in general. The Democrat Party is not made up entirely of liberals (so I wouldn't refer to the party as liberals.......just people like you.
Jose, why no petulance towards the grandstanding distractocrats who concurred with aforementioned 'moment in time' intel?

How about some binding legislation from your hundred day heroes (w/out the pork bribes)...or are they still hungover from their 'landslide' directorate from our microwave watching electorate?
Can you name one lie? I don't know of any he told..
Just because you fail to remember what has happened does not mean it didn't happen. Why would you allow your ignorance and faulty memory to provide an alibi for Dubya and his lies to the American People? Did you watch his State of the Union Address in Jan-03? The fact you can't remember his statements doesn't mean he didn't make them. Have any idea what he said about Nigeria in that speech?

That is the lack of support I'm talking about. Calling the president a liar and calling for pullout of the war before the Iraqi people are ready to support themselves. I'm not talking about the first 3 years. That is undermining the effort over there. .
You would prefer the American People blindly accept whatever lies they are fed by their Government?

Yes. I don't see many reports about the good that is being done over there. The media would rather report on bad news because for some reason bad news gets better ratings. .
So you did not appreciate the efforts of the Washington Post on exposing the horrible treatment of US Soldiers at Walter Reed? You would have preferred the Media ignore the conditions at Walter Reed and instead, provide you more Happy Crap about a school in some Iraqi village that has a basketball hoop on the side of it thanks to some soldiers? What sort of imaginary world do you want to live in?

All I'm saying is there are going to be some people that end up getting killed that may be innocent; and if a soldier makes a mistake, he shouldn't be sent to prison for an honest mistake. .
If you make a mistake at your job and somebody gets killed, should you expect consequences? Do you think Abu Gharab was a "honest mistake"?

You missed my point. I wasn't giving credit to any party. When I said "liberals" I wasn't referring to the Democrat party......I meant liberals in general. The Democrat Party is not made up entirely of liberals (so I wouldn't refer to the party as liberals.......just people like you.
Since you are throwing around the labels, can you define what a "liberal" is?
Jose, why no petulance towards the grandstanding distractocrats who concurred with aforementioned 'moment in time' intel?

How about some binding legislation from your hundred day heroes (w/out the pork bribes)...or are they still hungover from their 'landslide' directorate from our microwave watching electorate?

Have you seen any progress or obstruction from the Democrats you are blaming for Dubya's failures?

There were a lot of Democrats elected by people who decided that the Dubya's War of Terror is an important topic and a topic that should be debated and discussed. The fact this topic is being debated in Congress is a good thing, wouldn't you agree? Dubya spends more time trying to figure out how to get campaign donors to be Ambassador to Belgium than he tries to figure out how to engage Syria and Iran in meaningful dialouge to resolve the mess his War of Terror has created.
BTW- I could critisize Bush all day long too. But, the point is, the people of this country should be working together toward a common goal of winning in Iraq and getting the hell out of there someday with some dignity left. We were told that the effort in Iraq would take time.
From the Urban Dictionary:

1. liberal

1. Technically, someone who falls to the left in a political system, who believes in government programs (healthcare is a good example, as is welfare) and a larger scope of government, also favors monitoring of business and protection of constitutional rights. Someone who believes that the federal government should have more importance than state government,

2. Somehow, it has turned into an insult, like the word conservative. Usually used as such by people who have never taken a political science class and don't know what the word means. Often used to describe "liberal media" despite the fact that most media outlets are owned by conservative corporations like ClearChannel, and the prevalence of conservative talk shows.

1. "He has a liberal attitude towards life"
2. "That gay homo is a liberal comunnist pinnko! Limbaugh toled me so, and O'reailly agreez! Fox News Rulz, they so impartial in their support of everything Bush! Goddamn liberal media!


While you like to put "ALL" the blame on one individual (the same individual who is the bane of your party),

This incident was a group effort as in context with our government, you can stuff your head in the sand deep enough to cover your second ass and it still won’t change this fact

We can justify any thing we want in our own mind, still doesn’t mean its right with the world... :)

Ken, very well stated... :D

Robert, the difference between liberals and conservatives

A liberal will hide behind any or no title, denying what they are

A conservative will stand up and state who they are with pride

This transcends party lines :)
Have you seen any progress or obstruction from the Democrats you are blaming for Dubya's failures?

There were a lot of Democrats elected by people who decided that the Dubya's War of Terror is an important topic and a topic that should be debated and discussed. The fact this topic is being debated in Congress is a good thing, wouldn't you agree? Dubya spends more time trying to figure out how to get campaign donors to be Ambassador to Belgium than he tries to figure out how to engage Syria and Iran in meaningful dialouge to resolve the mess his War of Terror has created.

Obviously you have difficulty with the definition of 'concur' does your party.

Why the nitpicking re:ambassadors...any enlightened mind knows these posts are loyalty specific payback. I suppose you would understand the saliency of high tea diplomacy better than most though.

Given Syria's attitude towards women, how 'effective' was Pelosi's showboat

I could go on, but you get the idea....oh, one more about your predictable spin on the Senate funding vote....
Well I remember wondering at the time W.T.F..... Why are we messing around with that punk ass Saddam.... .. After hearing Bill Clintons speach before he left office... about how "dangerous" Saddam was and how he was seeking nukes.

Why did we take so long [U.N.sanctions] to go into Iraq?

But I agree with Delw/Danr and most others.... Jose/Buzz you guys are just playing "monday morning quarterback" critical after the facts... would anyone feel better if they found W.M.D.`s... and we are still in the same situation? How would W.M.D.`s have changed what we are doing in Irag? It Would Change Nothing... the left would still be "the left"... my 3 cts
...the difference between liberals and conservatives

A liberal will hide behind any or no title, denying what they are

A conservative will stand up and state who they are with pride

This transcends party lines :)

Now...if the conservatives would go back to actually being conservative, they would get more of my support. As it is now, I am not standing up and saying I am anything!!! I don't want to be associated with either side.
BTW- I could critisize Bush all day long too. But, the point is, the people of this country should be working together toward a common goal of winning in Iraq and getting the hell out of there someday with some dignity left. We were told that the effort in Iraq would take time.

The people of this country ARE working together. If you remember, the people of this country got together in November and voted the GOP out of control of the Senate and House and elected people with a mandate to get our troops out of Iraq.

What more do you want them to do?

While you like to put "ALL" the blame on one individual (the same individual who is the bane of your party),

This incident was a group effort as in context with our government, you can stuff your head in the sand deep enough to cover your second ass and it still won’t change this fact


Not exactly sure what you are trying to say due to your poor English skills, lack of intelligence, and inability to listen and/or learn; but yes Dubya gets ALL the blame as the leader of his Party, the President, and the leader of the Party in Control of BOTH houses of Congress.

If you don't like him being responsible and would prefer to find excuses for his failures just as you blame others for your failures, that is your issue.
Well I remember wondering at the time W.T.F..... Why are we messing around with that punk ass Saddam.... .. After hearing Bill Clintons speach before he left office... about how "dangerous" Saddam was and how he was seeking nukes.

Why did we take so long [U.N.sanctions] to go into Iraq?


Bin Laden has been seeking Nukes and WMD's, and Duby has left him in power.