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The next surge

Figure the insurance payout on million dollar, simple 2 bedroom homes w/ all their personal effects in L.A... No realtor fees to pay either. These are the base, bottom dollar homes. Palisades, Eaton $$$$ homes! Then again, might be a good time to invest in KBH, DHI... Lot of home building on the horizon!

A good chunk of dough will infuse certain areas that have gained popular status. Montana, care of television... Rip will be there to assist with moving in.

Yes, IMO, there will be another influx of Californians moving to Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. Not near the Covid setting as remote jobs are fading as quick as employers can reduce.
HOPEFULLY, the 310 rule will turn to be a yuge WIN for Montana values over the grotesque massive house 15' off McDonald river in GNP. That might help soften some of the Californians that hold little to no regard for The Last Best Place.

In the end, as it may disappoint me for their move to these last great mountain States, what a tragic loss of personal memorabilia and houses that held family personal treasured memories. What a wicked series of fires! Move where they move, all for it though respect the location you move to. Not like they read these threads... though spouting out my hope they respect where they decide to place a house.
My 10 year plan is to move somewhere in MT none of those people want to move to. Unfortunately, I’ll still have to deal with them at least 12 weeks out of the year for the foreseeable future.
12 degrees with a 25 mph wind here today. -15 tomorrow it says. Not a house in sight. 60 miles to the nearest grocery store. Plenty of room. Come on out!!
I don’t think if it will be a surge, but the trickle won’t ever stop.

That said, for those fleeing fire, it’s getting pretty hard to insure homes in Montana in a lot of places. My wife’s family cabin in Lincoln went from having the insurance double, to no longer being able to find an insurance company to touch it with a 10 foot pole. And I don’t blame the insurance companies. Particularly in places served by rural VFDs who rarely could respond to a house fire in any amount of time to quash the conflagration - God Bless em.

I suppose the other side of the coin that is Montana’s housing prices is that even folks from the well-to-do otherlies may not be able to afford to move here. That’s definitely slowed things down.
Same crap happening in Alberta. All these easterners moving west and bringing their liberal policies with them, trying to change how it is out here. Not to mention the twat of an outgoing PM ruining immigration and letting everybody and anybody into the country. The city where I live, Calgary, grew by 100,000 people in one year. Real sustainable.
That’s a good backup. Not a real destination spot
I was born there. Family has a farm to the North. Except for the wind I kinda like it up there. Would be hard to leave the mountains though. mtmuley
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The people that live in PP live there for a reason….they have no want to move to Montana…trust me …. :)
I was born there. Family has a farm to the North. Except for the wind I kinda like it up there. Would be hard to leave the mountains though. mtmuley
Very nice. Definitely a cool area minus the wind.
I don't know what it's like to actually live in any of the places you guys do. I've been here for over 40 years. We're remote, underserved by things most take for granted, over taxed for services we don't have. I've said before that our nearest stop sign is about an hour away. This place isn't for your casual city dwelling home owner much like many of the places you are trying to protect. Every couple of years someplace will come up for sale, a year or so later it might sell to some family that will usually put it back up for sale after they can't get along with the inconveniences of daily remote living. Now think about it. Would someone who is used to all the convenience of city living actually want to live and tolerate all the things that you take as normal daily living? When we have the rare "Flat Lander" as we call outsiders, move here they either blend in and are excepted or they are gone in 2-3 years max. One of the longtime past ranchers had a little sign on the kitchen wall. "Living in the San Antone is a lot like being hung. Once you get over the initial shock and hang around for a while, it ain't so bad". It was written by Gracie Rochine somewhere around the 1930's - 1940's.
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