The next surge

Will we see another surge in people relocating to the mountain states, specifically Montana after the terrible fires in California? mtmuley

$hit. I hadn’t thought about that. Wouldn’t surprise me. Kalispell is full of them now.
I’m sure we will need to help them out in some way…. Maybe a relocation fund to Easter cities and a job in which they are qualified. Some were not around here though. I’m willing to help pay for that.
One thing you can count on is that newsome will be grandstanding to lie about all the support the state will give them then shit all over them before dumping it on the feds. He's had practice . It's exactly what he did to us. People weren't allowed to rebuild through county bullshit and insurance companies wouldn't pay. We lost 1/2 our population and 2 resulting suicides. Beware of newsome for your next president.
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Didn't realize it was up to 12,000 homes
It's not. They consider outbuildings, sheds, carports, vehicles, RV's, trailers and a few other headscratchers as individual "STRUCTURES". The number of actual permanent homes lost is going to be a few decimal points the other direction..I'd guesstimate that 80%+ of those affected are liberals or hard leaning left. The exact type nobody wants as a new neighbor.
We need to organize a plan to get the Tesla charging stations shut down so that they can’t get past idaho
We’re not a dead end road. We’re already overran with em here. Keep those charging stations open man. You can take your fair share of them.
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