So what happened to the "let's bash landowners thread"?

Again....I dont know any "rich" (with $ that is) ranching families in Mt, not the ones that have been here forever. Most of them are just "gettin by" and they work their butts of just to do that.
Obviously it doesn't matter, but Stilllookintobuya200... where you from... originally?
You guys missed it, there are private ranchers here who give kids free hunts to promote youth hunting. Just because the ranch is high dollar or private does not prevent promoting youth hunting. That is something that has value in itself and people who want to promote hunting do it.

Its kind of like walking around a mountain, if you like to hike, it has value in itself, whether you see many animals or not and there are people who do it, for the value it has in itself.
You guys missed it, there are private ranchers here who give kids free hunts to promote youth hunting. Just because the ranch is high dollar or private does not prevent promoting youth hunting. That is something that has value in itself and people who want to promote hunting do it.


What do you think of the Tobacco companies that give kids free cigarettes? There does not seem to be a big difference between Tobacco companies and Texas ranchers.
You guys missed it, there are private ranchers here who give kids free hunts to promote youth hunting. Just because the ranch is high dollar or private does not prevent promoting youth hunting.

For the big genetically altered and corn-flinger fed monster bucks?? :D

Or the management bucks and does that the fat cats don't want??

Got links?
Hey Greenhorn, did you see the ol' Alabama boy on 24hr complaining about the local sheriff's dept. charging $200 to hunt on land they controlled and pricing the "little guy" out? Somebody asked about his deer lease, and said that he is part of the problem with pricing out the little guy. He replied that there is plenty of public land to hunt for the guys that can't afford a lease. :D
Greenhorn- did you see this article on Patterson right after the Pine Ridge fires? I find his attitude of "screw the public, but I deserve publicly funded assistance"....revolting. From the article, in reference to Katrina aid:
He suggested a small portion of the billions being spent on disaster relief there could help save the day for himself and his neighbors, some of whom are worse off than he is.
Also stated in the article, he would rather have his house burn down, than his hay, because the hay was insured. Telling...
I don't know what happened either. I was in court all day, sitting on a hard wooden bench outside the courtroom, waiting to testify on a real estate fraud case. My PC at home crashed a few days ago, so I can only access from work or the library. I don't see the thread at all, and I can usually see nuked threads and who deleted them?
Greenhorn.....answered this the other day but Im proud to answer again, born and bred in Zootown, (no dreadlocks, thank you very much) Never lived in another state but have "worked" in several, grew up on a cattle ranch here in western Mt (a portion which is still open under block management.....but barely) I have more friends from Bozeman than Zootown, although there are OBVIOUSLY some idiots from both areas. Feel free to continue your name calling and your unwillingness to see that there are other "sides" to this argument other than just yours, no skin off my back, now that you cant bash me for being born in another state and not knowing the "issues" Im sure you will just go back to calling me gay, which dosent bother me a bit, If fine in my own britches, hell I even wear a pink Roper occasionally.

So......Mt is where I was born, Mt is MY home. I have and continue work in several "agriculture/outdoor" oriented business. Ill say it again....Ive seen ALL sides of this argument, everyone has a point, I try to give them ALL at least a listen before going Balistic about nothing. Hmmmmmmmm, a listen, you oughta try that sometime.

BTW, I wont answer anymore "personal" question, use your imagination if you like in the rest of the "ABOUT ME" dept.

In time you'll see....Im not too awful bad of a guy, and most importantly, I know my Chit.
BTW, How 'bout them Griz? Win or loose tonight looks like our season shined a little brighter than the Cats.....again.
Not only a migrant from California (or somewhere equally unimpressive) -- a griz fan.. what a totally queer bong handling moron. :D
He he, answered the local question the other day and again today, its under review......

Ill say this slower this time so you understand

B O R N IN Z O O T O W N long before you were even that tingly feeling in your fathers groin. (No dreadlocks)

You know me, or you would if you paid attention a little more Sunshine.

Ahhhh, someday.....uhhh, thats all....someday.

Occupation......hmmmmmm, lets say Agriculture....kinda. Ill let you bash that for a while now because Im not giving you any more of my personal details. I already have a date for tonight. xo
Ugh.. Missoula? You poor thing. No way that I know you..

You can't be as old as me -- you'd be smarter.

I hope your date is nice to you. Where'd you find him?

Hey, I know where you can buy a 200.

All kidding aside, have a great weekend. It might be tough though.. living in Missoula and all..
The griz took out a lot of cats this year...even a couple during the playoffs...yep, Missoula is tough on cats.
I think they'll be tough on Richmond as well, get to step on a few spiders...sure made short work of the #1 ranked James Madison.

The bobcat football team at least gets to watch what a real football team is capable of...poor bobcats.
Buzzh- The Bobcat's football team should be grateful...they got to see a good football team in real life and on TV...What more could the Bozo's ask for?

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