Caribou Gear Tarp

What if NM did it like this?

Hunting as a way to save money on meat almost never pencils out. Especially so anytime you’re paying more than $1000 for the tag and/or are a nonresident.

Meat is a huge bonus and should be first priority, but for almost all of us hunting is a hobby- let’s not fool ourselves.
Theres alot of truth to that, I agree with that. Most of my hunts end up being under a $1000 for me unless I'm going across the state. Then it would definitely hit the 1000 mark. But we also need to remember there's pple that only hunt for meat and thar can't afford to travel all the way across the state to hunt and that need the meat cause they can't afford to pay to shoot a cow for a ridiculous price. Got to remember how much meat a cow elk gives and how much meat a beef gives. A elk doesnt supply as much as a beef. We don't want this turning into the Kings deer anymore than it is already. I don't agree totally with both sides of the take back your elk deal. Both sides have some wrong views in my opinion
OK, kind of a reboot here. This may be off the wall, but it has been suggested that NM residents can buy Land Owner tags just like NRs can. Ok...

What if LO elk tags were allocated on a R/NR basis? A maximum percentage of those tags being able to go to NRs - say, 10 or 15 percent, the remainder to residents. Would that satisfy the "Take Back Your Elk" folks? What would be the Landowner reaction? I can bet NRs would not be happy, since 15% is way less than 45%.

How would this impact the elk herds? How do the landowners get an incentive to maintain elk habitat (I think this impacts smaller landowners like Hank4elk, the big outfits just have to let the land do what it does)?

I don't really have a dog in the hunt, since I plan to get the first season ML hunt in the Valles Caldera :).

No, who wouldn't be happy is landowners. Simply because residents wouldn't pay the outrageous prices they demand for a landowner tag. Honestly this will never happen IMO.
OK, kind of a reboot here. This may be off the wall, but it has been suggested that NM residents can buy Land Owner tags just like NRs can. Ok...

What if LO elk tags were allocated on a R/NR basis? A maximum percentage of those tags being able to go to NRs - say, 10 or 15 percent, the remainder to residents. Would that satisfy the "Take Back Your Elk" folks? What would be the Landowner reaction? I can bet NRs would not be happy, since 15% is way less than 45%.

How would this impact the elk herds? How do the landowners get an incentive to maintain elk habitat (I think this impacts smaller landowners like Hank4elk, the big outfits just have to let the land do what it does)?

I don't really have a dog in the hunt, since I plan to get the first season ML hunt in the Valles Caldera :).

No the problem is selling of something that belongs to the tax paying public and not the land owner.

Elk does damage to your field? NM is a fence out state, build a fence and keep em off. You provide water or habitat? The elk were here long before grandads well and managed to survive. You rely on the income? No one force your family to ranch in the high desert where it doesn’t pay the bills. All common arguments I’ve heard for it.

With az getting rid of auction tags for the same complaints of selling wildlife nm won’t be far behind
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@WildWill, I agree with almost all of your post except for this part. A large portion of EPlus tags are unit-wide, and therefore make it easier for unguided NR and R to get a tag (easier does not mean cheaper, I acknowledge that).

The nice part about the unit-wide E Plus tags is that they force the landowner to open their private land to the public.
"Force"? Many of those properties remain closed and posted. There is so little enforcement as to be none.

You're not wrong on that account. Have run into it twice and the lack of response was more frustrating then the actual event.
And between you and me, in NM, I ain't about to enter property that's supposedly open but posted, just to get an elk.


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