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Sleep apnea and hunting


New member
Oct 9, 2011
Sagle. ID
Over the past couple of years I have been slowly getting back to my roots and spending more time outdoors. A lot of hunting, some fishing and camping. I do have an issue that I am sure I am not alone on. I have sleep apnea and wear a CPAP machine at night. I have been very reluctant to take extended trips without the machine and as a result my ability to kill quality animals has been greatly affected. My question is, What do other hunters with sleep apnea do when they are away for longer trips?:confused: I do know that technology is changing and the machines are getting smaller and there is even a battery operated model available but at $900 not in my budget. :eek:
Do any of the jumper power boosters that you can keep in your trunk have plug in capability? I thought I saw a guy in camp charging one for his machine.
I think a buddy from work just hauls a couple of car batteries to camp with him. Not sure if he has to use an inverter or not. Others I've known with the machine use generators.

I too suffer from sleep apnea. I was able to buy a dc adapter and cables to connect to a battery. I bought these from a medical supply store,, for around 40 bucks. I then connected that to a marine battery. The battery would hold a charge for about 5 nights.
I too suffer from sleep apnea. I was able to buy a dc adapter and cables to connect to a battery. I bought these from a medical supply store,, for around 40 bucks. I then connected that to a marine battery. The battery would hold a charge for about 5 nights.

That is what I do also. No biggie in the grand scheme of things. John:D
I too suffer from sleep apnea. I was able to buy a dc adapter and cables to connect to a battery. I bought these from a medical supply store,, for around 40 bucks. I then connected that to a marine battery. The battery would hold a charge for about 5 nights.

That's what I should be doing, I just go without it, which makes my snoring horrendous, but so far no one has shot me . . . there have been threats though.:eek:
Would suck....question : I know apnea is not healthy, but do you put yourself at risk if you do not have it for 5 days? Duration does not necessarily determine quality imo? Quality of the hunt?, or the game you kill?
I have looked at and am a customer of I did see that there is a Li-on battery pack that is compatible with my machine. But its not cheap. I would like to be able to do some back country hunts so lugging a car battery is out of the question.

My sleep apnea is not your run of the mill apnea. I have neurogenic or central sleep apnea. My respiratory rate drops really low at night and I retain CO2, causing migraines every morning. Its kinda like waking up with the worst hangover you can imagine. I am not able to do without it for even one night.

I do have a travel trailer and use the machine while camping without any problems. But taking it backpacking for a spike camp is my issue. I guess its time to look into a battery pack and just pay the piper if I want to spend time out of the trailer.
I dont know anything about the machines you use but if it plugs in check out the honda eu 1000watt generators.If they have enough power to run the machine you use it would be the way to go.Lightweight and quiet.I have a honda eu 2000watt gen and am very happy with it. Run a 25 foot extention cord from your tent and I dont think you would hardly hear it.price for the 1000w is probably around $700-$800 and it would have more than one use at hunting camp.
Would suck....question : I know apnea is not healthy, but do you put yourself at risk if you do not have it for 5 days? Duration does not necessarily determine quality imo? Quality of the hunt?, or the game you kill?

Yes, In my mind it would as there is a level of sleep that is called Rhemm (SP) sleep. This is the level you must reach to produce Saratonin (SP?). This is the chemical that is produced in the Brain and helps prevent Depression, a major side effect of SA. When I had my testing done I was waking up 80+ times a Minute. Think about that, my mind was litterly Flashing off and on when I tried to sleep so I woke up, grabbed a cup of coffee and fell back asleep in my chair. John
"When I had my testing done I was waking up 80+ times a Minute."

DRAFTSTUD---Did you mean 80+ an hour, as you would be wide awake the whole time if it was a minute, wouldn't you? I really feel sorry for those who suffer from any sleep disorder as I can sleep sitting up in front of the computer and generally at night I don't take more than several minutes to go into a deep sleep for hours until I wake up and have to pee, LOL!
"When I had my testing done I was waking up 80+ times a Minute."

DRAFTSTUD---Did you mean 80+ an hour, as you would be wide awake the whole time if it was a minute, wouldn't you? I really feel sorry for those who suffer from any sleep disorder as I can sleep sitting up in front of the computer and generally at night I don't take more than several minutes to go into a deep sleep for hours until I wake up and have to pee, LOL!

No, I mean my mind never did get to the point where I was what they call asleep, yes I was "asleep" but not in the sense that you traditionally think of sleep. That is what makes SA so damaging to the Heart and to the Mental well being. They woke me up after only 2 hours to put a breathing machine on me (Cpac Machine) as they were worried for me. John
"When I had my testing done I was waking up 80+ times a Minute."

DRAFTSTUD---Did you mean 80+ an hour, as you would be wide awake the whole time if it was a minute, wouldn't you? I really feel sorry for those who suffer from any sleep disorder as I can sleep sitting up in front of the computer and generally at night I don't take more than several minutes to go into a deep sleep for hours until I wake up and have to pee, LOL!

last time I had trouble sleeping at hunt camp was when one of the clowns showed up with a "butt out tool" and threatened anyone who snored,,,,
My wife is a Respitory Therapist and she says that other patients of hers had the same concerns. What she recommends is purchasing an adapter that you can connect to the the CPAP that will plug into a generator/battery. Most hunters/campers shes spoke with use this and have had success being able to maintain their hobby while still getting solid sleep! Here is an example of one.
I've had sleep apnea since 1978, and am now on my fifth cpap machine. My sleep test showed that I woke up at least 1600 times in an 8 hour period and stopped breathing for anywhere from 1 minute to 90 seconds, over 2700 times in the same 8 hour period. There is a machine made that has it's own battery back up built in, but the last time I checked into it, it was priced at double the amount ($1800-$2400 is the normal). Also, insurance and medicare will not cover the cost of the portable unit. The last time I went camping, I carried several 100 foot extension cords and made sure to get a spot near a laundry/bath house so I could plug in. That was on a camping/fishing trip down to Lake Okeechobee in S. Fla. These days, when I'm asleep at home, if the power goes off, I'm wide awake until it comes back on!