Sleep apnea and hunting

Any of you SA guys get surgery?...widen the nasal passages, tonsil and adenoid removal, etc.
My tonsils and adenoids were removed when I was a child. As I stated earlier my SA is not your normal run of mill obstructive type. During sleep my respiratory rate drops to 4-6 a minute and very shallow. As a result gas exchange is poor and I retain carbon dioxide. The retained CO2 causes multiple problems but the major one for me was severe headaches every morning. I went through over a year of various tests before the Dr. finally decided on a sleep study. Even then, I was told sleep apnea was not the problem. I had an MRI of the brain and was informed at one time I had a tumor! After a repeat, the tumor wasn't there. Being tethered to a machine at night is not my idea of fun, but it has helped. I hope I can come up with a solution that will allow me to backpack again and not have to worry about my sleeping and breathing.
I also had my tonsils and adenoids removed as a child. The doctor claims that I'm not a candidate for surgery due to the cartilage that is present in the neck and throat. When I was younger, I worked out with weights and did some amateur boxing, so I also did a lot of neck strengthening work. As I got older, fatter, and out of shape, the muscles weren't strong enough to counteract the cartilage. I do have a couple of cousins and some friends who were able to have the surgery.
Hey Ron! Better to wake up 1600 times than not wake up once, LOL! You have to look at the bright side of things Bro!

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