PEAX Equipment

Need a little help deciding on these three areas for Antelope .... 32, 47, or 72


New member
Feb 6, 2021
Central Minnesota
My son and I are planning to apply for Antelope this year in Wyoming. We have hunted 115 a few times in the past but the "point creep" has put us out of the running for that area. With the points we have we are looking at 32, 47, & 72. We've never hunted those areas and was wondering if some of you could tell me which of those areas offers decent "spot and stalk" opportunities. We plan on dispersed camping for base camp. Also, which of those areas offers some fishing opportunities. Not asking for numbers of Antelope. Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
I've hunted both 47 and 32. Both are good for spot and stalk hunting. North Platte River is close to both as well.
Thanks for the response! My shooting skills are only good for 250-300 yds. So, I was hoping to avoid large expanses of flat open areas. Hopefully this year will produce some decent rain out there.