Sighting in a 7mm-08 for the first time

Nice shot placement @TrapperJ , but even better eyebrow game!

May I suggest a good place for meal prep from your harvest? Hank Shaw has a cookbook entitled “Buck Buck Moose” with lots of venison recipes. His website is this:

You can get lots of ideas here for free. You can repay his online generosity one day by buying his book.
Haha thanks about the eyebrows lol I got some books on venison which I'm gonna grill some later
If you can hang it for a couple weeks you will get tender flavorful meat like the best you've ever had. Don't forget to filet out the back straps!!
We cut some off and are gonna try to grill it. I'll tell ya how it is. Also it seems pretty tinder
So here's the story. first day of doe season (Friday) I left out around 7 and set all day by a oak tree and didn't see much but squrriels. Then that evening I set and didn't see much but close to dark I heard what sounded like deer but didn't see nothing. So then this morning around 6 or 7 I take off loaded with my trusty 7mm that's barely sighted in and shoots 6 inchs right but anyways I find a good spot sat down and was waiting about 15 minutes a doe walks out of some brush and she's facing exactly infront of me and is moving her head back and forth looking at me and with my heart pumping harder then ever. I wait for her to turn broadside which she did. I then let the hammer smack the shell and out went a 120 gr hornady her back legs went flying(heart shot) and piled up 30 feet from where I shot. I thank all you guys for guidance and I can't wait for November buck season to come around.
Well it looks like you did alright. Congrats.
Haha thanks about the eyebrows lol I got some books on venison which I'm gonna grill some later
Too much time/heat on the grill has lessened an otherwise amazing meal into “it’s ok”. Medium rare is best.

Tenderloins and heart first for us at my home. Letting the muscles relax/ age helps per most folks tastebuds.
So shoot 10 rounds to zero then shoot another 20 for practice? Got it I think. I did see a video saying shoot one shot at the target then move the crosshair with the turret to where the first shot hit then shoot again and it's zeroed. Is that true?
That only works if you don’t move the rifle from its original resting place from the first shot
Talking from experience I don't miss much lol also I didn't mean to come off as a serial killer. I meant to come as a new hunter needing a deer and wanting deer meat. Also I pay all respects to the anmials I kill just like my ancestors did(I'm native american) also as far as cash it's fine I got 2 shells left so I doubt I'm gonna be hunting much till November
Nice shot placement @TrapperJ , but even better eyebrow game!

May I suggest a good place for meal prep from your harvest? Hank Shaw has a cookbook entitled “Buck Buck Moose” with lots of venison recipes. His website is this:

You can get lots of ideas here for free. You can repay his online generosity one day by buying his book.
+1 for this cookbook. Almost all the recipes are labor-intensive, but VERY delicious. A lot of my everyday (wild game) cooking has its roots in this book, although I can't say I don't take shortcuts most days 😅
It's your badge of honor!! Think of it as a momento, a trophy.
I guess that's one way to think of it I plan on printing the picture of me with it (Me and the deer) and putting it on my wall. But I kinda like clean things
Nice work man.

For getting blood out hydrogen peroxide and dish soap. I usually use the peroxide first and let it sit for a minute and then mix dish soap into a bucket of water and scrub. Alternate till clean.

We accidentally flung blood all over my 8 year old daughter’s backpack when we were loading the elk into the fridge. I got it out enough that she approved. The sooner you do it the better.
Nice work man.

For getting blood out hydrogen peroxide and dish soap. I usually use the peroxide first and let it sit for a minute and then mix dish soap into a bucket of water and scrub. Alternate till clean.

We accidentally flung blood all over my 8 year old daughter’s backpack when we were loading the elk into the fridge. I got it out enough that she approved. The sooner you do it the better.
Thanks. The blood on the boots has wore off and I have yet the clean the rifle scope but the pants are kinda done for at this point

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