Yeti GOBOX Collection

6.5 CM as a hunting cartridge... why?

You start some weird threads for just being a bird watcher
Completely unrelated but have you ever noticed the number of birds called "cocks"? Also, unrelated but Ive never heard any birder refer to themselves as a "@#)(# enthusiast", but I'd wager that in that community there are folks who brag about seeing every species of that type...
I just don’t see how bringing up a shooting scenario that is outside most people capabilities in order to prove / disprove your opinion on what you believe to be an “elk round” helps your argument. Your argument looks like, hey I want a larger cartridge because my ethical shot scenario / distance changes depending on the size of the animal in my scope, therefore I need (insert round) to compensate for a bad shot. And I’m not disagreeing with your stance, I love large calibers. But the argument ehh. I’ll go back to putting mayonnaise in a toaster 👍
Because the same folks that cant do it with a 6.5 ThunderCunt could do it with a 300 Win Mag? I have no idea what point that you are trying to make here.
Sorry - question is for the OP that we are both responding to not to you Buffalo. *tips hat* apologizes for the confusion.

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