Isnt it the same?

So metric is european and something like 308 is american which I think I understand that part

I'll Google search later about reloading and whatnot.

Sounds like the 7.65 has a better start at 100yards with +1.8 compared to the 7mm but sounds like the 7mm has a advantage at 300? But once all the math is done if the 7.65x53mm was loaded to it's full potential and everything is it more powerful then the 7mm-08? Or is it about the same that's kinda what I'm wondering on

The rest of the world has enough sense to use a base 10 system. 10 millimeters in a centimeter. 100 centimeters in a meter, 1000 meters in a kilometer, etc. We’re so damn smart we have 12 inches in a foot, 3 feet in a yard, and 5280 feet in a mile. Less than an inch? Of course, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16ths because that makes sense!
When would be a good time to discuss the .256 Newton?
Oh yeah let's talk about the 256 Newton isn't that a 123 grain bullet at a velocity of 3100fps or a 140 grain bullet at 3000fps and right now currently western cartridge company reloads a 129gr open point for it correct? (Granpa had a 256 Newton) then there's the 30 Newton not to familiar with it then there's the 35 Newton made in 1916 I believe and today it's being loaded with a 250 grain hollow point and it's pushing a velocity of 2670fps. I may not be totally smart on some calibers but I've been around a few oldies
Oh yeah let's talk about the 256 Newton isn't that a 123 grain bullet at a velocity of 3100fps or a 140 grain bullet at 3000fps and right now currently western cartridge company reloads a 129gr open point for it correct? (Granpa had a 256 Newton) then there's the 30 Newton not to familiar with it then there's the 35 Newton made in 1916 I believe and today it's being loaded with a 250 grain hollow point and it's pushing a velocity of 2670fps. I may not be totally smart on some calibers but I've been around a few oldies

Yes, but per the discussion of this thread.

The .256 Newton. Not a .25 caliber anything, but a 6.5mm (.264).
There are some rounds that use the bore(lands) diameter instead of the more common grove
diameter of the barrel to name the cartridge as mentioned earlier.

Would be cool to own a Newton rifle in any of his cartridges. My favorite of Newton’s is the .250-3000.
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Yes, but per the discussion of this thread.

The .256 Newton. Not a .25 caliber anything, but a 6.5mm (.264).
There are some rounds that use the bore(lands) diameter instead of the more common grove
diameter of the barrel to name the cartridge as mentioned earlier.

Would be cool to own a Newton rifle in any of his cartridges. My favorite of Newton’s is the .250-3000.
250-3000 would be nice but ammo would be extinct to find
So guys question could that mauser be rebarreled? To some other caliber and if so what one and yet again that's just a question that ain't me saying I want to that's just a question
To get back to your OP re: ranges, if you do decide to buy that mauser I’d recommend you switch the set ups. Dial in your 7-08 for longer ranges, and use the Mauser w/ iron sights for close range. That way you don’t need to alter the mauser even further attempting to add a scope base and such to it.

That all is, if you need the ability for long range at all. If not, keep the 7-08 as is and use which ever you feel like that day.
To get back to your OP re: ranges, if you do decide to buy that mauser I’d recommend you switch the set ups. Dial in your 7-08 for longer ranges, and use the Mauser w/ iron sights for close range. That way you don’t need to alter the mauser even further attempting to add a scope base and such to it.

That all is, if you need the ability for long range at all. If not, keep the 7-08 as is and use which ever you feel like that day.
Thanks the fact it's only 300 is really eating at me and guns don't move particularly fast where it is so it should be there for quite some time but i figured a long range setup would be cool I wanted to put a old vintage scope on it and as for longer range I just thought maybe it would be fine for that since alot of ww2 rifles were for 900 yards. The 7mm-08 really shines with a 20 inch barrel (I believe) so it's easy to move around in the woods where as the mauser well as you could imagine the barrel length is quite long
Thanks the fact it's only 300 is really eating at me and guns don't move particularly fast where it is so it should be there for quite some time but i figured a long range setup would be cool I wanted to put a old vintage scope on it and as for longer range I just thought maybe it would be fine for that since alot of ww2 rifles were for 900 yards. The 7mm-08 really shines with a 20 inch barrel (I believe) so it's easy to move around in the woods where as the mauser well as you could imagine the barrel length is quite long
I get it, I’ve had 2 old milsurp mausers over the years. To that end, I’ll say neither were particularly accurate. You gotta bear in mind that military rifles are built with different priorities than those that hunting rifles are built with.

Ruggedness is paramount, they’re built to take abuse. This typically means they’re also heavy. Volume of fire was more important than precision. That is to say, just because the sights are graduated to 900m doesn’t mean there’s any expectation to hit what you’re aiming for at those distances. Rather, if you and several hundred others are aiming for that large target, hopefully some of them will hit it. Most militaries were perfectly ok with service rifles that shot no better than 2-5” groups at 100m, even with those long barrels. To this end, the really good ones don’t wind up for sale too often anymore so if it’s sitting in the store there’s a decent chance it’ll shoot average at best…might even be a real dud.

All that to say, if you get it, get it because it’s neat and will be fun on the range, but don’t expect it to fill a role it wasn’t designed for. If what you really want is a long range hunting rifle, save up and shop for one of those…or make your 7-08 into one.