PEAX Equipment

Salary & benefit negotiations

Make sure there is a Cost of living/inflation wage increase every year that isn’t attached to a yearly performance wage increase.
Lots of good info here and you're in a great position to negotiate. A few things to ponder;

Security Clearance: Adds massive value to your negotiation powers if you already have one and needed for future employment.

GI Bill: Lots of jobs that will accept your GI Bill in a non traditional format, such as apprenticeships, so if you don't like what you hear, an apprenticeship is an incredible avenue.

Skill bridge: if you have the option, use this program as an avenue to get you into a position prior to leaving the service, especially if the place you're looking into offers a skill bridge option.

I come from a safety background myself, those degrees are great, but the professional certifications that the military will pay for while you're still active duty are the money makers.

If you have any questions at all, regarding VA stuff, educational stuff, or what's it like post active duty, just ask. There's a good crowd of us on here that's been in your shoes.

The State of Missouri has a solid veterans department with VSO's that are paid to help you. Use and abuse them.
There is ZERO companies that do this, nice try….lol
Although Rie says it happens, this is a rare or nonexistent guarantee in most companies. You just have to remain vigilant and advocate for yourself at appropriate intervals and at reviews. Start off fair. Then Earn 1st, ask, and ye shall (more often than not hopefully) receive enough to meet/beat COLA each year and over time gain promotions. Also, I am on board with thinking that 4 weeks is a good goal (and maybe your red line at this stage). With your experience, you could easily ask for a bit more money and maybe a lot more money if it was in a different region, but more vacation is pretty much off the table at 5 and most people with that much have been with the specific org a long while, not typically offered to new employees no matter their experience, unless they are hard recruiting you from another job or you are an owner/top executive. You can softly ask (in context of considering accepting a salary otherwise below your mark) but demand that and you are likely pushing hard on people interviewing you who themselves don't have 5.

* if company has “PTO” and not vacation/ sick differentiated, perhaps then push comparatively harder for that extra week. My company offers a week of sick time and seperately, vacation. Sick is on the honor system, no doc note needed, so you can see where that typically ends up… cough cough. But I only used 3 out of my 5 sick this year. I like not being the proud nail when the bosses want to go to swing a hammer.
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Just a random update, but I got an email yesterday from the site director. He wants to schedule a site visit in February!
He'd like a couple of hours for more talking and then to show me around.

My guess is that might be the place I get cornered and asked what I am looking for regarding a salary.
So, I will have some responses in my pocket. I really want to just respond similar to the way I did before.
Explain coming from the military salary negotiation was never a thing and we always had a outline of what we are in for. Then ask what the general range is for that position.
I will also have my desired number (BATNA - thanks @Treeshark ) in the back of my mind though so I do have at least something to talk on.

This is fun stuff.

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