Salary & benefit negotiations

Make sure there is a Cost of living/inflation wage increase every year that isn’t attached to a yearly performance wage increase.
Lots of good info here and you're in a great position to negotiate. A few things to ponder;

Security Clearance: Adds massive value to your negotiation powers if you already have one and needed for future employment.

GI Bill: Lots of jobs that will accept your GI Bill in a non traditional format, such as apprenticeships, so if you don't like what you hear, an apprenticeship is an incredible avenue.

Skill bridge: if you have the option, use this program as an avenue to get you into a position prior to leaving the service, especially if the place you're looking into offers a skill bridge option.

I come from a safety background myself, those degrees are great, but the professional certifications that the military will pay for while you're still active duty are the money makers.

If you have any questions at all, regarding VA stuff, educational stuff, or what's it like post active duty, just ask. There's a good crowd of us on here that's been in your shoes.

The State of Missouri has a solid veterans department with VSO's that are paid to help you. Use and abuse them.
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