
Pucky Sammiches

Lol. Good thread.

I'm on team Pucky here. That stuff does enhance the flavor of things more than masks it. Why do people like butter on a biscuit? The fat enhances the flavor. Why do we use dill and lemon on fish? Enhances the flavor. Salt? Enhances the flavor.

I do agree on Ranch. You can take a giant 200 calorie salad with meat and turn it into a 800 calorie salad with Ranch or Cheese. I still like it, but maybe not so much of the dressing, but it's easy to do. Lots of calories in it.

Oh, how does mustard get anyone sick? It's mostly seeds and vinegar.
Hey Fin, ya' got any preference on shrimp cocktail? Dip that boiled shrimp in ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and horseradish with a squeeze of lemon. 🍤
I grew up in a household where the venison was killed twice. First in the field, then again when my mom put it on the grill. In our family well done was considered rare. I ingested a lot of A-1 choking down those steaks. I don't think I've bought a single bottle of steak sauce since leaving the nest and learning to cook for myself.

Mayo? I can't help but think of this Simpsons classic everytime I see the stuff.
I’ve been wrestling with a guilt complex over this all weekend. I love A1 too, mustard, ranch and everything else mentioned.

While I do feel bad that Randy would not be able to trust me because of it, I can’t fight my roots. I’m from the Ranch Belt of Northeastern Wisconsin (I even briefly dated the future heiress to the vast Henri’s salad dressing empire- true story). Watch a Green Bay Packer game- the people in the stands, those are my neighbors and friends. We put giant pieces of cheese on our heads- we aren’t going to let actual food get by without a little “extra flavor.”

As the Pucky Queen herself Paula Dean once said: “I is what I is...”
I am a victim of my upbringing- if pucky is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.
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Egg salad, potato salad, shrimp salad, should all be punishable crimes for what it does to otherwise fine food. No quicker way to ruin good food. Or, maybe it is a way some try to hide the low quality base ingredients they are using/hiding. I'd eat the back half of a roadkill skunk before I would eat any of those "salads." Who ever gave them the name of "salad," anyhow? Those aren't salads. They're a bad attempt to salvage the stuff that is borderline rotting in your fridge or pantry.

As for wings, again, that's not even a question. Pucky. My son loves wings and my stomach goes in reverse when I see him licking his fingers to get all the pucky off. I taught him better, but when you go off to college you pick up some bad habits in the name of impressing the opposite sex.

And for shrimp. Anything other than a light baste of butter and lemon is indicative of damaged taste buds. Good shrimp is provided to us as a blessing from the sea. Don't be unappreciative and drown it with pucky. Friends don't let friends ruin their shrimp!

When we are on the road, there is a reason why the crew does their shopping and I do my shopping. They have their cooler and I have mine. It keeps the peace and nobody gets fired.
Fresh off the Treager......Wyoming Range mule deer, garden fresh lettuce Mrs. Fin allowed me to pluck from her garden, slow grilled at 265F for 45 minutes, a thin layer of Colby Jack for two minutes, topped with some sliced dills on a sesame wheat bun.

No pucky to hide this mix of amazing natural flavors. If this was a Zoom conversation, I would see all of your mouths watering,

Your Honor, the Defense rests his case.

Fresh off the Treager......Wyoming Range mule deer, garden fresh lettuce Mrs. Fin allowed me to pluck from her garden, slow grilled at 265F for 45 minutes, a thin layer of Colby Jack for two minutes, topped with some sliced dills on a sesame wheat bun.

No pucky to hide this mix of amazing natural flavors. If this was a Zoom conversation, I would see all of your mouths watering,

Your Honor, the Defense rests his case.

View attachment 143555
That does look tasty but sans murcle whip n mustard it'd take about a gallon of sweet tay to get it gullet'd.
As for wings, again, that's not even a question. Pucky. My son loves wings and my stomach goes in reverse when I see him licking his fingers to get all the pucky off. I taught him better, but when you go off to college you pick up some bad habits in the name of impressing the opposite.
If the ability to pound a large pile of wings did anything to impress the opposite sex I would have spent a lot less time on hunt talk dot com the last 20 years.
Fresh off the Treager......Wyoming Range mule deer, garden fresh lettuce Mrs. Fin allowed me to pluck from her garden, slow grilled at 265F for 45 minutes, a thin layer of Colby Jack for two minutes, topped with some sliced dills on a sesame wheat bun.

No pucky to hide this mix of amazing natural flavors. If this was a Zoom conversation, I would see all of your mouths watering,

Your Honor, the Defense rests his case.

View attachment 143555

I will admit that looks pretty darn good and similar to what I'll eat in the field. I'd add some fresh red onion though.
Fresh off the Treager......Wyoming Range mule deer, garden fresh lettuce Mrs. Fin allowed me to pluck from her garden, slow grilled at 265F for 45 minutes, a thin layer of Colby Jack for two minutes, topped with some sliced dills on a sesame wheat bun.

No pucky to hide this mix of amazing natural flavors. If this was a Zoom conversation, I would see all of your mouths watering,

Your Honor, the Defense rests his case.

View attachment 143555
Nope. Needs mayo and some stone ground mustard for sure. A few red onions, maybe grilled but preferably fresh. And bacon. Every sammich is better with bacon.
Nope. Needs mayo and some stone ground mustard for sure. A few red onions, maybe grilled but preferably fresh. And bacon. Every sammich is better with bacon.

Oh no. 😖

The "make everything taste like bacon" protocol might need its own thread. I like bacon for breakfast, but my small sample size of anecdotal observation shows that "bacon-ators" are the folks most likely to advocate for adding 20% pork fat or beef suet to ruin their wild game burger.

Now, the onions would have been a great addition. Later this summer when they are in season, such will be added in generous portions.
Big fin, so, how about the pickles, Home made fermented or store bought vinegar?

Pureists don’t eat store bought, and only ferment their own.

oh, and no fat ever added to ground game.

Lady of the house wouldn‘t tolerate either.
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