Pucky Sammiches

One of my college buddies is like Randy, that knife at Subway better come straight out of the dishwasher before his sandwich gets cut. He once took a huge handful of my honey-mustard pretzels (which are the best kind, btw), without eating any he realized they weren't the 'plain' variety, and proceeded to make a barfing noise to show how displeased he was and threw the whole pile out the window of my truck...he wasted almost half the bag, what a lunatic
Let’s confront the elephant in the room here, guys- ranch dressing.
OH YAH! Fresh caught trout, breaded in a mix of bread crumbs, sweet basil, garlic powder and dill weed then fried to a golden brown. Served up with a big mess of steak fries all dipped in big ol' pile of good old ranch dressing. Excuse me while I go grab m pole. I gotta go fishin.
Ok next time you guys do a show in Idaho, there needs to be a segment on FRY SAUCE....I'm sure Moosie could get away with it...

Ok next time you guys do a show in Idaho, there needs to be a segment on FRY SAUCE....I'm sure Moosie could get away with it...

If Randy sees this pic it will get sent to the “secret password “ part of the forum like the area Moosie used to run when he owned it.
I suppose Randy eats fries plain and washes down the dry ones with plain old water.
Sounds like there should be a FreshTracks designated (Yeti) cooler for condiments/pucky (depending on who is viewing the cooler). This would keep the ”real food” safe from the possibility of pucky contamination.

I say this in an attempt to curry favor with the owner of this joint, to help ketchup to point creep, and while I know this may or mayo-not help, I declare that dressing well makes me more comfortable while dining and hunting alike. Saucy argument or not, I have certainly enjoyed the flavor of this topic.

To each their own: drenched or dry, dunked or pristine, swimming or parched......and thanks to the HuntTalk crowd for several moments of fun reading.
Hey, hey, guys, lay off @Big Fin, I have relatives close to where he is from and after dining with them a few times I can say this "no pucky" deal seems to be a regional upper-Midwest kind of thing...they don't like their food to taste good either :ROFLMAO:
I grew up south of there but still within the state. Black pepper and ketchup is too spicy for lots of folks that way.
We should film a sequence of me when the crew does coerce me to stop at Subway (I don't do fast food burger or taco joints).

Server, "Can I make you a sandwich?"

Fin, "Yeah, I'll take the six-inch turkey on wheat."

Server, "OK, do you want that toasted?"

Fin, with a sideways look of who would toast a turkey sandwich, "Nah, no need to toast it."

Server passes it to the next person who asks, "What all ya want on this?"

Fin, "A little cheese, some shredded lettuce, and a few cuke slices would be good."

Server does just that, then asks, "You want any mustard or other condiments."

Fin, trying not to sound aghast, "Nope. That stuff kills a lot of people. I'm allergic to all of it. I doubt you want me to die right here on your floor and make a scene." (Note, I've done this enough that I can deadpan it and the server is not sure how to take my presentation, but they do seem to pay attention.)

Server, thinking they've done a great job, starts for the knife that was just used to cut the camera guy's sandwich and is still dripping with some sort of el cheapo high volume honey mustard remnants. I've come to expect this lapse of judgement on their part.

Fin quickly raises his voice, "Hey. Hey! You wanna kill me?"

Server looks up, completely surprised, "What's that?"

Fin, now trying to control his blood pressure, retorts, "I told you I'm allergic to that stuff. If you cut my sandwich with it, I might die right here. Trust me, my mom had a little diner and an obese 84 year-old died of a heart attack one Sunday morning. Having people die on restaurant your floor isn't good for business."

The camera guys are doing all they can to not laugh, knowing I'm about half-pissed at this point. They grab their sandwiches, head for the truck, and let me pick up the tab.

By the time I'm to the truck, I'm completely pissed that once again these guys talked me into stopping at a sandwich joint that almost results in a death. They know it and act as if we are each in our own separate universe.

I continue my unrecognizable rumblings as I put it in gear and drive off, the camera guys knowing full well to not say much. I roll down the windows as we merge on to the interstate, holding firm to my promise that if people eat stinky pucky in my truck, expect to do so with the windows down, no matter the temp or time of year.

Wanting to remind the crew how much I hate pucky, I keep the windows down for an extra hour. The crew doesn't suggest a sub sandwich for at least another month.

If there's a sandwich artist out there cutting a six incher in half, they need to be fired. A sixer is already half a sandwich. A twelver is a whole.

Personally, I prefer a little slickem on my bologna and cheese. Helps it get down the sandwich hole.
No elephant in the room. It's Pucky with a capital "P." Probably the most overused, useless, arterial destruction pucky on the planet.

Let's see......"Waiter, I'm trying to eat healthier. I'll take that plate of greens with a portion of broiled salmon. And if you would, I'll take three extra ladles of Ranch dressing."

Not only ruining the integrity of the salad and the salmon who gave its life for this meal, but adding another 600 calories. Head shaking logic, for sure.

When I see folks loading up on Ranch, I start taking notes:

1) Don't leave your last Dove chocolates near this guy. He'll eat 'em and not tell you, hoping you'll blame it on a camera guy.

2) Keep an eye on him. Questionable behavior is likely.

LOL aint this what Marcus said bout you Randy? LOL

Do you think broth is pucky? No.

Do you think stock is pucky? No.

Gravy is the final utilization of those most heavenly of flavors that tried to escape, only to be captured in the bottom of the roasting pan. And almost no flour to be added, less one start his first steps down that torturous path of pucky.

OK, having to explain to the wife why I am laughing my head off.

I use very little flour in my gravy. I use just enough corn starch to thicken the gravy. If I use flour when starch is not available, then it's a couple spoonfuls and that is it. One part of pucky yer right on LOL. Gravy with almost no flour. Seen people make it with way more flour than necessary.
I grew up south of there but still within the state. Black pepper and ketchup is too spicy for lots of folks that way.

and garlic is hippy food. Very bohemian..

“Ma, should I boil the green beans for half an hour or an hour? It is a special occasion Pa, better boil em a full hour.”

I have scandinavian relatives, very, very, Minnesota- even talk Minnesosotain. My mom was from Kronau Sask. yep, cant recall losing anyone to black pepper or ketchup, but a shake of black pepper could certainly put any of them in the hospital.
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