Caribou Gear

Pucky Sammiches

Holy smokes I am sorry that I missed this thread this summer...pure gold. I may have missed this somewhere in the previous 10 pages, but I do have a puck-related question. How does a puck-free palate navigate sloppy joes, or manwiches, or taverns, loose meat sandwiches, or any of the other bizarre names for it? Sandwich contents are literally a puck slurry with burger. Maybe it's just off the menu entirely. Inquiring minds want to know.
Gotta ask @Big Fin that. Pucky is his rule. LOL
"Ruffles" tween Skippy Super Chunk n Welch's Grape Jelly. Man there are some daring combinations being brought to light. Mmmmmm
Pucky, each and everyone of them. Pucky! No clarification needed. Those are not exceptions!! (Mrs. Fin probably lines up closer to your list of exceptions, but these are what I've told her in similar arguments.)

Prime rib, at least quality prime rib, is so moist and flavorful, the last thing it needs is the sensation-numbing effects of horseradish. If horseshit is needed, find a better source for the prime rib.

A quality roast beef sandwich doesn't need spicy mustard. May as well just have a bread/mustard sandwich and save the cow's sacrifice for someone who would appreciate it. Maybe grab some cat chit and add to it; you'd never be able to tell with enough mustard on it.

Flank steak is a fine treat from the harvest if well cared for and grilled just below medium-rare. Be careful, you might mysteriously die of antler wounds when the Elk Karma comes back around for anyone ruining that blessed meal of flank steak with something as bad as pucky.

Mustard on anything is close to a criminal act, but to do so on a high quality brat takes it to an even higher offense. A high-quality brat deserves a smothering of homemade sauerkraut atop that hoagie. I'd expect a public ass whoopin' if I was at Octoberfest and I dishonored a homemade brat with mustard.
I completely understand now after this comprehensive description. I have to agree with your assessment of those specified condiments listed. That there is some Pucky Shit!!
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