Pucky Sammiches

This thread is fun, informative and gross.

I’ve laughed multiple times.

Learned that eating with Randy would be a chore.

And cringed with some of the food preferences: lard sandwiches, spoonfuls of mayo

Good times....
I know why Randy has never done a show in Wisconsin for gun deer: no one will let him in their camp after hearing his stance on the leftover Thanksgiving Turkey sandwiches slathered in mayo and cranberry sauce.
Pucky - My term, stemming from a 1978 beaver trapping trip, for anything that is a condiment, fish dip, or salad dressing. Not allowed in my coolers without being double-bagged. If left open in my cooler, the camera guy gets to walk home. If spilled on my truck seat, a camera guy is fired. Something that requires at least six feet of social distancing if you are eating it near me.

Many people die from pucky-induced food poisoning. If not death, countless years of human productivity are lost annually due to pucky poisoning. America's health crisis is further complicated by the "pucky on everything" mantra of Americans. They pay a premium for healthy foods, then drown it in artery-clogging pucky. Go figure.

Pucky on a great slice of smoked meat, served on a fine fresh bread, with fresh veggies and smoked cheese is the equivalent of putting A-1 steak sauce on a perfectly grilled elk tenderloin. Or drowning your juicy, flavor-filled, fresh walleye or halibut with some sort of tartar sauce. Blasphemy. Should be punishable by fine, loss of hunting/fishing privileges, or both.

Meat is not a "condiment-delivery platform." Nor is a salad. They are cherished foods filled with their own unique flavors to be appreciated and savored. If you need pucky to hide flavors in your foods, you need to up your cooking game or quit buying bulk food from the Dollar General store. If you need pucky to make something taste good, you need to think about your palate training.

I agree, my wife thinks I’m crazy for eating just a meat and cheese sandwich.....
Pucky...that's a new one for me. LOL.

I'm on the fence here. In the field, well seasoned meat and quality bread, usually rye, is all I really use. Mainly for simplicity and lack of mess.

At home is a bit different though. A good cut of steak needs nothing more than salt, pepper, a dash of garlic powder and maybe a bit of butter while resting. I like a good burger sauce, usually mayo based, with a bit of kick. My go to sandwich at home is a light spread of mayo, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, red peppers, red onion, ham, smoked turkey, and perhaps bacon on a quality sourdough or rye.
Pucky is a food group in our house!

Wife’s favorite is miracle whip and JIF sandwiches on Sara Lee bread

My daughter spoons mayo out of bowl as a meal

A short list of things I drown in mayo: romaine lettuce, venison roasts, turkey breasts, walleye, fried eggs, salmon, chicken wings, pork chops, and EVERY sandwich, burger, and wrap 😻

A little food poisoning on occasion but it’s totally worth it! 🥪
French fries......Vincent Vega made the suggestion and it's goooooood. Normally, Miricle Whip is my go to but on fries it just don't work. That red schmutz is limited an to the occasional burger or weenie.

Never had gastro from it.
When we lived on the farm we would butcher a hog and it fed my uncle's and my family for a couple months. We did not waste anything. Hocks went into stew. All the fat was rendered into lard. Well...I lied...none of us could eat the head LOL. We grew up on lard and used it for everything until the 70s or so when shortening got cheaper than lard and the doctors started pushing shortening over lard. Sometimes a beef and a hog had to last us till harvest time so other than the head and the brains and some of the organs we ate everything.

Working construction with guys from West Virginia, I acquired a taste for headcheese (aka scrapple, etc). If it was seasoned well it was pretty good. Those guys did some funny stuff, once I saw a guy cook his breaky over an over fire using a 16 oz bud can sliced longways and folded open. One half held the bacon, the other held the eggs. They talked about other stuff, too, like using the hair boiled off the pigs in combination with tar to caulk their boats. Lunchtime was hilarious.
Just cuz Randy does not like pucky and just because he don't want to allow it in HIS coolers, that happens to be one of my favorite sammiches, pucky sammiches. Sometimes I even throw a bit of meat and cheese into the sammich with some ketchup and relish. Gotta have that pucky around when I am hunting LOL. Love it on my roasts too. Sometimes I even use korean mustard or horseradish.

This thread is awesome. Aside from food, it also reminded me of a guy I once worked with I called "Sammich" due to the fact he was always letting everyone know when lunch time came around he was going for a "sammich", literally his pronunciation of the word. His real name was Roosevelt McGill, aka "Rock". Hence he was known as Rock or, Sammich :)
I don't have very strong feelings about pucky or no pucky. I'll eat a salad without "salad frosting", as my youngest has dubbed dressing. I'll also add a thick layer of Dijon mustard and creamed horseradish to a roast beef sandwich. /shrug

Has either side proclaimed, "you're either with us or against us" yet?
Let’s confront the elephant in the room here, guys- ranch dressing.

No elephant in the room. It's Pucky with a capital "P." Probably the most overused, useless, arterial destruction pucky on the planet.

Let's see......"Waiter, I'm trying to eat healthier. I'll take that plate of greens with a portion of broiled salmon. And if you would, I'll take three extra ladles of Ranch dressing."

Not only ruining the integrity of the salad and the salmon who gave its life for this meal, but adding another 600 calories. Head shaking logic, for sure.

When I see folks loading up on Ranch, I start taking notes:

1) Don't leave your last Dove chocolates near this guy. He'll eat 'em and not tell you, hoping you'll blame it on a camera guy.

2) Keep an eye on him. Questionable behavior is likely.
Pucky, each and everyone of them. Pucky! No clarification needed. Those are not exceptions!! (Mrs. Fin probably lines up closer to your list of exceptions, but these are what I've told her in similar arguments.)

Prime rib, at least quality prime rib, is so moist and flavorful, the last thing it needs is the sensation-numbing effects of horseradish. If horseshit is needed, find a better source for the prime rib.

A quality roast beef sandwich doesn't need spicy mustard. May as well just have a bread/mustard sandwich and save the cow's sacrifice for someone who would appreciate it. Maybe grab some cat chit and add to it; you'd never be able to tell with enough mustard on it.

Flank steak is a fine treat from the harvest if well cared for and grilled just below medium-rare. Be careful, you might mysteriously die of antler wounds when the Elk Karma comes back around for anyone ruining that blessed meal of flank steak with something as bad as pucky.

Mustard on anything is close to a criminal act, but to do so on a high quality brat takes it to an even higher offense. A high-quality brat deserves a smothering of homemade sauerkraut atop that hoagie. I'd expect a public ass whoopin' if I was at Octoberfest and I dishonored a homemade brat with mustard.

you have not eaten a good brat till you top with onions sauted in quality paprika. transformative..plain ole Kraut is good too of course.
I'm Pucky neutral. I use a small amount of miracle whip light on sandwiches. Have friends that would use a ridiculous amount of mayo on a sandwich and it about made me puke watching them eat it.
I’m pretty sure this thread is evidence that hunting season needs to open haha
I'm thinking there's WAY too many crazy, inflammatory remarks being made and it should just be locked right away to save us from utter destruction! 🤬

I'm not EVEN going to mention that my deer salami is good, but gets even BETTER with a little bit of jalapeno mustard and cheddar cheese to go along with it!

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