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Pucky Sammiches

I won’t be going into any fast food burger joint with you guys, or ill be very careful.. can just imagine what happens when they screw up your hamburger ‘plain please“ order with puck. More fun yet, maybe one of the camera guys can slip a little pucky in a sandwich- and get the full response, expressions and all recorded.

LOL, I would like to see Marcus fix a sandwich for Randy sometime....with lots of pucky.
I feel very strongly that a great hamburger has minimal bun. I’m after meat not bread. I’ve been to a number of places that claim to have great burgers but they cover them with a huge designer bun that ruins the whole thing.
I'm with you, Fin, about a good steak or fish filet being eating just so but on blownee er salami ya gotta throw on yer pucky
Pucky is a food group in our house!

Wife’s favorite is miracle whip and JIF sandwiches on Sara Lee bread

My daughter spoons mayo out of bowl as a meal

A short list of things I drown in mayo: romaine lettuce, venison roasts, turkey breasts, walleye, fried eggs, salmon, chicken wings, pork chops, and EVERY sandwich, burger, and wrap 😻

A little food poisoning on occasion but it’s totally worth it! 🥪
You haven’t really lived if you don’t eat wonder bread and lard sammiches.
You haven’t really lived if you don’t eat wonder bread and lard sammiches.

You know I got a story on this LOL. I was maybe 9 years old and I was trying to fix some mashed tater sandwiches from what I thought was mashed potatoes. Turned out to be lard. My mom still remembers my reaction to it today. Ick Boy was I spitting it out into the trash can fast. My mom never stopped me or told me that it was lard and not mashed taters. She watched me from the get-go laughing her head off.
You haven’t really lived if you don’t eat wonder bread and lard sammiches.
Lard has been a staple food for poor folks for a long time. My boys in West Virginia use it to fry and I can remember as a kid we saved in cans for frying. Heck my wife uses it to fry eggs 🥚
Don't tell Big Fin but I've heard it's actually more likely that the meat kills you than the pucky on an old sandwich, but for the most part I'm a no pucky guy. Mayo can damn near kill me from across the room. Have been known to commit some blasphemy with the red and yellow versions though, but I don't mind going without.
Lard has been a staple food for poor folks for a long time. My boys in West Virginia use it to fry and I can remember as a kid we saved in cans for frying. Heck my wife uses it to fry eggs 🥚
When we lived on the farm we would butcher a hog and it fed my uncle's and my family for a couple months. We did not waste anything. Hocks went into stew. All the fat was rendered into lard. Well...I lied...none of us could eat the head LOL. We grew up on lard and used it for everything until the 70s or so when shortening got cheaper than lard and the doctors started pushing shortening over lard. Sometimes a beef and a hog had to last us till harvest time so other than the head and the brains and some of the organs we ate everything.
I'll go along with no pucky on a stake but you got to have something on a sandwich to help it slide down. I had a supervisor that must be related to Big Fin because he would almost puke at the thought of mayonnaise. So of course whenever he came to the field with us we would make sure our sandwiches had so much mayo on them that it would ooze out the back with every bite. The look on his face made it taste just that much better.
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