Private beef out of our public land.

It saddens me to agree. Not long after NRA"s LaPierre used the phrase "jack-booted thugs", a USFS maintenance worker was assaulted by being hit over the head with a shovel by some anti-guvment wacko ... merely because the victim was a government employee.
LaPierre's quote related to the actions by, " Jack Booted Thugs" due to the significant adverse actions taken at Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas.
The media crawled all over the extremely deadly actions. Often we forget the outrage shared by many against the "Jack Booted Thugs" of that time. From a Fed leo, it was an unfortunately fitting comment and a current portion of our training curriculum related to local, state, and federal oversight of the "armed standoff" conflicts. It was directly connected to the limited engagement actions taken in Oregon, of recent. The Congressional review more or less spelled out, "Jack Booted Thugs".
Society, as a whole, is molded via significant actions.
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No cattle on public lands is certainly a position on one extreme with Bundy on the other. The best answer is probably in the middle... given that people on both sides are complaining we are probably in the sweet spot right now :)

True. I should have prefaced the original thread with an emphasis on overcrowded grazing.
LaPierre's quote related to the actions by, " Jack Booted Thugs" due to the significant adverse actions taken at Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas.
The media crawled all over the extremely deadly actions. Often we forget the outrage shared by many against the "Jack Booted Thugs" of that time. From a Fed leo, it was an unfortunately fitting comment and a current portion of our training curriculum related to local, state, and federal oversight of the "armed standoff" conflicts. It was directly connected to the limited engagement actions taken in Oregon, of recent. The Congressional review more or less spelled out, "Jack Booted Thugs".
Society, as a whole, is molded via significant actions.

I'll still contend it was a BS statement and did a great job of fueling anti LE sentiment among some groups that they still carry today.
I wish we could get our bison herds back. Unfortunately we can't do that because we are too worried about how it will affect the beef industry.
I picture people going out and harvesting a buffalo as a food sorce.
Between elk, deer, pronghorn and bison there would be a lot of people who didn't need to supplement with beef.

If people can explain to me why people think it's better to have cows running around instead of bison maybe I can change my opinion but all I ever hear is an argument about how no matter the cost we need to design our environment so that ranchers can turn a profit. The "bison poop is dirty too argument" is a bunch of hunters talking out of both sides of there mouths. As hunters how can you hold the options you have about big game animals yet ignore bison? If you guys had grown up hunting and eating bison only to see them currently getting wiped out so that an industry can replace them with privately owned animalsyou could buy at the store you would be loosing your minds.
Apparently some on this form want there to be more "middle men" and would rather buy a little beef in a foam boat to supplement with than harvesting another wild animal.

This argument helps bolster the African game animal theory that if you don't give your native animals a value to the public (hunting, meat ex.)then they will be treated as vermin and soon replaced with an animal that has value to a private owner usually in the form of a profit margin.
If there were not restrictions in place as it is on bison, ranchers would graze their bison on public land.
I'm taking some inspiration from buzz that he wrote on a different thread. But it sounds like we can all gripe but it would be easier to buy better filter and purification products. Maybe a flavor packet too.
If there were not restrictions in place as it is on bison, ranchers would graze their bison on public land.

If cattle were replaced with the same number of bison we would still have the same situation of grazing on public lands because ranchers are still going to supply the market.
From a Fed leo, it was an unfortunately fitting comment and a current portion of our training curriculum related to local, state, and federal oversight of the "armed standoff" conflicts. It was directly connected to the limited engagement actions taken in Oregon, of recent. The Congressional review more or less spelled out, "Jack Booted Thugs".
Am I understanding you to contend that it was an appropriate and warranted expression by the NRA? An expression which then inspired a wacko to assault a USFS maintenance worker with a shovel? I understand the dynamics of media hype and ramifications, as well as the errors in judgment and actions during the standoffs, ... but that does not justify the rhetoric and the ensuing actions by those who absorb the rhetoric of LaPierre as gospel, as you seem to contend.
Why don’t we hate the non native cow like we hate the non native woof?
Am I understanding you to contend that it was an appropriate and warranted expression by the NRA? An expression which then inspired a wacko to assault a USFS maintenance worker with a shovel? I understand the dynamics of media hype and ramifications, as well as the errors in judgment and actions during the standoffs, ... but that does not justify the rhetoric and the ensuing actions by those who absorb the rhetoric of LaPierre as gospel, as you seem to contend.

My *opinion... Is the root of the cause has fed the anti gubrment types by the former jack Booted thugery actions. You shared the *opinion it roots from a comment made about the thuggery that causes the anti movement to wrongfully strike law abiding federal employees.
We disagree on the root cause. You =LaPierre. Me= *former* thugish federal leo actions towards US citizens.

Example: Rodney King... U.S. law enforcement- even to this day, are reminded during training as a level of force beyond oc spray. Select areas of the body to strike, when an Officer mush stop his/her strikes. At the time, the less lethal training of the baton was a tool... to gain compliance. Society shaped by significant actions, not by the choice words of celebrities in the aftermath.
If cattle were replaced with the same number of bison we would still have the same situation of grazing on public lands because ranchers are still going to supply the market.

You do realize I was talking about wild bison. That's a thing, like wild vs domestic deer.