Well-known member
The dept's were understaffed 20 yrs ago. Acreage to cover has not reduced. Scope & duties most surely has increased.
I am not against proper use of our public lands,grazing included. Overgrazing & abuse of permits is not acceptable to me. Same as extraction leaving messes everywhere that we pay to clean up,for the rest of our lives.
To the other statement,the only vehicles I see BLM,USFW,& half the FS is unmarked vehicles.White ,silver,gray,black,maroon trucks & SUV's w/usgov plates,no other markings besides radio antena & lights hidden in grill & along windshield.
You rarely see them in stores,cafes,gas stations anymore here.Just driving on hwy.
Someone asked me where they all live now.
They used to be part of the community.
I'm pretty sure folks in OR getting death threats during Bundy siege has something to do with it. I do know they get them here. If I happen to run into any employees now they are usually in pairs,very wary/guarded & not very friendly if you ask a ? now ....if you see one.
There's reasons for all that. As to the vehicles, that aren't green anymore, they are all leased fleet vehicles. Most districts are realizing its substantially cheaper to do that than own and maintain the green fleet vehicles.
As to folks not using their Gov. vehicles, they cant use them for anything other than work unless they are in travel status. Then you can use the vehicle to go to restaurants, laundry cleaning facilities, grocery stores, and church. That's it. Our fleet manager gets numerous calls every year from concerned citizens regarding our vehicles being parked at a restaurant or grocery store.
You're also correct that Government workers don't work alone a lot, and again for good reason. When I started working for the FS in 1987, things were way different. When we made contact in the woods, people would ask if the huckleberries were ripe, where to find some firewood, etc. In the last 10-12 years things have changed dramatically. We've had people pass our government vehicles and wave pistols at us, been flipped off for no reason, cussed at, etc. Happens quite frequently, to the point many don't report such incidents any more. These incidents flat didn't happen for the first 15-20 years I worked for the feds...just didn't.
Here's a classic October of 2016 my work partner and I found a stash of stolen tools, motorcycles, etc. at an old mine site on FS land. We reported it in the evening and the County Sheriff wanted to meet us at the trailhead the next day and take him and one of this deputies to the site.

We hopped on ATV's and took the Sheriff right up to this stash of stolen property, about 5K worth or stuff it turns out and when we rounded the last corner, here is the guy that stole the stuff standing there. The sheriff arrested the guy and we helped them load up a pickup with all the stolen stuff:

We went back to the trailhead and found this on our windshield. Mind you, the "loading dock" was probably installed in the 1930's and was literally falling apart. The trailhead has room for probably 30-40 vehicles and trailers and from what I could tell, nobody had used that "loading dock" for decades. Finally, we parked our ATV trailer and truck parallel to it way out of the way if anyone decided they wanted to use it. Made no difference...the gov plates is all it took:

As time goes on, there is just more and more hostility displayed by the public toward federal employees. I also serve on our Safety Committee and we talk about this stuff all the time. IMO, its only a matter of time before one of our employees is murdered for no reason other than they work for the "Feds".
So, am I more cautious now than 20 years ago? Yes...and I don't go out of my way to make contact with the public. I want to do my job, and return home in one piece, that's it.