NRA: Obama wants to "erase" the 2nd Amendment if re-elected

Maybe we can start the story that if we elect a republican, they will start a nuclear war with Iran, they will eliminate all taxes for anyone making over a million dollars, they will sell all public land to private interests, the will reinforce all eminent domain laws so the private land owner has no say in what goes through his property, they will eliminate social security and medicare and they will make sure that no private company has to provide health insurance to anybody except the CEO. The point is to say what will happen if someone is going to be elected is speculation and fear mongering....
Try and work at a hospital in Boise and NOT work for a "non-profit" Catholic owned institution. The government allows Catholic hospitals to have monopoly status, plus allows them tax exemption that does not allow competition.

It is great to see a bunch of guys dictating women's health issues.
If you don't like the benefits of the hospitals in Boise don't work for one there. You can always move to work for one that does offer what you want. I SOOO wish my wife could work for a hospital in Boise, cause that'd most likely mean I'd be living there too! :D I wouldn't care one iota for paying for any contraception, if we decided to use any, out of my pocket.

Also, to be clear, my stance has nothing to do with the hospitals being Catholic, it has to do with a private business being forced to provide a medical coverage they don't want to. The "why" is of little importance to me. 'Course I'm guessing there'd be a whole lot more screaming going on with this issue of an administration was forcing a private company to offer medical coverage that made it a point to not allow for contraception coverage.

What level of healthcare coverage are business forced by the federal government to provide? I'm asking cause I don't know. Jose, what level of healthcare does the family biddness offer to its employees?
"If you don't like the wage or the benefits, why take the job?"--are you serious?
I am. I realize that out of neccessity that folks often times do have to take jobs where they can find them. In reference to your follow up post. But you don't have to be stuck there. You may have to get more training or education or maybe even move to get the job you want. You can make your situation better if you want to, just don't think it's going to be handed to you and realize that to better on aspect you may have to give up something in another. Right now I still believe that's possible in this country.

Case in point, I don't like what I'm doing now as much as I enjoyed my previous job. But, my previous job description is not possible where my wife and I chose to live. So, I got a similar job that I like more than well enough.
Here's a question I have often wondered about especially at this point in the campaign season. Who is really drumming up the gun control subject. Are the candidates or is the NRA to blame for this being an issue every 4 years?
It is real. F&F was intended to make American gun stores look like corner stores for the cartels. Luckily Lone Wolf here blew the whistle. Now they have decided to step on the first amendment and are planning to get that done after waiting until the election is over. They figure second comes after first so they will tackle that one next year. Obama came from Chicago. How are the gun rights in that area?
Here's a question I have often wondered about especially at this point in the campaign season. Who is really drumming up the gun control subject. Are the candidates or is the NRA to blame for this being an issue every 4 years?

See my post in the Santorum thread for the links - too lazy to dig them out again. Chicago Liberal Democrats, the "Community" that Obama "Organized" before he stepped up to elected office, have introduced 2 bills in the Illinois house. HB 1294 is set for 3rd reading. This bill would ban almost all semi-automatic firearms. You would be required to register any existing firearms, or turn them in w/in 90 days. This bill, and one yet to be acted on that would require a state-wide firearm registration, were promoted by Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, and former Chief of Staff for Obama's White House. I'd say that Obama surrounding himself with people who believe in this garbage speaks volumes about his beliefs.

To answer your question, when Democrats are left to their own devices, like in Illinois where there is no real oposition, this topic always seems to percolate to the top.